Lan Yu Shallow was suddenly very nervous.

"Not to mention the magic that is enough to destroy the gods... Can I really reproduce it and use it to save Itogami Island?"

Mo Guwei was about to continue speaking when suddenly there were hurried footsteps in the distance.

It immediately disappeared from the screen without a trace.


Lan Yu Shallow, who had been leaning against the wall in boredom, also stood up straight and looked back.

A man in a suit walked into the door.

"Miss Lanyu, I'm sorry, please come here with me - it's your turn to appear soon!"

"Isn't it here?"

The girl turned her head and looked into the distance, where Xian Shen Ming Jia was still typing various characters quickly.

"For the sake of secrecy, the entrance of the [Sheng Jian] passage is not placed with the normal elevator."

The man in the suit explained warmly as he walked out of the room with the blue feather onion.

"Elevator?" The girl seemed even more puzzled: "Do you need an elevator next? Shengjian is on a certain floor above?"

"No, down there."

"But this is already the bottom layer, and ten meters down is the sea..."

"Yes, the activation site of [Saint Jni] was built at the bottom of this island, surrounded by countless seawater."

The man in the suit spoke so calmly, and came to the next room.

He enters the password.

A metal plate that was originally a wall in front slowly rose, revealing a small dark door.

The electronic screen on the door is rapidly flashing various data symbols.

A progress bar that has bottomed out is moving forward with difficulty.

After a while, it finally reached 100%.

"[The Coffin of Blame God] has been successfully opened!"

In the surprised voice of the man in the suit, the dark door filled with mist, turning into a circle of slowly rotating black hole knives.

Chapter 108 The Zeroth Floor


Looking at the strange entrance to the black hole in front of her, Lan Yu Shallow flashed a trace of fear in her heart.

"That's right, the zeroth floor of the Keystone Gate!"

The man in the suit turned happily and looked at the girl:

"Please go in - there is nothing to be afraid of, as long as you enter inside, you will naturally understand how to activate the [Saint annihilation]!"

Lan Yu Shallow had no choice but to bite the bullet and step forward.

To be honest, this kind of weird place breaks her common sense.

However, thinking of her mother who was terminally ill and almost sentenced to death, the girl gritted her teeth and decided to follow the arrangements of the Itogami Island Management Commune.


The moment before entering the black hole, Lanyu Shallow suddenly turned around.

"[Sheng Jhan] Really can do anything?"

"There is no need to doubt this "July [*]" point, Miss Lan Yu."

The man in the suit is full of confidence and promises:

"After all, that is beyond the power of the ancient gods!"

"Including treatment? For example, treating a terminally ill patient..."

Recalling Lan Yu Shallow's current situation, the man in the suit nodded seriously:

"Yes, [Sheng Jian] can also cure your mother!"

After getting the answer she wanted, the girl finally took a deep breath and stepped into the black hole without hesitation.

It was not until the back of Lan Yu Shallow disappeared that the man in the suit quickly withdrew, turned and ran to the previous computer control room.

Xian Shen Ming Jia is still there.

But when he arrived at the entrance, he realized that the door had been completely closed!


A sense of uncertainty flashed in his heart, and the man in the suit quickly began to contact his superiors.


"You mean, after opening the coffin, Xian Shen Ming Jia is still on the negative floor?"

Looking at the perspiring intelligence officer in front of him, a certain solemnity finally flashed across Yase Xianshige Furui Wubo's face.

"Turn off all the networks on the negative layer... No, just cut off the power on the negative layer!"

He commanded so decisively.

"Then immediately send a magician to arrest him!"

But soon got an embarrassing reply from the technician:

"I'm very sorry, President Yaze... Considering the possible strong enemies, each underground floor of the Keystone Gate has an independent power supply, and also stores fresh water that can survive for [*] people for three months and supplies."

"Cut off the network of the negative layer first!"

Yase Xianshi obviously became agitated:

"At least he can't be connected to the main network of the entire Itogami Island - no one can interfere with the operation of the five supercomputers!"

Whether it's the witch, the wisdom of the god of blame, etc., they are only the support of launching [Holy Fierce].

Or only responsible for guiding and confirming instructions.

The five supercomputers on Itogami Island are the main force for the production and maintenance of the energy cycle of the spell.

It undertakes the entire process of construction, operation, and release.

Once the steps of its normal weaving technique are disturbed, Itogamijima may lose everything this time.

Because the holy annihilation is a powerful spell that can only be activated by the blood of the Tianbu royal family.

In order to reproduce Shengjian, Xianshen Qianluo built a supercomputer with a part of Cain's body.

Then electronically process Cain's memory and seal it to the zeroth floor of the Keystone Gate.

The combination of the two, relying on the guidance of the witch, can successfully activate the powerful God-Slaughtering technique.

As one of the original builders of Itogami Island, Yase Kenshige is very clear about the principle of the reappearance of [Sacred Sword].

Therefore, it cannot be tolerated that at this critical moment, someone may interfere with the operation of the five supercomputers.

"He has the highest authority of the mainnet hidden in his hands, President!"

But within ten seconds, Yase Xianshige received the worst news from the technicians.

"After that guy opened the coffin, he started trying to take full control of the five supercomputers!"

"Stop him!"

Yase Xianshi couldn't sit still anymore, got up and hurried to the control center of the museum.

"What exactly is Xian Shen Ming Jia going to do?"

He was a little confused.

If you don't want to activate Shengjian at all, why did you agree to open the [coffin]?

And after successfully opening the coffin, he actually took the opportunity to invade five supercomputers... This is equivalent to taking more than half of Shengjian's activation rights!

"Xiang Shen Ming Jia... what are you thinking about?"

"Are you really going to take this opportunity to resurrect Cain?"

"But relying solely on supercomputers is absolutely impossible to resurrect the gods!"

When the entire management commune fell into anxiety and chaos, Lan Yu Shore has also successfully entered the [coffin] 0  …

"This is... the zeroth floor of the Keystone Gate?"

In the dark space filled with a faint chill, is a huge square.

Countless weird spiral patterns rose up on the square - full of wonder, composed of basic characters of circuit information.

The surrounding walls are still affixed with some kind of ancient slate.

There are a lot of information, information, and intelligence written densely on it with words and mysterious runes that humans can't understand at all.

These slates are reproducing the memory of a certain life in a certain electronic information processing method.

Once someone can fully understand these memories, it's the equivalent of absorbing... no, it's supposed to be overwriting.

Being directly covered by the memory of that life-in this way, it is also equivalent to that life reappearing in the world!

"These information and intelligence... are not prepared for humans at all!"

Lan Yu Shallow was so sure in her heart, a certain figure suddenly flashed in her mind, and she subconsciously shouted:

"Mogu crooked!!"

In an instant, countless slates on the wall suddenly emitted a faint light.

The endless 0s and 1s flickered continuously, beginning to converge in front of the girl, and finally condensed into a familiar cartoon figure.


It made a small sound like a static 2.2 electric explosion, and said in a casual tone as always:

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