"You also leave here with me, how about we go to the underworld to live?" After a moment of hesitation, Orpheus still shook his head.

"The dimensional gap is my home, and I can only feel at ease if I stay here."

"But there is no Grefia, no Rias, no Rebel and the others... It's been almost ten years since I saw each other. I believe you miss them a lot, right?" Orpheus didn't speak, those big eyes were silent. looking at Ash.

"Okay, I'll stay with you for a while... I don't care about anything, just stay with you." Ash sighed in his heart, and gently hugged her into his arms.

On the top of the villa, the gorgeous colors formed a colorful, reflecting the figures of the two.

In the blink of an eye, another year has passed.

During this time, Ash and Orpheus did not stay in the villa, but went to the depths of the dimensional gap.

——Well, it was proposed by Orpheus.

It seems that he hopes that Yaxiu can become more familiar with his "home". The infinite dragon god, who has always been happy, took him on an unprecedented trip.

Travel limited to the dimensional gap.

Every time he went to a place, Orpheus would tell Ash about the difference from other places.

The difference is not something that can be observed with the naked eye—in fact, if you only look at it with your eyes, every place in the dimensional gap will be the same, with weird colors and gradient lines.

In addition, Ash also noticed something.

If it wasn't for Orpheus' reminder, even if he used his spiritual sense, it would be difficult to clearly feel it, and the spatial structure in some places was particularly unusual.

Faintly, it seems to be connected to some extremely distant places.

It should be other galaxies other than the Milky Way.

After a year of careful research, Yaxiu felt that the function of the entire dimensional gap was like some kind of transit station.

As long as you reach the two dragon gods, or the power above the dragon gods, and rely on some very special methods, you can cross a long distance and go directly to another unfamiliar galaxy from here.

It is faster than the speed of light and superluminal speed on the technology side.

Perhaps the use of space curvature.

He once curiously asked Orpheus how many galaxies were connected to the entire dimension.

But the latter was just confused, completely unclear about the meaning of "galaxy".

Although Orpheus was born here, she doesn't seem to know much about the secrets of her "home".

Yaxiu also buried this curiosity in his heart and did not continue to pursue it.

At least at this stage, his home field is on Earth - a planet suitable for life.

There are too many mysteries and uncertainties in the boundless universe.

With the current strength alone, it is simply impossible to resist.

Black holes, white holes, supernovae, etc...

If you were really curious, and crossed from here to another galaxy, and happened to fall into those dangerous cosmic wonders, I am afraid that there will be no slag left.

Of course, Yaxiu has actually experimented carefully.

(The money is good) It seems that it is not so easy to achieve that level of leap in the dimensional gap.

In addition to strength, there is also a need to master some kind of law.

Just like a key.

Orpheus and the great red dragons have only the key to enter the earth.

So no matter how strong they are, it is impossible for them to go to another galaxy through the dimensional gap.

Ash couldn't help but feel relieved.

At least after he left, Orpheus stayed here alone and wouldn't accidentally end up in other galaxies. "I gotta go."

The trip was over, and after returning to the villa for a few days, Ash suddenly spoke up.

Orpheus was stunned for a moment, then nodded silently. "will you come back?"

"Of course." Ash smiled and hugged her tightly. "Orpheus." "Huh?" "I love you."

Infinite Dragon God raised his head blankly.

After a few seconds of silence, he finally understood the meaning of these words.

She was startled, and then a beautiful smile appeared on her pretty face. .

Chapter 206 Circulation

After leaving the dimensional gap, Yaxiu first went to the underworld to meet a group of family members.

By the way, check the status of the demon clan after ten years of absence.

The situation is very good.

Even after the Hell Alliance incident, some gods and fallen angels continued to stay in Lucifer.

They seem to be ready to settle in the underworld.

Also, everything is peaceful at home.

In fact, ten years are very short for demons such as Grafia.

Converted to the human concept of time, it may be equivalent to ten days.

There are many surprises at the reunion.

They are more interested in the situation of the dimensional gap.

Excitedly, Ash asked Ash for a long time.Then he asked regretfully: "Orpheus didn't come back with you? She will stay in the dimensional gap in the future? Doesn't she feel lonely alone?" Rebel showed a eager expression: "Should we go to Orpheus? Do you want to visit your home?" "....It's very necessary!"

Considering that for a period of time in the future, it is estimated that he will have to go to various gods to communicate and accumulate experience for the breakthrough of the seventh sense, Yaxiu nodded immediately: "With your strength, there will be no obstacles to going to the dimensional gap."

"I'm going to set up a teleportation array to connect Orpheus' villa to 803 and the underworld." "You can go to the dimension gap to meet Orpheus at any time..."

So half a year later, Orpheus, who waved away the unfamiliar parting sadness in his heart, found that the familiar pattern of the magic circle lit up in the backyard of the villa.Several figures came out of it, smiling and waving at her constantly: "Orpheus, long time no see!"

Taking advantage of the fact that the family members went to the interdimensional space to harass Orpheus, Ash took three years to visit each pantheon one by one.

Perhaps the battle with the great red has been passed into the ears of the gods, and all the recipients have behaved very cautiously.

Regarding the exchange proposal of Ashe, the underworld Satan, he agreed without hesitation and took it seriously.

After a field exchange, a few years have passed.

Yaxiu found that communication with the gods can indeed greatly supplement his mysterious knowledge reserves.

However, it does not help to break through the seventh sense.

He was still stuck at the peak of his six senses and could not make an inch. "cycle.………"

After spending a few months in the underworld, he took out the infinite power gifted by Orpheus for research.

After a while, it stopped again.

"No, no, not this kind of cycle..."

"Actually, I clearly have a clearer understanding of the operation and circulation of the entire earth, but why..." As for the inability to break through, Yaxiu actually had some guesses in his heart.

But he was really reluctant to admit it.

"Forget it, let's go to the last place first." "If there is still no way." "That's only..."

The deep voice gradually ceased, Ash and Michael made some contact, and soon appeared in the Vatican.

In recent years, the war between human beings has long ceased.

But the Vatican is still on its way to another world.

One by one, most of the land was abandoned, and only the Vatican area was retained.

After the war, human technology is rising at an extremely fast rate.

Because of the convenience and comfort of life, the belief in God is no longer as devout as it once was.

This actually makes sense.

Human beings believe in God only because "God can give them a better life".

Not fear, not awe, that's all.

And when most people find that they can live well by themselves, they will not be willing to continue to give their faith.

Even faith cannot be as devout as it once was.

After all, life has dragged down too much, and it has also affected too much.

So the mysterious side of the world of "High School of Demons".

The gods, demons, angels, and monsters finally realized that, all along, they have been attached to [Humanity] for continuation.

The status of human beings has become important enough to affect the future rise and fall of the various gods.

Maybe human beings no longer believe in gods, no longer fear (bceg) monsters, and it is impossible for gods and monsters to perish—after all, they already exist, this is an objective fact that cannot be changed.

But it can cut off the birth of a new generation on the mysterious side.

This is also very annoying.

In addition, as technology becomes more and more developed, after careful discussion among the various gods, it is forbidden to take the initiative to show miracles to attract believers.

They have known human desires for countless years.

If the mysterious side is really exposed on a large scale, there may be a war between humans and gods in the future, and missiles and magic will collide.

That is something that no god wants to see.

("!, 1:4?) Therefore, even if it is as strong as the Crusaders, it has to make certain compromises with human beings and shrink the power of the Vatican.

Michael is said to be even considering revising the Bible.

Of course, the underworld is similar, and the House of Representatives has been discussing related issues for a long time.

Members of Congress have also fought over disagreements.

After Yaxiu returned, he learned of those disputes and simply threw out the "devil chess system" in the original book.

As the supreme king of Satan in the underworld, even if his opinions are not at all reasonable, everyone will carefully consider them and give sufficient reasons before politely rejecting them.

What's more, the solution of demon chess pieces can indeed solve many problems in the underworld - such as the problem of insufficient middle-level elites in the demon family.

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