The unfamiliar goddess first glanced at Orpheus and Grefia at will, and finally placed it on Ash.As his eyes rolled around, he chuckled: "Your Majesty Lucifer, the [Star of Enlightenment] in the underworld?" The system prompts: [The first time I contact Nyx, the goddess of the night, the hang-up time will increase by [*] years. 】Axiu was startled.

Nyx, the goddess of the night?

This goddess did not appear in the last ceremony of his own succession as a demon king.

He didn't know the other party at all, why did he find him?

Is it because of Hades, the god of the underworld?

"Yes, you are..." Ash greeted politely.

The black-haired and black-dressed goddess smiled and introduced herself succinctly: "Nyx from Olympus."

"It turned out to be the goddess of the night of the Olympus goddess!" Ash's expression became more solemn.

The one in front of him is one of the original gods of the Greek pantheon, and he is older than the main god Zeus.Immediately, I heard Nix continue: "Your Majesty Lucifer, I'm here to inform you that the International God Conference has changed its location - it will be held in our Mount Olympus." The original Evernight Goddess smiled sweetly: "After all What needs to be discussed is the death of our god of the underworld." This reason sounds flawless.

But Yaxiu always had a sense of sight.

Hmm... just like in Journey to the West.

Sun Wukong stopped Barefoot Daxian and said that the Pantao Conference was transferred to another hall...

"So it is." Ash nodded calmly: "Thank you Goddess Nyx for reminding me, I'll go to Olympus now."

"Let's go together~v."

Nyx sincerely invited: "I am here to inform the wrong people. ... His Majesty Lucifer is the last batch." Ash glanced at Orpheus beside him, the corner of his mouth. Slightly tilted. "it is good."

The four of them were originally on the edge of the Nordic gods, and they flew directly back to the human world.

To a certain extent, the human world is equivalent to a transfer station for all the gods. "Your Majesty, I will draw a teleportation array for you immediately to the Olympus pantheon." Standing in a mountain range in the human world, Grefia said so.

Just as he was about to make a move, all of a sudden, everyone's movements stopped.

There was some very deep and dark pressure in the distance.

With the flash of light and shadow, a man in black with a cold face appeared beside Nyx.

Gulei Fia suddenly took a step forward and stood in front of Ash. "Don't be nervous."

Ash pulled the silver-haired girl back.

"At least I didn't feel any malice from the other party." He raised his eyebrows and looked at Nix again.

"But the goddess of the night, can you explain why you lied to me?" "As you said, we have no malice, Your Majesty Lucifer." Brushing his neat bangs: "We just hope that you can join in, become a member of the [Hell Alliance], and become our companions, Your Majesty All the Way Westfa, it is said that the demons of the underworld are already planning to push you to [Satan]. The throne." Her dark eyes flashed with light, and she stretched out her hand to Yaxiu as an invitation: "Since you dare to assume the title of [God's Strong Enemy], then there is no doubt that you have done a good job with Are the gods of the Bible of your gods ready to fight?" "How about, if you become our companion, even the gods of the Bible, with the power of the Hell Alliance, can definitely be defeated easily!" It seems that other gods are not Know that the God of the Bible has died.

Right. ...Whether it's Michael, Azazel, or the demons, they will definitely not reveal this.

Otherwise, the entire biblical power will definitely be constantly eroded by other gods.

Still, Hell League?

According to the original book, Ash only knew that there were villains such as the Hero Faction, the Tree of Evil, etc. who were stirring up the world, but he had never heard of the Hell Alliance.

Could it be the reason for holding the International Theology Conference this time?

Yaxiu frowned and pondered. After a while, he glanced at the man in black next to Nyx.

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Long golden-black hair intertwined, and a pair of conspicuous pupils on his stern face.

What's more conspicuous is... the powerful dragon power exudes from him.

The plot of the previous life quickly flowed through his mind, and Yaxiu said tentatively: "." The dark dragon of the new moon... clone.Kuwah? "

Hearing this name, Orpheus looked calm as before, but the expression on Gurephia's pretty face was even more solemn.Nix was stunned, and smiled again: "His Majesty Lucifer is really knowledgeable, and he still remembers this evil dragon that has been buried in history!" It really is the strongest evil dragon!

In Celtic mythology, the dragon ruled by the evil-eyed evil god Balor!

It is said that after Balor was killed by Ruger, he lived from ancient times to the present.

Unexpectedly, it is now mixed up with the goddess of the night of the Greek pantheon.

"I'm very sorry, Goddess Nyx." Ash shook his head: "I don't have any interest in any hell alliance." "Now please get out of the way, I was invited to participate in this international god conference. You need to rush to the meeting immediately." Evil Dragon clone.Kuwahe didn't make any movement, just like the background board one (King Zhao's) standing quietly in the same place. "Eh? You actually refused? I thought that this time the solicitation would be guaranteed." Nyx looked disappointed, and pouted cutely: "However, are you sure you don't want to think about it, Lucifer?" She revealed again. If there is a meaningful smile: "If you don't leave me now, if you have to go to the gods conference - it will be equivalent to half a foot into hell!" :"Step aside!"

"It seems that you don't like our Hell Alliance." Nix didn't care, smiled slightly, and moved away: "Remember, the chance is only this time, Lucifer." "But you missed it. Now." "What a pity." With the sigh of the goddess of the night, the figures of the two people on the opposite side slowly turned into black mist and dispersed. .

Chapter 161 The Great Chaos in Hell

After Nyx and Evil Dragon left, Ash continued to stand there and ponder something.

Remember the original, clone.Kuwah's first appearance was in Vampire Chaos.

In the novels of the High School of Demons, Ash actually saw it there.

In his previous life, he didn't even know the existence of the [Apocalypse Beast], but in this life, he slowly deduced it by watching the notes of several first-generation demon kings.Gurefia, who was beside her, looked a little hesitant: "Your Majesty, the goddess of the night just now seems to have something to say..." Ash smiled: "Half foot into hell... It seems that this time the gods conference It can't be very peaceful." He looked at Orpheus again: "What do you think about the strength of that dragon?"

"Very weak." Orpheus' expression was still so calm, "Don't worry, it's not our opponent at all." "He shouldn't have noticed your identity, right?" Orpheus shook his head gently.

"I promised you that I wouldn't take the initiative to release my breath."

Entering the underworld a few months ago, the infinite dragon god almost made a mess at home.

The demon servants were trembling, and even the tea was unsteady, and Fenrir began to growl from a distance.

It wasn't until Axiu asked Orpheus to collect Longwei that the surroundings returned to normal. "Let's go, let's continue to the Nordic pantheon." The three of 760 returned.

This time, just after flying not far, I saw a group of Valkyries welcoming guests.After showing the invitation, he was soon greeted respectfully by the Valkyries: "Your Majesty Lucifer, please come with us!"

They were taken to a splendid palace and arranged to rest.

According to the inquiry just now, the conference of the gods will be held in the afternoon.

At present, many gods have not arrived yet.

With a slight glance of sight, the palace is full of gods of various gods, some of which are gorgeous, followed by a large group of attendants, which is very pompous.

Some gods set out in plain clothes like Ashe.

Since entering this hall, Goldfinger has been constantly beeping.

Yaxiu didn't care much, clicked on the panel, and adjusted the sound to off.

Immediately, he suddenly found a few familiar figures in the distance.

Michael and Gabriel from the heavens, and Azazel from the fallen angels.

Ash and the two angels looked at each other.

Both sides just nodded lightly.

As the supreme leader of the demon forces, it is impossible to be in harmony with the leaders of the heavens in the public.

On the other hand, after seeing Ash, Azazel suddenly stood up from (bceg) his own rest area and walked towards Ash without noticing. "Long time no see, Your Majesty Lucifer."

In his usual lazy tone, the Fallen Angel Governor greeted him with a smile on his face.

After speaking, he was not polite and sat directly opposite Yaxiu. "What do you think of this International Divinity Conference?" After a few simple greetings, Asachel suddenly asked. "I was going to ask someone specific questions."

Yaxiu said helplessly: "I don't know too many details at all, I only know that the cause is Hades' death..."

"Speaking of which, does that god of the underworld have such a big face? When he died, he could convene all the gods to discuss it together?" Lucifer doesn't seem to have much interaction with the outside world, and a lot of common sense about gods is not clear." "Let me briefly talk about it." His tone was solemn: "Actually, this time all the gods are held. The conference is not to discuss the death of Hades - but to discuss the impact of his death!" "The lack of hell and the gods has a very big impact!"

"Influence?" Yaxiu asked curiously: "I can't choose another Underworld God, what is the impact?" "It's not that simple at all."

Azazel shook his head and smiled bitterly: "You should have heard a saying, [Gods are the key to maintaining the normal operation of the world]... Although it is a bit exaggerated, to a certain extent, it is also true ." Seeing Yaxiu listening quietly, he continued: "The gods all have corresponding godheads—it can be regarded as the embodiment of certain rules of the world, and godheads can indeed carry out certain actions on the world to a certain extent. Influence." "Hades has the godhead of the underworld. As the main god of hell, his godhead can suppress the entire hell and maintain the stability of hell!" "But now that he has been killed, the godhead of the underworld is reintegrated into world."

"After losing the suppression of the underworld godhead, the hell space gradually became unstable." Speaking of which, Azazel sighed: "You should have heard a lot of legends, many gods, and some horrors have been used. The monsters are banished, or sealed into the depths of hell..."

Yaxiu's eyes widened: "What do you mean, those legendary monsters really exist?"

"Originally, they have been suppressed by the godhead of the Underworld God. Now that hell is unstable, they have a chance to escape?" Azazel nodded silently.

"So this matter is actually very tricky. If you don't get it right, the entire human world may be destroyed in one fell swoop!" Yaxiu's eyebrows jumped.

I remember that before killing Hades, the other party also shouted something like "I am dead, hell will...".

As a result, before he could finish shouting, Ashe killed him directly.

At the time, it was thought that it was only the forces of hell that were thrown into chaos.

I didn't expect such a big mess to happen!

All the monsters in myths and legends are sealed in the depths of hell.

Once they all run out.  …

Another extremely serious problem is that hell is just below the underworld!

If the monsters in hell run out, the demons and fallen angels are estimated to bear the brunt!

No wonder the fallen angel governor in front of him was so distressed.

It is no wonder that he is only a "little leader" of the Bible force, and he will also be invited to attend the meeting.

Ash looked at the two women beside him again.

Orpheus looked calm, maybe she didn't even remember Hades' name.

And Gulei Fia is young, and her pretty face has turned red and white.

After all, this was caused by Ash's killing Hades.

As Asia's maid, she was also there at that time, so she naturally felt guilty. "Can't you choose another underworld god to inherit the godhead to suppress hell?" "How can it be that simple."

The wry smile on Azazel's face deepened.

"How can something like the godhead be inherited? And it has dissipated with Hades' death!" "So what are the gods going to discuss at this meeting?" Ash asked again. "Of course it's about suppressing hell!"

Azazel spread his hands helplessly: "Since there is no way to rely on the godhead of the underworld to stabilize, the only way is to use external force."

"So there will definitely be some discussions, such as the rotation of the gods in charge of maintaining the stability of hell, so as to prevent the huge number of monsters from taking the opportunity to run out and make trouble in the depths of hell." Ash fell into silence.

He remembered what had happened to him before.

Nyx, the goddess of the night, a clone of the evil dragon.Kuwah, and the so-called [Hell Alliance]...

Could it be because of this incident that it was formed? .

Chapter 162 Destruction Attack from the Top of the World Tree

"That's right, Your Excellency."

After a long silence, Ash suddenly spoke.

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