Then the door was pushed open, and an elegant blond youth walked in with a respectful expression.

"Dimitriyah Vatra hereby greets you, Your Majesty the Great God."

He bowed deeply and introduced himself in a low voice:

"I am a servant of the Forgotten War King of the First Primogenitor, the Duke of the Principality of Ordiaru."

"The reason why I take the liberty to interrupt this time is because of the order of His Majesty the King of War to send you a gift."

"...The last body of the Fourth Primogenitor."

Having said that, Vatra showed deep shame and embarrassment again, and continued with a careful tone:

"Please forgive me for my incompetence. When I received the order, Vatra started non-stop."

"But yesterday encountered some force majeure at sea, and the ship was forced to disintegrate, so it was so late..."

If there is no spiritual tide disaster on Itogami Island.

I believe that the vampire duke, who had a very crazy character in the original book, would definitely not be as respectful as he is now.

In the depths of Vatra's heart, there is a bold ambition to devour the Fourth Primogenitor and promote himself to the Primogenitor.

The original book also wanted to compete with the resurrected Cain.

He is crazy and confident, and even if he faces the true ancestor and the legendary god of blame, he will eventually be able to defeat him.

But facing a god of unpredictable power...especially since walking into this room.

The biggest reliance of the vampire family - the beasts in the body convey a strong emotion of awe and surrender.

Although Vatra was crazy, she also knew the importance, so she put away her cynicism.

Ash nodded and asked suddenly:

"The one placed outside the door now is the last body?"

There were several demons in suits kneeling outside.

On the ground between them, there was the black cloth-covered coffin just now.


Vatra explained calmly:

"I'm very sorry. Yesterday, we were hit by the magical resonance of the feast of flames. The ship we were on suddenly disintegrated, and the body accidentally fell into the deep sea."

"Although there have been some small twists and turns, please rest assured."

"The body has been sleeping in the crystal coffin and will not be damaged in the slightest."

"Are you sure that's the body of the Fourth Primogenitor?"

Ash looked a little weird.

At the same time as he said this, his spiritual sense quickly rushed out of the body and scanned the high seas of Gozo Island.

On a dark and gloomy seabed, there is a similar crystal coffin stuck in a narrow trench, most of which is covered by algae and coral.

A few schools of flat fish swam from time to time around.

Undoubtedly, it is estimated that the time was too rushed last night, and Vatra salvaged the wrong coffin!

"Don't dare to deceive the great gods!"

Vatra hurriedly saluted again, and quietly raised her eyes, trying to observe the expression on the opposite side of Ash.

Immediately, my heart skipped a beat.

He faintly found the god in front of him, and there seemed to be some kind of "waiting for a good show" expression on his face.

Could it be that... someone gave me the body to unpack?

After the Itogami Island incident yesterday, who else would have the guts to secretly attack the sacrifices offered to the gods by His Majesty the King of War?

When I was so uneasy, I listened to Ash's gentle voice:

"Okay, you carry her in."

Several demons immediately got up and carried the coffin into the hall.

Just as he was about to lift off the black cloth, he heard an excited sweet voice from behind Ya Xiu.

"Axiu, I heard that the Forgotten War King sent Yu's last body?"

"...Hmph, that guy is more sensible!"

0・・・For flowers・・・

The sound is as crisp as a jade pearl falling, and it also contains a natural sense of loneliness.

Vatra knew in his heart that it was the Fourth Primogenitor who was speaking.

He looked up quietly.

I saw a blond girl with a cold and arrogant expression walking slowly.

Behind the other party, there were a dozen or so girls with very similar appearances, like sisters.

Sure enough, the banquet of bright flames has been successfully held, but the bodies can still exist!

Vatra took a deep breath.

Is this the power of the gods?

You can revive the Fourth Primogenitor at your fingertips, and let her directly return to the peak...even without consuming the body!

It is almost equivalent to creating a new True Ancestor at will!

To know the twelve bodies in front of you—


If a new [Flame Feast] is held again.

There is no doubt, but it can become another [Fourth Primogenitor]!

And since the gods can use the original soul, they can create the fourth primordial ancestor in the peak state.

I believe that the original body can definitely be turned into a new true ancestor one by one.

Then in this world, there will be thirteen more True Ancestors!

It was because of this shocking news that Vatra was still a little bit nervous when the ship disintegrated yesterday.

For a long time, he expected to challenge all kinds of powerhouses and constantly pursue great strength.

I also believe that as long as we continue, even the True Ancestor himself will have the opportunity to stand shoulder to shoulder.

But now, there is an existence in this world that far surpasses the true ancestor, and can even create the true ancestor at will!

The Beast that I am proud of——I dare not even move in front of the opponent!

The deep sense of frustration hit Vatra's pride and madness, making him feel extremely powerless.

"What's in the coffin is the body of Yu Zhi? The last body number [*]?"

At this time, I heard the fourth primogenitor ask this question again.

"...Yes, Your Majesty Homura."

Vatra had just finished answering, but he felt a huge magic force directly run over his body, causing him to almost fall to the ground and fall on the carpet in embarrassment.

What followed was the girl's indifferent voice:

"Even if you are a servant of the Forgotten War King, if you dare to perfunctory and deceive Yu, you will have to pay a price!"

"—Yu can clearly perceive that there is a human girl sleeping inside...not Yu Zhi's body at all!" Knife.

Chapter 148

Not... body?

Vatra's cheeks were pressed against the ground, stunned.

Feeling that the crushing powerful magic power was getting thicker and thicker, he finally regained his senses and subconsciously defended loudly:

"Wait, Your Majesty Yan, I definitely didn't mean to deceive you!"

"She is indeed your last body - I found her from the Arctic and brought her all the way to Gozo!"

Flame's face was full of indifference.

Just as he was about to speak, Ash shook his head.

"It must be a misunderstanding... Let him get up first, and then see for yourself who is in the coffin."


With a faint snort, Homura still obeyed and let go of Valtra.

The latter got up, no longer paying attention to etiquette, and hurriedly trotted to the coffin, raised his hand, and forcibly lifted the black cloth covering it, staring at it.

"."Seven-four-three"'s impossible!"

After a while, his body began to tremble, and his eyes widened.

Although the crystal coffin is not transparent and looks very vague, as a vampire's keen eyesight, careful identification can also allow him to roughly see the internal situation.

- Lying inside was a silver-haired girl with a slender figure and a beautiful appearance.

Quietly closing his eyes and sleeping, he is very dignified and noble, with a faint sense of majesty, and his identity does not seem to be simple.

She was wearing a black modern court dress and a short skirt, and her whole body was wrapped and fixed by a soft crystal like amber.

That should be some kind of special protection layer.

It can effectively prevent her from being hurt by the outside world in such a sleeping state.

Although she is also a girl, the one sleeping in the crystal coffin... is undoubtedly not the body of the Fourth Primogenitor.

According to the appearance of the other party, Yaxiu has a general idea in his heart.

She is one of the heroines in the original novel.

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