"If you add Tianzuka mercury, it will be more secure."

"But it's a pity...According to the common deduction of several top magisters, the ritual deduced by Yase Xiansheng is only applicable to [humans]."

"And Mercury Azuka, he is not a normal human being."

Although Yase Xiansheng's research has been noticed for a long time, Yase Xianshige has never considered the full promotion of [Molded Angel].

After all, before the angel takes the last step, its strength still belongs to the category of human beings.

Not even comparable to many demons.

Only when they ascend to a higher dimension like the ancient saints, will they have "divine power" that can ignore magic and spiritual power in their bodies, and will they have a powerful power beyond this world.

I spent countless precious magic materials just to send talents to the [Heavenly Kingdom] that I don't know exists... I'm sorry, Yase Xianshi is not that busy yet.

His mind was more on [Saint Jie].


"All energy has been sorted out!"

Outside of the ceremony, Yase Xiansheng quietly looked at the increasingly rich white holy light in front of him, with his hands in the white coat, his eyes under the lenses were extremely bright.

"Next, just wait for the final result."

"There are still sages to deal with!" Nina, who continued to suppress the spiritual blood refining, looked a little anxious: "Boy, think of a way!"

But Yase Xiansheng just glanced at the warring crowd in the distance, and showed a wry smile:

"What can I do, I'm just a researcher..."

He was about to continue to say something when suddenly his body shook.

In the mental induction, it seems that something extremely terrifying is rapidly approaching.

That dangerous feeling makes people chill and creepy.

"Could it be caused by a sage?"

He turned around abruptly and looked in a certain direction—remember that it was the sea area of ​​Itogami Island.

"Not right!"

Nina, who was suppressing the nuclear refining, also reacted quickly and cried out in horror:

"It's the mythical snake of jealousy, Leviathan...that monster is swimming towards this side!"

"Its goal is to destroy Itogami Island!!"

The voice fell, and countless black spots appeared on the horizon, covering almost the entire land as dense!

That's a Leviathan attack!

"How... how could this be?"

The guards, sages, and Beatrice also stopped the melee, and everyone stared at the sky blankly.

As the huge energy source approached, some kind of majestic beast roar began to echo in the distance!


Sound waves vibrate the air, causing massive hurricanes, tsunamis ride the wind, and overlapping waves instantly bring torrential rain on a sunny day.

Then, they saw the head of a terrifying monster that came out of the sea.

"This is, Lee... Leviathan?!"

Everyone was almost in despair, but they just stood there with a stiff body and watched.

The huge gap in strength made it impossible for them to raise the slightest resistance... or even escape.

At this moment, Yase Natsuyin, who almost completely transformed the blood cocoon into holy light, moved her body and slowly opened her tightly closed eyes.

The extremely abrupt, light chant reverberated in everyone's spiritual consciousness.

Seemingly able to sense the pressure, the illusory angel wings behind the girl began to materialize quickly.

Just by gently fanning, the surrounding Holy Power Light Cocoon rapidly expands!

The sacred and pure light spread rapidly, as if turning the whole world into pure white.

It forms a semi-circular cover that directly covers the entire playground of the ceremony site.

Boom boom boom!

In the next second, the missile-like black dots hit directly and exploded outside the hood of the Holy Light.

The terrifying energy tide caused the surrounding trees and buildings to be destroyed in pieces in an instant.

The gentle chants gradually turned solemn and solemn.

Yase Natsuyin's beautiful little face had no expression at all, and her wings were flapped again behind her back.

Along with this action, the huge high-dimensional divine power dominated the surrounding great source, easily destroying the vast energy aftermath.

A vague winged shadow suddenly appeared behind the girl, and the shadow slowly raised its hand.

Immediately, the cloudless sky became silent, and the sky became clear.

Countless rays of light from the clouds began to converge rapidly, turning into a huge bright lightsaber, aiming at the Leviathan by the sea.

The virtual shadow raised his hand, and the lightsaber suddenly cut off with an irresistible force!

The clouds are separated, the wind is separated, the light is separated, and even the sea is separated.

The dazzling sword light was wrapped in suffocating energy and directly slashed onto Leviathan's body!


After a sharp sound of torn cloth, the entire sea was almost dyed red with blood.


The next second, the snake of jealousy let out a terrifying roar full of rage.

Its huge body set off higher waves, and when it opened its mouth to inhale, endless energy rays were spit out, overwhelming the sky and slamming into Haase Natsuyin.

Chapter 105 Goblin's Coffin

During the violent shaking of the ground, this sea-facing area was almost shattered by Leviathan's huge magic power.

Countless tiny crack marks began to appear at the feet of everyone, making the precise magic ritual almost unsustainable.

"Think of a way, the ceremony has not been completely completed! If it goes on like this, it will fail!"

Yase Xiansheng shouted in a panic while standing still.

This ascending angel ceremony, which he carefully designed, is to extract the spiritual power from the spiritual blood of sages to improve the spirituality of human beings, so as to achieve the standard of sublimating the essence of the soul.

The last step has now been reached.

He could feel that Haase Natsuyin's soul had almost reached a certain critical point.

As long as it continues, as long as more energy is drawn from the spiritual blood of the sages, it will surely be sublimated from human beings into a [God-like] existence!

The pair of illusory wings behind it is proof!

But at this critical moment, he encountered Leviathan!

The powerful magical impact of the snake of jealousy not only interfered with the efficiency of the sage's spiritual blood transformation, but also disrupted the entire ceremony ground!

After all, Yase Natsuyin didn't have the Xuexia Wolf who could transform into divine power with her own hands.

Her ascension relies heavily on ritual.

Once the transformation mechanism is suspended, it will fall into the embarrassing dilemma of subsequent inability.

There is one more important point.

Yase Xiansheng's research on modeling angels is almost entirely based on [external forces].

After all, the power of the sage's spirit blood does not belong to Hase Natsuon.

Must succeed in one go.

Otherwise, even if it is infinitely close to the angelic level, after the stagnation, the spirituality will definitely continue to fall.

until it returns to normal.

Therefore, in the original work, even if Yase Natsuyin almost crossed the final stage, there is no danger of "ascension" like Ji Dongxuena.

"Hey, even though I am a great alchemist who has lived for three hundred years, I absolutely cannot fight against monsters like Leviathan!"

Nina on the side smiled bitterly:

"What's more, I have to continue to suppress the rioting sage's spirit blood...¨¨."

Having said that, she looked at Haase Natsune's direction with a worried expression.

There, a holy phantom formed behind the girl's back, and was manipulating external energy to constantly resist the angry Leviathan.

But it has also become extremely difficult.

If the ritual does collapse, everyone will be killed under the attack of the mythical serpent of jealousy.

Perhaps the entire Itogami Island could not resist.

Nina believed this without hesitation.

Don't look at the fact that Natsune Haase seems to be able to compete with Leviathan now, and even hurt it, but that is caused by many factors.

In addition to the fact that his spirituality has entered the final stage and is about to turn into an angel, he also has the comprehensive assistance of complex rituals under his feet.

——The ritual absorbed the energy spilled from the countless fierce battles on the island.

That is the contribution of tens of thousands of orcs and CSA reformers, Western European churches, prisoners and prison escapees and other forces.

The girl ruled by her spirituality that vaguely surpassed any life in this world, relying on this, she could barely resist the raging Leviathan.

A ritual whose foundation lies at the feet of all.

Once the ceremony is destroyed with the cracking of the earth, Haase Natsune will instantly lose that powerful combat power.

Although her spirit can support her to easily dominate any energy in this world, it will take a certain amount of time to gather the huge energy together.

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