Except that the descendant is a little different.

The deity itself as a descendant... This is something that no one has ever tried.

Likewise, if the gods really have a consistent origin, the ritual will be [*]% successful.

"Are you ready?"

Pope Annecris glanced at the bishops beside him and said in a deep voice:

"Everyone, please treat this key prayer with the most sincere attitude!"

Although his voice was forcibly calm, it couldn't help but tremble.

Not only because of the pressure of Hades getting closer and closer to the inner side of the planet.

More because... this is likely to be some kind of blasphemy to [God].

——If the identity of the god of the stars is not as they thought, its side is linked to God.

Then believers use another god as the descendant of the other, which may arouse the great wrath of God.

Immediately, a deadly divine punishment might be brought down!

The people around were very aware of this matter, so they could not help but retreat silently, quietly watching the Western European Church group during the ceremony.

In the distance, Fujisaka Touka and others also looked worried.

They are not worried about what accidents will happen to Ashe as a descendant - if Ashe is not the side of God, then if the power of the godhead is excluded, the ceremony will only fail, and there is no danger at all.

But the current behavior... the behavior of allowing the Western European Church and others to conduct temptation is inherently blasphemy.

If it weren't for the repeated insistence of the True Ancestor such as Yagezi, and the threat of the Underworld God to the world, it would indeed be imminent.

Fujisaka Touka, who is the Pope, is unlikely to agree.

With some kind of apprehension, the girl glanced at Yagez.

However, he saw that the other party was just staring at the start of the divine descending ceremony with an inexplicable expression.

Fujisaka Touka frowned and couldn't help but asked in a low voice:

"Your Majesty Yagez, are you not worried at all?"

"I've said it many times, just call me Yagez." Yagez pursed his lips and chuckled: "What are you worried about? Worrying that if you make a mistake, Yaxiu will blame us when he wakes up?"

She waved her hand indifferently.

"Don't worry, Yaxiu won't be so stingy."

"Perhaps in your opinion, arrogantly affirming his other clergy and authority is blasphemy, but he doesn't really care at all."

These words made Fujisaka Touka feel slightly relieved.

She also knew that since Ash came to this world, Yagez, the second primogenitor, has been with him all the time.

...................... 0

He definitely knew Ash's temperament better than himself.


Looking at the other party's relaxed expression, Fujisaka Touka frowned again, and suddenly asked in a low voice:

"Yagiz, you should know something, right?"


The latter blinked blankly, pretending to be stupid.

"The real situation of His Majesty's profile." Fujisaka Touka continued to ask curiously, "Could it be that the God of the Western European Church is really His Majesty's profile?"

The other priestesses also approached, pricked up their ears to eavesdrop on the conversation between the two.


Yagez just smiled mysteriously and pointed to the front:

"You will understand when you read it, and I believe there will be a conclusion soon."

Her expression instantly made everyone feel relieved.

It seems that Anecris' guess may not be groundless!

At this moment, the divine descending ceremony has also fully started.

Amidst the rhythmic prayers of the Western European Church, a circle of spiritual light quickly rose into the sky, piercing the white clouds above Itogami Island.

In the endless void, some kind of hollow layer is formed, allowing sunlight to pour down without hindrance.

Accompanied by a brighter and burning sensation, there is also a faint divine aura.

And that sacred aura is rapidly becoming strong, and soon centering on the manor, it permeates the entire Itogami Island.

Anecris seemed to feel something in his heart, and his prayers paused slightly.

Suddenly bursting into tears, he fell to the ground, and said loudly in a passionate tone:

"The power of my lord...successfully descended into this world!!" Knife.

Chapter 198 Touring His Kingdom

The god of stars, actually has the aspect of [God]? ! !

Anecris's words made the field silent.

Even through Abram's experience and the myth of the ancient kingdom of User thousands of years ago, the two are vaguely linked.

But high-level officials of various countries still feel a little unbelievable.

You must know that the god in "Blood Attack", like the gods in other worlds, is the only god in "monotheism".

And he is the only god with the widest spread in the world.

Its mythological status is almost supreme!

It's really hard for them to imagine... The anti-god alliance that was formed to deal with was actually such a terrifying god!

However, no matter how much doubt, the ceremony has been successful!

At this moment, in the dazzling aperture, a figure slowly flew up.

The endless and soft light, with its shocking divine power, began to slowly spread out after opening the "Seven Eight Three".

All the lives bathed in the brilliance can feel the comfort and warmth as if returning to the arms of their mothers.

Mercy, tolerance, holiness, kindness.

The divine light that can wash away all evil in their hearts makes their faces gradually calmer and fades away any haze and desire.

In the distant sky, the phantoms of angels appeared one after another.

They circled in the void, making adoration with respectful expressions.

An unknown vague chant appeared in the ears of everyone, praising the greatness of a god.

This solemn and solemn atmosphere immediately infected everyone.

The lives of the entire Itogami Island involuntarily bowed their bodies to express their surrender and worship to the Lord of Armies, the supreme existence of the kingdom of heaven.

The descending ceremony was still going on, and the bishops of the Western European churches kept praying, and their tone was even more and more passionate.

These church believers, in a special way, continue to communicate the myth.

"The plan...successful!"

Ash, whose figure was surrounded by light, smiled slightly.

He looked up above, as if he could see through the shadows of many angels, a certain seat of God that contained massive beliefs.

Originally, even if he held the side of [God], in a twisted world like "Blood Eater", the supreme throne of God would not be easily opened to him, allowing him to sit on the throne.

but now......

Following the descent ceremony, following the small connecting passages opened up by Western European churches.

Because of the affirmation and recognition of the Church's representative god, Ash was able to separate a trace of true spirit, and with its vision began to slowly rise.

In the end, surrounded by the phantoms of angels with stiff expressions, that silk real spirit flew directly into the mythical [Heaven]!


The seat of God and the body began to resonate, and the divine breath suddenly burst out.

The dazzling light energy poured out from Yaxiu's body, submerging the entire Itogami Island like a tide, and even rushing to every corner of the world!

The entire land was completely enveloped by a sea of ​​light.

On the other side of the earth, it was originally in the middle of the night when the sun could not shine. At this time, it seemed that a brilliant sun had risen.

The infinite light full of vitality, dispels any evil, heals any pain, and makes all things reborn!

In the next second, the divine brilliance in front of everyone finally began to converge.

They hesitated and quietly raised their heads.

In the middle of the sky, a white-robed figure stood quietly, with a handsome face and a gentle smile.

The figure took a step forward and said in a low voice:

"I have come into this world."

The words like spiritual words resounded in all directions, and the ocean around Itogami Island boiled with huge waves.

Ash slowly said in a calm and holy manner:

"Whoever asks will receive; whoever seeks will find; whoever knocks, I will open!"

Although the voice is light, it spreads all over the world in an instant!

The bishops of the Western European Church were stunned at first, then kowtowed frantically, and exclaimed in excitement:

"Praise the great Lord, you are the way, the truth, the life...you are the creator of the world!"

Deep down in their hearts, they were completely convinced that this was—God!

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