He was amused, and looked at Yagez again, showing a look of inquiry.

"It's all arranged."

The latter nodded indifferently:

"Including the transfer of Yuma and Yukina, and Nagisa will also go to Itogami Island with us, right?"

"Well, speaking of it, it is the reminder from the gap witch on Itogami Island that I will go through Nagisa's transfer procedures together."

"in addition......"

After a pause, Yagez continued:

"As for the residence of Itogami Island, we originally planned to wait for Ashura to decide for himself tomorrow."

"But Yan, after checking several real pictures of the manor sent by the other party, is very fond of a certain one near the A area, and has forcibly settled on behalf of Yaxiu."

"' 〃... Of course, if Ash doesn't like it, you can change it tomorrow."

Ash glanced at Homura, who was sitting quietly at the dining table.

The latter nodded:

"Yu likes that manor a lot - its setting and ambience is Yu's ideal imperial palace of the night!"

Yageiz looked surprised.

"Homura, are you ready to..."

"That's right!" Homura raised his head slightly, "Yu has already decided - Itogami Island, including several countries around Itogami Island, will be used as Yu's territory in the future!"

These words made Yagezi speechless.

It's just been resurrected, and there's no blood-born helper, so are you ready to build an empire of the night?

You must know that she and the other two True Ancestors only started to encircle the territory strongly after the blood descendants developed to a certain number.

Otherwise, without a single loyal soldier, how can you ensure that your will can be implemented throughout the entire empire?

But after thinking about it, the twelve bodies of the Fourth Primogenitor still exist.

Coupled with the identity and deterrence of Ash.

I believe that with these favorable conditions, the initial construction of the empire's prototype (Zhao Li Zhao) is enough.

After dinner, everyone talked about the various experiences of the trip to Gozo Island.

When it was almost the middle of the month, Yaxiu took the initiative to end the chat and went upstairs to sleep.

As soon as the light was turned off, he noticed that the door was gently opened with a click.

A slender figure got into the room and walked towards him without any hesitation.

"I won't just admit defeat!"

Soon, a familiar voice with a bit of stubbornness and tension rang out.

With the lights turned back on.

Standing in front of Yaxiu was Xiandumu Yuma.

The girl's fair face was flushed with blush, and she boldly jumped into his arms.

"Whether it's a witch or a witch, I will always be with Ashiya from now on!"

Is this... after the body was released from prison, the tension of being abandoned?

Holding Xiandumu Yuma, Yaxiu raised his eyebrows secretly.


So in the early morning of the next day, Hwangsaka Sayaka began to turn his weird eyes to Xiandumu Yuma.

Another girl who is loud and doesn't pay much attention to restraint!

She thought quietly in her heart.

Chapter 161 The Embarrassed Eguchi Yutong

"I'm leaving..."

Looking back at the ancient castle where he lived for several years and left many warm memories, Ji Dongxuecai felt a sense of melancholy in his heart.

Displaced since childhood, she came to this place, and she finally settled down.

With a warm home, with deep feelings of playmates and friends, but also with extremely important people in life.

Beside her, Xiandumu Yuma's heart was equally heavy and reluctant.

You know, the girl was born in this castle and grew up in this castle.

On the other hand, the LCO's magician, sister Maya, and the second ancestor Yagez looked normal.

But they knew in their hearts that Yaxiu had always cared about the two girls, so they smiled and comforted:

"The castle will be well preserved... If you miss it in the future, you can come back and live there."


Xiandumu Yuma nodded seriously:

"Definitely will be back!"

Then, without waiting for Yaxiu to approach, she took Ji Dongxuecai's hand and walked forward first.

The gaze of Kwangsaka Sayaka behind her made her somewhat flustered.

——Although I was impulsive and brave last night, I am still young and my skin is still relatively thin.

"Aren't you going to continue the transfer?"

Seeing that Yaxiu didn't make any movement and just followed the two girls at will, Yan looked at 760 in surprise.

She thought that the other party would easily bring everyone to Itogami Island.

The Fourth Primogenitor couldn't wait to receive the Demon Special Zone and build his own night empire.

"Go to the beach first, someone has been waiting there."

Ash said in such a warm voice.

Homura and Yagez were a little puzzled and had to keep up silently.

Because the newly born compatriots have already made up their minds to build the night empire here, and dedicate the land under their feet to their own names.

Even in the face of Yaxiu, Yagez, another True Ancestor, had to avoid suspicion.

So since yesterday, she has let the people in Chiba Prefecture evacuated one after another.

So the transportation for the trip was arranged by Sister Maya.

The crowd drove directly to the remote sea area nearby.

Yaxiu got out of the car and climbed onto a high reef in front of him. Facing the sea breeze, he stood there quietly and waited.

The sea is windy and calm.

Everyone around them felt very suspicious.

When Yagez was about to ask questions, his expression suddenly changed.

She could feel a behemoth approaching from the bottom of the sea.

Soon, a circle of ripples suddenly swayed on the originally smooth surface of the water.

With the violent ups and downs of the tide, the water droplets flew high like a curtain of rain (afcc) under the sun.

In the center of the huge waves, the scales of the beautiful colorful fins can be seen reflecting.


Everyone was stunned.

I saw a snake-shaped sea monster slowly swimming over.

The huge energy level emanating from it made both Homura and Yageiz look at him.

But no worries.

Not to mention the strength of himself and others, just look at the current state of the sea monster - the other party is humming with joy, and there is no hostility.

It's more like it was specially invited by Ash.

Could it be that when he said "someone has been waiting by the sea"...he was referring to the sea monster in front of him?

When he was puzzled, Leviathan had already put his huge head on the reef, with gem-like orange-red compound eyes, staring at Ash without blinking, with awe and pleading in his eyes.

"Becoming a sea monster, dominating the body of a sea monster—how does it feel?"

Axiu smiled and said:

"It seems that your original expectation is exactly a similar fate... With your own sacrifice, the inheritance and reincarnation of the witch Lilith will be imprisoned forever?"

The Leviathan on the opposite side snorted softly, and large drops of water poured out of his huge eyes.

It feels... like a human being crying.

Homura and Agiz were stunned for a moment, then reacted.

Could it be that the Leviathan in front of me is actually a human change?

"Well, that's about it."

As if seeing through what they were thinking, Ashe raised his hand and gently stroked the scales of the sea monster in front of him, explaining:

"There lives a girl named Liliu... whose real name is Yutong Eguchi."

"Her soul entered the Leviathan's control center."

Seven days ago, I was affected by that miracle.

Originally under the influence of Sheng Jie, he had come to his senses and was extremely resistant to being charmed and manipulated by himself. Leviathan, who had formed a tug of war with Eguchi Yuki, suddenly relaxed completely.

And Eguchi Yutong has been staying in Leviathan's abdomen, not knowing the various changes in the outside world.

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