But at this time, Ash's church was created.

If the foundation is insufficient, even if the existence of the true God is proved, the appeal will inevitably be weak.

Unless it is silently affected for hundreds of years, everything can be put on the right track.

And Ash really didn't want to stay in the world of "Blood Eater" for so long.

So the best way - and indeed is to find a large-scale spokesperson.

Expand his influence for him, appease and respond to believers for him, manage a larger and larger group of believers for him, and handle all kinds of trivial matters.

Originally, Yaxiu was going to wait for a while to find an opportunity to occupy the throne of God in this world and merge with the Western European Church.

As a result, MAR companies delivered to the door themselves.

With their huge channels scattered all over the world, coupled with the fact that they once served as Tianbu, they have natural experience in ruling intelligent creatures... and they are indeed qualified to serve as his "spokesperson".

At least he doesn't have to take the initiative to shout out to the outside world, everyone come and believe in me, now I can get a [*]% discount...

In the lingering mood, Axiu said calmly:

"Are you going to sacrifice the witch as an atonement for what you did seven days ago?"

"...Yes!" Lian saluted seriously:

"At that time, I didn't know your greatness at all. I didn't understand until you showed a miracle. I have been ashamed and apprehensive about 2.2 in the past few days!"

Lian is a very decisive guy.

Without a certain degree of certainty, it will never be easy to shoot.

So after Xiandumu Aye died, it was found that Yaxiu was not lost as planned and had to leave this world.

He thought about it for a long time, and did not risk launching the ceremony, but prepared to wait and see.

See if the "liar" is a liar.

Afterwards, the incident on Itogami Island made him sweat, but it also proved that he was not wrong to be cautious.

"She does have the excellent qualifications to become a witch."

Yaxiu stood up and said lightly:

"I'll take her and forgive your previous offense."

The voice fell, and even my heart was ecstatic.

Smart people don't need to say much.

He knew very well that the god in front of him had already agreed to his request to be the [spokesperson of God]!

At least it gave him a chance to prove himself fit to be a "spokesperson".

Chapter 159 Goodbye

"Let's go."

Ignoring Lian who was saluting respectfully, Yaxiu looked at Homura and the others beside him, and nodded with a smile.

A faint starlight quickly spread out from his body, quietly weaving into a space-shifting technique.

With the surprised expression on Lian's face, everyone disappeared in an instant.

Even if the spell has been completed, there is no mysterious aftermath spilling out - he can't feel the slightest fluctuation of space energy at all.

"As expected of a god!" Lian sighed in his heart:

"This superb manipulation of space is enough to kill any life!"

He looked eager again.

"Next, just wait for Radley's contact... I hope I can gain the trust of that crown as soon as possible!"

Thinking like this, he quickly thought about the situation of Itogami Island in his mind as he walked out of the hotel.

Try to find something you can do.

Lian is sincere, and desperately hopes to be able to help in the future.

For example, to stabilize the church for Asia and expand the faith.

——Only by proving that one has irreplaceable value, can a powerful being like a god be seen in a different light and entrusted with an important task.

Even let go completely and let 05 become a real "spokesperson of God".

Even knows this very well.

Otherwise, he can only play a humble role like a lamb in the eyes of God, just like the vast number of toiling ordinary people in the world.


The space changed silently, and a quiet forest appeared in front of Homura.

"here is......"

She tilted her head, exuding mental power to carefully sense the surrounding environment.

Immediately noticed with surprise.

The blonds of Gozo were nowhere to be seen.

It seems that when the First True Ancestor was still eagerly preparing for the farewell, Yaxiu had already taken them, quietly crossed the ocean, and arrived at another continent.

Imagining Qi Yi's stunned expression next, Homura couldn't help but feel a little funny.

"I've been here for a while a few years ago and have left a few followers."

While walking along the forest path, Ash replied with a smile:

"If you want to settle in Itogami Island, you must at least take them away."

"Is that the witch you used to be?"

Yan, who had already sensed the general situation in the castle not far away through his mental power, had a faint tone, but he felt a little uncomfortable in his heart.

Because excluding some magicians who use soy sauce, there are still a few girls who are as beautiful as her body.

One of the purple-haired women, inadvertently exuding magic power fluctuations, made her extremely concerned.

That's a powerhouse of the same size as himself!

...the True Ancestor!

"That's it."

Yaxiu casually introduced Xiandumu Yuma and Ji Dongxuecai.

Then, in a blink of an eye, he came to the outside of the castle.

"Welcome back, Ash."

The Second True Ancestor Yagez didn't go out to greet him, but just stood quietly in the hall, staring at Ashe outside, smiling and greeting with an elegant tone.

She glanced at the girls around Ash again, with a meaningful expression:

"Although this trip to Gozo is not long, it seems that you have experienced a very unforgettable journey."

About the encounter on the plane, about the disasters and miracles on Itogami Island, and even the abrupt opening of the feast of flames on Gozo Island.

Even if he didn't witness it for the first time, Yageiz had learned about it in detail through his own intelligence network afterwards.

In addition to being amazed, he also admired Ash's incredible strength.

——Although she knew very well that the opponent was strong.

But it is absolutely unimaginable that just relying on the witches to transmit energy can easily quell the violent spiritual tide of the planet.

In addition... the change in identity also made Yagez feel a certain kind of admiration in his heart.

People can ignore [Demon], but they absolutely cannot ignore [God]!

Because God is a symbol of omnipotence and omnipotence that has far surpassed human beings, has been recognized and worshipped by countless ages since ancient times, and penetrated deep into the bones of intelligent creatures!

If it hadn't been with Ash for a few years, I knew that he didn't care much about some small details.

Otherwise, even Yagez, who is the Second Primogenitor, would not be able to respond so calmly at this time.

It must only be possible to worship with sincerity and fear.

"Well, I don't deny the wonderfulness of the journey."

Ash walked into the castle with a smile, and gently hugged Yagez:

"You've worked hard too... The day I left, you were also having a hard time dealing with the malicious attacks on Yuma around you?"

Although the Western European Church firmly believes that Yaxiu relies on the body of Xiandumu Aye, it has nothing to do with the replica of the witch in the castle.

But it is difficult to guarantee that many forces will be skeptical about this.

So when he was on the plane, Yaxiu had already observed that the family's Xiandumu Yuma had suffered several thrilling assassinations.

Then it was quietly solved by Yagez.

The innocent girl doesn't even know it, and has been playing and studying normally without any worries.

"With our friendship and a few trivial matters, I don't think it's necessary to say these solemn words."

Although Yagez said that, his mood was better.

She looked in Homura's direction again, showing a polite and dignified smile, raised the corner of her skirt and saluted:

"Congratulations on your recovery, new compatriot."

Homura was about to answer when footsteps rang out from the upper floors of the castle.

The two black-haired girls ran down one after the other.

"Axiu, you're finally back!"

The one at the forefront is naturally Xiandumu Yuma.

Her sight was completely occupied by the returning Yaxiu, and she didn't even notice that there were more than a dozen strangers in the hall, so she jumped into Yaxiu's arms and hugged him tightly.

For a girl, Ash was the one who had been by her side since she was born.

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