It is necessary to have a relatively complete life.

Only by using that period of life to gather self-will, can we fight the "mission program" of artificial life as a prop.

In the world of "Blood Eater", all the artificial life created have programs set by the maker in their bodies, and they are already part of life.

That's why they obey human orders and are used like tools, even at the cost of their lives.

...maybe except for the accident of Xiandumu Yuma.

She was created by Xiandumu Aye as a clone of her escape.

As for Homura's body, its mission program is to resurrect her.

Astaruti's mission is to take back the Saint's right wrist.

As for the warheads of tens of thousands of beasts in the otherworld...the mission is naturally to be a bomb-like weapon.

Because Di Shanpo spent a period of time in the abyss, compared with other bodies, her life experience is slightly richer.

But it still does not have the strong will to survive like ordinary humans.

Therefore, after the banquet of flames opens in 05, it is very compatible with the resurrection of the original soul.

"Are you interested in being my witch?"

After thinking about it, Ash suddenly asked Di Shanpo like this.

According to legend, the witch is the wife of the god and the bridge between god and human believers.

Responsible for conveying God's will to believers, and gathering the earnest prayers of believers at each stage to God.

Invisibly, a part of the power of faith will be accumulated in the body.

This power is the quintessence of the aura of wisdom.

Ordinary humans may not be effective, but for artificial life forms, the scouring of those wisdom auras can improve [self] more quickly.

Ash's words surprised everyone present.

"Can our blood race also become the crowned witch?"

Before Di Shanpa could answer, Liana's mind became alive, and her beautiful eyes flashed with anticipation:

"Then, Your Majesty, will Vertiana and I's spiritual literacy meet the standard in your heart? Can we also become your witch?"

"Homura seems to have mentioned just now that your sisters are helping her build the Empire of Night."

As for Liana's breakthrough, Ash was also a little amused:

"Really become my shrine maiden, what about Homura's empire?"

"......Is such that."

A look of embarrassment flashed across Liana's pretty face:

"As for the location of the empire, we discussed with His Majesty Yan repeatedly... She believes that it is best to avoid the sphere of influence of the other three night empires."

"Wait until you are stronger, and then take the territory of those true ancestors."

"So, after inquiring about the current world situation, His Majesty Yan decided to first set the territory on Itogami Island - the huge surrounding area, which is extremely weakly affected by other True Ancestors."

"And Itogami Island, as a special zone for the demons, does not lack a strong source of troops..."

The more Liana said, the more excited she became:

"It just so happened that Your Majesty prevented the destruction of Itogami Island. Your reputation there is immeasurable, and the location of the church headquarters is also there."

"Our sisters can serve as your witches and serve as servants of His Majesty Homura... His Majesty has already said that her empire does not exclude believers who believe in you!"

"You didn't ask my church, do you exclude the so-called [Empire of Night] being built on Itogami Island?"

Ash was a little speechless.

What else are you talking about [in the future to seize the territory of the other three true ancestors]... Flame has just been resurrected, and he has begun to actively plan for the hegemony route?

Simply inflated!

The younger sister, Vertiana, was thin-skinned and bowed her head in shame.

Liana smiled calmly.

"As great as you are, you have already taken control of the divine power in the world, and you will definitely not compete with His Majesty Yan for some secular power."

"Okay, these can be discussed with Homura after leaving Gozo Island."

Yaxiu shook his head indifferently, and looked at Di Shanpo again, showing the color of inquiry.

"But Your Majesty."

The body girl came back to her senses, and her expression was not very confident:

"Disamper has no experience as a human witch, and doesn't know how to serve and please you... Can you guide me a little?"

"Okay, you stay tonight and I will guide you."

Ash said so casually.

How should a shrine maiden as a wife serve her husband who is a god?

Shouldn't it stay?


The next day, Disamper didn't wake up until nearly noon.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw that the rest of the body were all there, lying on the edge of the bed curiously, watching her silently.

Agulola was even more puzzled.

"Disampa, you didn't go back to your room to sleep last night, and it seems that... you have been conveying some incomprehensible strange emotions to us."

"As if some kind of chaos was constantly interfering, chaos, pain and pleasure."

"You and Ash, what are you doing without telling us?"

As a part of the Fourth Primogenitor, the Elemental Body seems to be one body, and is born with a strong sense of power.

Far beyond the so-called twin telepathy in humans.

Di Shanpa sat up with a blushing face and rubbed her drowsy head.

"...So that's the practice of witches?"

She whispered blankly.

"What practice?" Agulola asked again.

"No... Where's Your Majesty Ash?"

The girl glanced at the pure bodies and quickly diverted everyone's attention.

"I'm having a friendly exchange with Sister Homura's rival for hegemony."

No. [*] Phytophrase replied calmly.

"Is that so..."

Disamper was not surprised.

Yesterday, she had already learned that Yaxiu seemed to be very interested in the beasts within the True Ancestor's body.

Including the beasts in their 740 bodies.

It is estimated that research will be carried out one by one in the future.

The girl didn't know the exact reason.

She didn't think much, and silently took out a book from under the pillow.

A dozen or so bodies suddenly gathered around curiously.

You can see the big title on the title page.

"Bride's Practice"...

"Hey, isn't it a witch?"

Agulola nodded her cheek and became even more puzzled:

"Why would Dishampa read this kind of book that guides human wives?"

Outside the door, the Liana sisters were also pricking up their ears, silently listening to the conversations of the body girls in the room.


After Liana was at a loss for a while, she recalled the rumors about witches in myths and legends, and her emotions suddenly became excited.

"Yes! How could I forget this legend!"

"The witch is the wife of a god!"

She held her sister's hand tightly in surprise, with an excited look on her face:

"So we don't have to worry about the lack of spiritual literacy at long as we can please the crown of Yaxiu!"

Vertiana recalled her sister's words, her face was slightly red, and her expression was a little dizzy:

"Then, are we going to be the wife of Ash's crown?"

The vampire sister recalled the dark-haired boy whom she had met for the first time, and suddenly felt that.

It seems better to be the other party's wife than to be the other party's shrine maiden!

At least she thought in her heart, that kind of relationship was more attractive to her.

Chapter 145 How come Yaxiu's villa is close to the sea if you don't work hard

The sports hall on the top floor of the hotel.

Axiu used his own spiritual sense to constantly sense the beasts released by Qi Yi.

Silently probe into the mystery of their composition and the structure of the core laws.

This process not only allows him to figure out various more advanced mysterious forms, but also to clarify part of the truth of the prototype world.

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