She glanced quickly at the wall clock hanging in the conference room, and said helplessly:

"In another forty-two minutes, not only the Itogami Island will be destroyed, but also [*]% of the entire subcontinent will collapse."

"The various chain cataclysms that follow will even cause the planet's magnetic field to fall into disorder, and then various extreme climates will appear - the future is likely to no longer belong to ordinary human beings with weak physical fitness!"

"This is the judgment made by the blame God himself... and it can't be saved in the slightest."

As soon as Lan Yu Shallow finished speaking, the sound of a pile of chairs falling to the ground appeared.

All the high-level executives on the opposite side stood up, clenched their fists emotionally, and their bodies kept shaking.

"Even the blame god is powerless? What a joke! Isn't he the strongest god?!"

The girl smiled silently.

In an instant, I couldn't help but recall a certain picture I saw on the zeroth floor.

That is the process of Xian Shen Ming Jia using [Saint Flayer].

The second attack of the holy annihilation was more terrifying than the first.

Even if she is a witch, her spirit can observe the specific attack location through the leyline circulation, and the picture returned is only a brilliant and dazzling sea of ​​light.

After that, with the death of Xian Shen Ming Jia, the picture was completely interrupted.

Didn't see the ending at all.

But inexplicably, thinking of the faint smile of the mysterious black-haired boy, Lan Yu Qiancong intuitively thought—

Even with that level of terrorist attack, I am afraid there is no way to kill him!

"Maybe there is another way!"

After hesitating for a moment, the girl spoke slowly, with some uncertainty in her tone:

"' 〃 If you can contact someone on the other side of the ocean... As long as he is willing to take action, I believe there is a high chance that this catastrophe can be quelled!"

"who is it?"

Yasase took a deep breath, leaned forward, put his hands on the desk, and asked impatiently.

Other high-level executives also stared at Lan Yu Shallow.


Being stared at by so many people, the girl subconsciously took a few steps back.

"The appearance is an extremely handsome black-haired boy. I don't know the specific identity and name... But he should still be staying on Gozo Island at the moment."

"Gozo Island?!"

This special place name immediately made the executives of the management commune take a deep breath.

There was an eerie silence.

After a long while, Yase Xianshi reached into the drawer tremblingly and took out a stack of documents from it.

Open the thick file bag, it is actually full of photos.

" it him?"

He pointed to the photo and asked in a somewhat complicated tone.

Blue Feather Shallow looked down.

It was the impressive black-haired boy who caught his eye.

It seems to have been shot quietly from some kind of overlooking (Zhao's) perspective. The other party is holding a girl's hand, and the two are leisurely walking through the forest path.

The girl tilted her head slightly, with a bright smile on her pretty face, as if she was saying something to the black-haired boy.

One smiled sweetly, the other listened calmly.

The breeze was blowing, the green shade swayed, and the golden sunset on the horizon scattered on them along the gaps in the leaves.

The people and the broken shadows, the winding paths, the weeping willows on both sides, and the faint ripples of water swaying by the lake together form a gentle picture.

Lan Yu Shallow was stunned for a moment, then nodded.

"Yes, it's him."

The eyes of the senior management of the commune flickered.

Yase Xianshige was about to continue to ask something, but heard a rustling broadcast sound from outside.

Immediately, a low male voice sounded, with a mocking strong malice:

"Listen, selfish people who blaspheme the body of saints to obtain false happiness, sinners who know blasphemy but don't care..."

"Wait, God's judgment is about to come!"

The broadcast went straight to the whole island.

In the conference room, everyone's expressions changed slightly.

Chapter 116 In order to kill the liar in your mouth

"It's Rudolf Ostach of the Western Church!"

After a moment of silence, one of the senior management of the commune gritted his teeth and said:

"This guy...he not only took the [pillar material] of the Keystone Gate, but now he has also invaded the studio of Itogami Island!"

"It is clear that the Western European Church has just signed an armistice agreement with this island, and now... are they deceiving us all the time?"

"No, maybe it's just Rudolph's personal behavior. It is said that that guy is also a top-level devout believer in the entire church. If he loses control of his emotions for a while..."

"But you always have to take into account the overall situation, right? If it's not good now, everyone will be buried in the catastrophe of the Leyline outbreak!"

"Wait! What is that guy talking about? It must be stopped immediately! Otherwise, it will definitely cause a greater degree of chaos!"

"But we have just signed a truce with other forces. If we take the initiative to take action against church personnel..."

In the conference room, several members of the management commune suddenly quarreled.

Lan Yu Shallow wisely stepped aside and kept silent.

Based on the conversation of the senior management just now, plus the broadcast to the whole island at this time.

The girl already knew the general history of the [Rudolf Ostach] incident.

——Taking advantage of the fact that Itogami Island was besieged by various forces today, Rudolph, a priest of the Western European Church, also took his [Doll] into action.

He 720 sneaked into the Keystone Gate together with the artificial life named "Astaruti".

Ready to welcome back the holy relic [Saint Right Wrist] stolen by Itogami Qianluo decades ago.

That thing is the cornerstone of the entire island's suppression of the hedging leyline nodes, and naturally encountered strong resistance.

Even though the outside is already in a mess, there are still many high-level magicians guarding it.

Rudolph relied on the artificial life of Astaruti's Beast, and although he was able to barely gain the upper hand, the battle was at a stalemate.

What broke the balance was Xian Shen Ming driving the holy annihilation.

Sensing that the chaotic leylines were about to erupt, many high-level magicians no longer wanted to fight and fled in a hurry.

So Rudolph easily welcomed back the holy relic of the Western European Church.

Because there are more terrifying disasters that need to be resolved, the senior management of Itogami Island does not have the loss of the right wrist of the Saint of the Psychology Society, so they temporarily give up the pursuit of the priest.

The management commune even took the initiative to sign a temporary armistice agreement with various forces, preparing to jointly deal with the next crisis of destruction.

But... I don't know if the Western European Church didn't notice, or something else went wrong.

In short, now Rudolf actually shot again, and occupied the studio of Itogami Island in a grand manner.

He is even stating the disaster to everyone on the entire artificial island!

"...Those who enjoy divine gifts but do not pray to God and thank God, blasphemers who are immersed in false happiness, struggle powerless on this island of sin!"

"God's judgment is about to come, and the moment of judgment to measure the weight of the soul has quietly arrived."

"The believers will ascend to the eternal kingdom of heaven, and the unbelievers will fall directly from the balance of justice to the bottomless abyss of darkness..."

"I can't let that guy continue to confuse the crowd!" An executive of Itogami Island slapped the case with an anxious expression.

"Have to stop Rudolph's mouth... This should be easy, his puppet helper, because of the continuous use of the beast, his life force has been completely exhausted!"

"Now, as long as you send a few high-level attack magicians, you can easily solve it!"

In the current situation, only some magicians who have a deep research on the mystery know the fact that the ley lines are about to erupt.

Although ordinary people also fell into panic because of the continuous tremor, most people's emotions have gradually become stable after the official came forward to appease them.

At least no more trouble.

But once Rudolph exposes the cruel fact that Itogami Island is about to be destroyed (afcc)...

In such desperation, all the residents will fall into madness due to fear - and then may frantically smash, loot, vent and destroy.

Cause even more chaos than before!

"Continue to maintain the status quo and ignore that religious clown."

Yaase Xianshi, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly knocked on the table:

"What's more, if you go to subdue him now, you won't be asking yourself."

"The people are not fools."

Everyone became embarrassed.

Yes, the people are by no means fools.

The continuous strengthening of the tremor has been there, and even cracks have appeared on the edge of the island.

A terrible look about to disintegrate.

This fact is obvious to all, and there is no way to hide it.

And because of the previous impact of the major forces, the grassroots management of the commune has become a mess.

There is no way to organize manpower for comprehensive comfort.

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