Chapter 154 The Day of God's Appearance

Out of respect for the only identified god on earth, the day when the miracle of Itogamijima broke out was honored by all countries as the "Day of the Appearance of the Gods".

The implication is that from that day onward, God has actively appeared in front of the world and descended on the grace and mercy of the God of salvation.

And symbolically, God began to dominate the world.

...Although all the forces have declared to the outside world in unison, the world has been bathed in divine light since this time.

But that was just a helpless compromise under the huge power gap.

If you don’t agree, do you still dare to say that your country refuses to be dominated by God?

Think about the power that can easily suppress the leylines of the planet... No matter how big the ambition and unwillingness are, it can only be turned into nothing.

Of course, the secret real thoughts of the high-level officials of various countries must be extremely contradictory.

I even felt uneasy, praying that the day when God would truly rule the world would never come.

Theocracy and political power cannot be easily compromised since ancient times.

In particular, the divine right that is coming now is not fictionalized by myths and legends.

It is an iron fist that can easily sink the world!

So in just seven days, the center of the miracle... The Itogami Island regime has almost disintegrated, and it has completely turned into 05 theocracy.

While the high-level officials of the various countries observed a moment of silence for the governing body of the artificial island, they also observed it secretly.

Watching all kinds of crazy believers, careerists, spies, speculators, and other unhappy little shrimps stirring up the wind and rain, waving the flag and shouting, and with all kinds of thoughts, building a new church from scratch on Xianjin Island .

On the outside, singing and dancing were peaceful, and there were praises everywhere. On the back of the prosperous island, a group of demons danced wildly for a while.

But no matter how chaotic and noisy it is, it has nothing to do with the remote Yadilard Monastery.

As the dean, Nina was still sitting in the dilapidated yard, holding tea and watching the sunset leisurely.

The huge golden disc slowly fell from mid-air to the sea level, and the light reflected a red sky.

"Today's sunset is really good."

Taking a sip of tea, she smiled in admiration.

Beside Nina, Yase Xiansheng was wearing the same white coat as always, and was silent.

After a while, he said calmly:

"The management commune started contacting me three days ago."

"Huh?" Nina was slightly taken aback, and a smile flashed on the corner of her mouth: "Is it out of unwillingness?"


Yase Xiansheng took a few steps forward, stood on a nearby high point, and looked at the sea in the distance through the old fence of the monastery:

"I can understand their thinking - since angels can be mass-produced, then go a step further, gods..."

"Whether the gods can also be mass-produced and filled by ordinary people."

"Indeed." Nina nodded thoughtfully:

"A long time ago, the reason why your plan was not taken seriously was because the existence of angels and gods could not be confirmed, but the miracle seven days ago has broken the inherent concept of all ordinary people."

"And to get the world out of God's control - you must have the power to compete with God."

She put down the teacup and said with a smile:

"And what's your opinion?"

"I refused."

Yase Xiansheng shook his head calmly:

"Although the angel modeling experiment was successful to a certain extent, judging from the miracle that day...even if the energy level of the angel is increased by [*] times, it will not be able to perform miracles. degree."

"Ten thousand times is a desperate number."

"Even if I work hard to optimize the modeling angel experiment, I will never be able to increase the experimental body much."

Having said that, he let out a powerless sigh:

"The deeper you get in touch with the mystery, the clearer it becomes. There is only a corner of everything in the world that human beings can relate to."

"More mysterious fields, even if they exist, are not prepared for us humans at all."

"No matter how hard human beings try, they can't do some things, such as fully exploring the unknown starry sky above their heads, such as reaching the height of God."

"The idea of ​​running a commune is just blasphemy."

Nina fell silent, and she actually agreed in her heart.

She thought for a while, then frowned and asked:

"Where's Xia Yin?"

"It was taken away by the management commune - the reason is that I hope to deeply test the data of the model angel experimental body to optimize my next experiment."

"...Sure enough."

Nina shook her head slightly:

"Since the management commune refused Xia Yin to become a witch, I expected this day to come."

"I also expected it." Yase Xiansheng calmly said: "If there is anyone in this world who is more qualified as a [True God Miko]... and only Xia Yin."

Because Hase Natsune almost stepped into the position of an angel.

Even if the experiment had to be terminated due to the outbreak of the spiritual tide, the spirituality has degenerated.

But she still possesses spiritual literacy far surpassing other witches.

Although Haase Natsuyin had been taken away by the management commune as some kind of threat, the two people present were still in a calm mood.

At this moment, on the sea in the distance, a behemoth jumped up with a large wave.

The beautiful colorful fin film glows with rainbow light in the sunset.

It chirped softly, and soon drilled back into the sea again.

"I'm so envious..."

Yase Xiansheng pushed the glasses on his face:


"This monster, which is defined by the Western European Church as a great devil, will also have a day of divine brilliance."

The one who jumped out of the sea just now... is the jealous snake Leviathan.

After the miracle, it seemed to be inspired by the gods, and it has been wandering around Itogami Island for seven days, but never hurt the passing ships.

Sometimes it even rescues wrecked fishing boats.

Some daring magicians used their spiritual power to communicate with each other and got some vague information.

This legendary sea monster has been subdued by the god Yaxiu.

It has been waiting for the gods to come to this island.

"The alchemist organization I belonged to once also had a record of Leviathan."

Nina frowned slightly:

"There shouldn't be such a high IQ."

"Under miracles, anything is possible."

Yase Xiansheng shook his head, then looked back at the monastery behind him.

"If you want to say envy of God's grace, there is another one."

"Amazuka Mercury... How's his state recently?"

"What exactly is the [Kabbalah Tree of Life] taught by God?"

While the two were chatting, in the depths of the monastery, in a remote dark room, Amazuka Mercury suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes filled with ecstasy.

"The first [Kingdom] particle... finally allows the source of life to enter!".

Chapter 155 God allows me to exist in the world!

Different from cultivation in the traditional sense, the Kabbalah Array system—whether it is the Soul Kabbalah Array, or the Bloodline Kabbalah Array that Yaxiu has created now.

In the process of cultivation, they will never increase the [energy] in the superhuman body, such as magic power, spiritual power, qi, etc.

It is an invisible expansion of the essence of life.

It's like slowly expanding the original water cup into a bucket.

However, if you want to practice the Kabbalah system, the most basic step is to let the source of life enter the lowest point [Kingdom].

In fact, for ordinary people, it is very simple to reach the [Kingdom] particle.

Because they are all normal [intelligent creatures] and possess the [spirituality] of the entry threshold standard.

According to the description of religion, human beings belong to God's creation, and are allowed by God to exist on this earth.

However, the case of Amazuka Mercury was different.

He belongs to [man's creation] - born without the hand of God, and strictly speaking, its existence is not allowed by God at all.

If you want a metaphor.

In the Kabbalah system, Tianzhong mercury is equivalent to a fallen life, and the spirit is in the reverse Kabbalah array.

So first you need to repent to God.

Ask God to allow him to exist in this world, and through the hand of God, change his identity as a "creature of man" and become a normal intelligent life.

Hmm...that's religious spoofing.

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