Immediately, Fujisaka Touka turned her doubtful eyes to Jiada and said tentatively:

"The Third Primogenitor, Her Majesty the Princess of Chaos?"

As a senior member of the church, although he had never met Jia Da before, he had seen her photos and had a clear impression of her appearance and outfit, and could recognize it at first sight.

"The Chaos Domain was attacked by the Underworld God just now, and even I almost lost my life... It was Ash who saved me."

Jia Da did not hide her embarrassment just now, and shook her head apologetically:

"I'm very sorry, the crisis in Itogami Island may have been caused by me."

With that said, she looked worriedly at the sleeping figure on the sofa.

"I'm going to wait until Ash wakes up to thank him."

Fujisaka Touka and other girls could clearly feel Jiada's concern from her heart.

In addition to worry, they were speechless.

Their god is really the True Ancestor Harvester!

Even if you don't include Yan's Twelve Primitive Ancestors, Jia Da is already the third Primogenitor!

However, in the past six months, the girls in the manor have communicated with each other.

It is clear that Ashe himself, because he possesses divine power and blood that surpasses human beings, will involuntarily attract vampires of any level.

Even the True Ancestor could not escape that fatal temptation.

At the same time will be surrounded by any vampire, impossible to hurt him.

Coupled with the presence of the trusted Yagez and Homura, the girls are not worried about Jiada's disagreement.

So Fujisaka Touka and the others saluted again, with a heavy tone:

"` 〃Thank you for your protection!"

After speaking, they didn't have time to say anything, and hurriedly left the room.

After all, the church was already in chaos at this time.

Because many devout believers can feel that just now—after expelling the "monster" that is more than [*] meters high, their connection with [God] has become faint.

Even the statues of the gods that always radiate hazy stars in the churches have become dim.

Therefore, when the outside world was caught in the carnival of the rest of their lives, the members of the Star Church were extremely frightened.

Fujisaka Toka and other saintess immediately came to the manor to check the situation.

Now, when they heard the news that Ash was asleep, they had to return to the church immediately while they were worried.

Otherwise confusion can easily arise.

After watching the backs of Fujisaka Touka and the other saints disappear, Agiz and the other True Ancestor returned to the room and closed the door.

"They've already left."

Yan strode over, poked Yaxiu in the face, and said dissatisfiedly:

"Yu Dan (Zhao Zhaozhao) is puzzled. It was clear that dealing with the Underworld God before did not cost you the slightest. Why do you want to release the signal of [The God of Stars falling into a deep sleep]?"

"For this reason, even at the expense of deceiving the witches who are loyal to you?"

Ash opened his eyes, smiled and hugged Homura into his arms.

The latter earned a token earning, and blushed and let it hug him.

Just pretended to be calm and continued:

"You haven't answered Yu's question yet."

Yagezi and Jiada also came over, also looking very puzzled.

"sit down."

Ash nodded to the two True Ancestors.

Immediately looking at the flame in his arms, he explained softly:

"Although many plans have been considered before, they are all complex."

"And those plans, the energy spent in the layout is not counted, but the time is relatively long."

"I just can't stay in this world for too long."

"Only by taking advantage of the present opportunity can we quickly achieve our goals."

Chapter 186 Take the world away

"In this world... can't stay too long?"

The three True Ancestors were stunned.

"Is Ash leaving? Go back to your original world?"

Homura and Agiz's expressions were complicated.

Although there was a faint hint of this when he learned that Ash was a "visitor from another world".

I didn't expect it to be confirmed so quickly.

"Don't worry about anything."

Yaxiu understood their worries and smiled:

"The coordinates of this world have been mastered by me, and I can enter again at any time in the future... Well, the time flow of each world is different. I believe that even if I leave, I will not leave for too long."

"We will meet again soon in the future."

In fact, it is judged from the information obtained in the world of "Godslayer".

His existence is like a super black hole.

After arriving at a world, it will forcibly strip that world from the huge parallel world cycle, and then suck it out of the unknown world.

It can be said that Ash is no longer "leaving the world", but "leaving with the world".

But this kind of thing is too complicated to explain.

It's just speculation, not confirmed yet.

He didn't even think about saying it.

What's more, Yaxiu himself doesn't know the inside story.

Only faintly noticed.

It seems that due to its own particularity, countless other worlds, including the Saint Seiya world, will break away from the original parallel cycle.

In the future, a new multi-cycle circle may be formed-with him as the center.

The three primogenitors were silent for a moment, trying to understand what he said.

After a while, Yageiz frowned again and asked:

"What is your goal?"

"In the original world, my friends and I encountered a very troublesome enemy, which may trigger a crisis of extinction..."

Ash briefly described the situation in the Saint Seiya world.

"So I left that world and traveled to another world, hoping to find a way that is beneficial to the current situation."

"In addition, there are still some questions about my cultivation that need to be answered."

"Just happened to meet your special world, and about all questions can be answered - of course."

After a moment of silence, he smiled and said:

"First of all, I have to reach the end of Shinto in this world."

"The Western European Church?" Yagez couldn't help but ponder: "Need to replace the [God] of this world?"

After some explanations just now, they almost understood the mythological platform and the gods.

Immediately in my mind, the deity of the gods that the Western European church spreads to the world.

The only God in the world, God...

A long time ago, the true ancestors did not care about these religious beliefs at all.

Regardless of the fourth primordial flame, Yagez and Jia Da were born almost at the same time as the civilization of this planet.

The truth about the formation of the world, about the falsity of the myth, is clear in their hearts.

In the end, I didn't expect that false things could actually come true!

This contrast value immediately made Yagez extremely interested, and she was eager to understand the so-called human rationale and mythological platform.

"Do you need my help?"

Yagez asked excitedly.

"I've arranged everything..."

Yaxiu originally wanted to say no, but after thinking about it, he pondered:

"There's really one thing - if you can, help me spread the word [The God of the Stars Falls into a Deep Sleep] as much as possible, but keep it hidden."

Facing the puzzled expressions of several people, he simply stated his plan directly.

"Is that so?"

Yagez showed a thoughtful look, and quickly nodded with a smile.

"Well, maybe I know what to do."


Hades attacked Itogami Island on the second day.

The lively celebration is still going on, and everyone on the island is beaming.

In fact, it is not only because God has once again reached out to save them.

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