It seems that the abnormality of the Seat ruins has been noticed, and at this time, the Chaos Princess has issued an emergency preparation order 2.2.

A powerful magic barrier quickly rose outside the capital.

The magic light effect of slightly reddish light reflects the dark sky.

Most people in the capital can easily see the hideous figure of the god of the underworld, Sasala Machu, which is hundreds of meters high.

It looks like a monster that escaped from the abyss, scaring everyone and vampires!

"Where the hell did this shit come from?"

At the top of the palace tower in the center, the third primogenitor, Jiada, stared into the distance, her eyes were as sharp as a sword, but a deep sense of anxiety rose in her heart.

Just by swiping the mental power, you can clearly judge the energy level carried by the other party.

The True Ancestor himself is simply unmatched!

It is foreseeable that the Chaos Dynasty, which has been peaceful for thousands of years and no one dares to provoke it, is in danger! .

Chapter 179 Rolling

Although the Third Primogenitor Gada has always been a cautious ruler.

Under normal circumstances, there would never be such a big crisis around one's own territory.

But the recent changes in the world are really dizzying.

The advent of the [Devil], the crisis in Itogami Island, the [Devil] became the [God of Stars], the Fourth Primogenitor was resurrected, and a new Empire of the Night was built...

These major events distracted Jia Da's energy.

What's more, after the establishment of the [Anti-God Alliance], the target was aimed at the god of stars living on Itogami Island, and its actions were extremely secretive and low-key, which naturally increased the difficulty of obtaining information.

Therefore, it was not until the eve of the descending ceremony of the god of the underworld [Sasara Machu] that the mysterious people all over the world noticed some kind of clues due to the gathering of a terrifying amount of leyline spiritual power.

The strength of the divine descending ceremony jointly created by hundreds of human nations and countless church forces has exceeded expectations.

Almost used the earth pulse spiritual power to the extreme.

That's why it is possible to create powerful monsters that make even the true ancestors feel powerless.

If only a mere 05CSA.

Even if they successfully created the body of the Underworld God, I believe that the powerhouse of the true ancestor will never be so shocked.

"This kind of ghost..."

Jia Da's green hair and white dress swayed in the night wind, her heart sank directly.

"Even with the undead body of the true ancestor, there is absolutely no way to compete!"

"Not to mention other beings under the True Ancestor..."

"The magic barrier outside the capital can't create any obstacles at all!"

While thinking about it anxiously, under the order of CSA, the god of underworld has slowly raised his countless tentacles in the sky.

With the shrill sound of breaking the air, terrifying energy spilled out.

The barrier shattered!

Everyone in the capital could feel the shaking like a tenth-magnitude earthquake.

The attack of the Underworld God just now actually caused the entire land of the metropolis with a radius of nearly [*] square kilometers to sink into the ground!

I believe that as long as you come again, the city will definitely be destroyed.

Everything in front of you will be razed to the ground!

"Yu Zhi Empire, how could it end up like that!"

Jiada's figure rushed out without thinking, her face was full of fierce madness, and the crimson magic beam on her hands suddenly burst out, forming a huge pitch-black steel gun.

The flickering spear tip pierced the body of the sky god and caused a series of energy explosions.

The two beings with huge disparities in size only fought for the first time, and the aftermath of the vast energy swept in like a tsunami, and all the nearby buildings were directly destroyed!

The ferocious body of the underworld god was pierced by the spear of the beast, and the unknown pitch-black blood flowed from the wound, and when it dripped to the ground, it caused a sound like sulfuric acid.

The surrounding vegetation withered in an instant, and the ground dried up and cracked.

He let out a sky-shattering roar, his long claw-shaped arms raised violently, and a gust of wind slapped the villain in front of him.

The high-dimensional spiritual power began to arouse countless mysteries around.

Jia Da did not dodge or evade, a surging aura erupted from her body, and the two slammed into each other again.

As if a comet collided with the limit of the earth, a circle of overlapping air waves exploded around, and a huge mushroom cloud rose!

In the next second, a green-haired figure flew back in an embarrassed manner.

The third primogenitor slammed heavily on the ground, and even smashed the entire plain into a rift.

Crushing momentum!

"Sure enough, in front of the Underworld God, even the true ancestor is vulnerable!"

Standing beside the monitoring screen in the camp, most of the members of the Anti-God Alliance waved their hands excitedly, and a strong sense of confidence rose in their hearts.

"Then the monster known as the god of stars will definitely not be the opponent of the god of the underworld!"

The representative of CSA was also full of excitement, thinking about the scene of sweeping Yu Nei from afar, and was about to control the god of the underworld to make persistent efforts to completely kill the third primogenitor and destroy the entire Chaos Dynasty.

In the sudden mental induction, the efficiency of replenishment after consumption of the earth vein spiritual power that constitutes the body of the Underworld God was unexpectedly low.

"Weapons are always just weapons... It is impossible to form a precise cycle like humans!"

He quickly calmed down.

"Since the strength of the Underworld God has been roughly tested, let's go to the topic immediately!"

Otherwise, if you continue to entangle with the Third Primogenitor and Chaos Dynasty, you can really easily destroy the Empire of Night.

However, the energy consumed by the God of the Underworld cannot be replenished in time. If the God of the Stars suddenly shoots while taking advantage of the non-peak state...

The Anti-God Alliance has always been on the highest alert for that god who has performed incredible miracles.

Under the order of the CSA representative, after easily defeating the Third Primogenitor with one palm, the Underworld God did not attack any more.

He quietly suspended in the air and began to replenish the energy consumed by the attack just now.

Everyone in the Anti-God Alliance was waiting with excitement.

As soon as the Underworld God's standby is over and he returns to his peak state, he will immediately go to Itogami Island to deal a devastating blow to the God of Stars and the Church of the Stars!



On the top floor of the manor, in the quiet room dedicated to the God of the Stars, Yan hurried over and opened the door directly, with an unprecedented dignified expression on her pretty face.

"According to the reports of Yu's courtiers... Just a few minutes ago, it was confirmed that the Empire of the Third Night was under attack."

"The life and death of the third primogenitor are unknown!"

"Those traitors...the ultimate target is likely to be you!"

Although he has always been extremely arrogant, Homura is still clear in his heart.

Compared with Yaxiu, although she is known as the strongest ancestor, she is not worth mentioning.

So the monster that suddenly appeared must be aimed at Ashe, the [God of Stars].

Behind Homura, Agiz also walked into the room with a cold expression.

"Jada seems to be seriously injured."

She was worried about it.

After all, the three true ancestors are friends who have gathered around Cain since ancient times.

Even after Cain's death, they established the Empire of the Night, and sometimes even drove the empires to kill each other.

But there is still no denying their deep affection.

Never want the other party to really die.

And if it is really some organization to deal with the monsters that Ash summoned.

Must be extremely powerful.

Maybe it can really kill the [Undead True Ancestor], but not necessarily.

Yaxiu, who was quietly sorting out the bloodline information, finally opened his eyes.

"Worried about the third primogenitor?"

After thinking about it, he raised his hand.

A space vortex composed of stars quickly appeared.

After a while, a figure appeared looming across the vortex.

Passed through the starlight and fell into Ash's arms.

It was a girl with light green hair, and her white dress was covered in blood and black mud, looking extremely embarrassed.


The first time he saw the figure, Yageiz's heart eased slightly.

Step forward quickly.

Then you can see that there is no blood on the beautiful face of the third primogenitor, his eyes are closed, and he is dying.

Yageiz and Homura checked it out a little, and couldn't help but feel even more horror in their hearts.

Because they can all feel that the beasts in the body of the third primogenitor...the magic power that should have been endless, is almost exhausted!

But according to the urgent information sent by his subordinates just now.

The Third True Ancestor and the hundred-meter-high monster only fought twice! .

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