Life is coming to an end.

All this was done for a girl—perhaps the other party would never know.

But Xian Shen Ming Jia felt extremely satisfied.

"so be it."

As he was dying, a faint smile appeared on his face.

"Fujisaka, please remember that this world... has no gods."

"I only hope that you can live on earth and bring my happiness together..."

Muttering so in a faint voice, his body finally completely turned into annihilation powder.


"This world... has no gods!"

At the same time, in the ceremony of [Molding an Angel], Mercury Tianzuka was also lying on the ground, staring blankly at the sky with confused and absent-minded eyes, and murmured in despair.

Although he used various calculations just now, he successfully entered the ceremony.

But soon he noticed something.

Even if he took the initiative to absorb more [Sage Spiritual Blood] energy, he did not improve his spirituality at all.

Instead, the inexplicable alchemy metal substance in his body became more!

His whole person is almost transformed into an alchemy creature like [Sage]!

"Give it up, you don't seem to be human... It may not even be called [life]."

Yase Xiansheng lowered his head and glanced at Tianzuka Mercury, with pity in his eyes:

"And with my current magical attainments, I still can't improve my non-living spirit."

As he spoke, he looked at Haase Natsune who was being held in Nina's arms with a worried expression.

Although it occupies the right time and place, today's [Molding Angel] ceremony has still failed completely.

Yase Natsuyin did not successfully leave the world and enter a higher dimension as he had hoped.

It's not the reason why the sages blocked it.

With the help of the Itogami Island Guard and the two teams of high-level magicians, the sage's consciousness, the strange golden skull, has been resealed.

Nor is it Leviathan messing up.

From a while ago, it seemed that it was because of Itogami Island's abnormality that although the terrifying thunder that penetrated the sky was not aimed at the Leviathan, it restored its clarity.

So after the first thunder appeared, it fell into some kind of weird sluggishness.

Leviathan's huge body has been quietly lying on the sea, and the pair of crimson pupils sometimes flashed and struggled, as if they were fighting against another spirit in the body.

Although he did not leave, the snake of jealousy also temporarily lost its threat.

The fundamental reason for the failure of the [Molding Angel] ritual was that the flow of the leylines suddenly changed direction.

All the spiritual power began to converge towards a certain point in the center of the island.

The ritual arranged by Yase Xiansheng, which relied on the operation of the leylines, was naturally forced to stop.

0・・・For flowers・・・

"The current situation seems to be very bad!"

The female vampire Beatrice looked at the ground under her feet worriedly while healing her wounds.

"This artificial island - from just now, I can feel that it is shaking slightly, and now the vibration is getting bigger and bigger!"

"Isn't it about to disintegrate?"

"There are problems with artificially created things."

The orc Kirishima next to her also spread his hands, showing a helpless expression:

"But if it really disintegrates... well, is there a lifeboat or something in the company?"

Although there may be a situation of Lu Shen on the island, as a demon, he is not too worried in his heart.

After all, it is not far from the island country.


With the physical fitness of the demons, you can swim past.

As long as you don't get unlucky to meet Leviathan again...

Thinking like this, he turned his head again and glanced at the snake of jealousy by the sea, and a trace of awe flashed in his eyes.

That kind of existence is really not something that life can deal with!

If it weren't for the opponent's sudden stop, with the power of the [Molding Angel] just now, maybe there is no way to compete!

"Our troubles are a little bigger than we thought."

Nina, who was silently investigating Haase Natsuyin's condition, raised her head with a very solemn expression:

"You didn't feel that the flow of the leylines was completely changed just now?"

"Huh? What does it matter?"

Beatrice blinked.

Vampires don't have much to do with the mysteries of magic.

"They have been completely converged - and Itogami Island is the collision point of the spiritual pulse... That huge energy has almost the entire planet to continuously supply."

Yase Xiansheng glanced at the ocean in the distance and said calmly:

"If the island really sinks, it will naturally be a catastrophic disaster for the [*] ordinary people on Xianjin Island, but many demons should be safe as long as they grab a lifeboat or grab a floating object on an artificial island. ."

"But—what if the whole island exploded in an instant?"

He shook his head helplessly:

"It's like a huge volcano is about to erupt underground... So, you should be able to understand the seriousness of the matter, right?"

After listening to Yase Xiansheng's description, including the guards and the demon attackers who were discussing how to deal with the Leviathan, everyone at the scene was stunned.

Chapter 113 Pray to God?

At the same time, the chaos on the island is gradually easing.

The CSA, the Western European Church, the Black Death Sect, including the fugitives from the prison barrier, most people who have studied magic and mysterious knowledge can feel the instability of too many spiritual veins.

The island seems to be buried with countless high-powered bombs.

As long as the lead is ignited, it is possible to take everyone to the sky with a "bang"!

And at this moment, the lead has been ignited!

The more and more intense tremors of Itogami Island are evidence!

Most of the people who sensed the inside story fell into despair, and some of the determined guys rushed out of the island quickly, trying to jump into the sea to escape.

Although they also understand in their hearts, it should be some kind of useless effort.

After all, it was the explosion of the planetary leylines!

Consider Seat [*] years ago... the situation is worse now than it was then!

"July [*]" can even destroy the entire sub-continent if one is not careful!

"Quickly build a long-distance space magic circle! In such a crisis, it is only safe to flee to the other side of the planet immediately!"

The leaders of the various forces ordered their men so anxiously.

But soon they received desperate news.

"The few thunderbolts just now seemed to interfere with the surrounding great source, and the space magic circle could not operate successfully at all?"

In fact, it is not just a major source of interference.

The aftermath of Sheng Jie changed the laws of the entire Itogami Island in a short period of time.

At this moment, let alone long-distance space magic.

Even more powerful magic can't be used at all!

If it weren't for this strange ability, why would the holy annihilation mastered by Cain make Tianbu fear the self-proclaimed gods in the first place?

"Can you just wait to die?"

CSA's Marshal Buson clenched his fists in frustration. Seeing the devastated island of Itogami, with dead bodies everywhere, he didn't know whether this action was right or wrong.

Although the idea is to destroy all demons, he never thought that one day he would really devote himself to the idea.

Isn't the point of fighting against demons to make life better for me as a human?

"It looks like I'm about to return to the embrace of my god."

On the contrary, the pastors of several Western European churches had calm expressions, and whispered praises to God over and over in their mouths.

Inside the Keystone Gate, the blond priest who was fighting with the guards and trying to regain the Saint's right wrist was even more crazy.

"Everyone on this island is about to die - precisely because of your profane desecration!"

"Go to hell and take your own mistakes!"

"But before that... Astaruti! Consume all your life and activate the maximum power of [Rose Fingertips] at any cost!"

"Even at the last moment, I must embrace the body of a saint and ascend to heaven!"

"No, more than that!"

"I want to let the sinners on this island understand the truth!"

"Their death came from the punishment of God!"

"It is the bitter fruit of blasphemy!"

The priest's eyes became furious.

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