"After a while, I want to open the alien capital of the ancient heaven. It seems that only the power of the fourth primogenitor can open it."


Another half year has passed.

Ash stood in front of the statue in the manor square.

"It's almost ready..."

After a moment of silence, countless radiance suddenly spread out from his body, as bright as the stars!

The wisps of light instantly soared into the sky and cast into the unknown distant starry sky.

In the strange realm that ordinary people and even most magicians cannot sense, the original complete world seems to be completely divided into clear frames.

In terms of the picture, it is one-sided, but for the sentient beings in the picture, it is a whole!

Suddenly, countless strange rays of light like meteors appeared outside those screens.

Follow the illusory passage and enter the body of every being inside!

Everyone was startled.

They can faintly feel that they seem to have changed.

There is an extra seed in the body.

As long as you keep praying to God, the seeds can blossom and bear fruit, and then extraordinary power will emerge!

"' 〃 Is this a gift from God?"

After the shock, many people subconsciously began to pray for the first time.

Although some people don't trust the seeds, they can't find a way to get them out.

And over time, the prayers are getting stronger at a rate visible to the naked eye.

They have greater strength, longer lifespans, and use a variety of extraordinary abilities.

It is foreseeable that (Zhao Qianzhao) will no longer belong to ordinary human beings in the future.

The life that refuses to let the seed germinate may soon be eliminated.

Not because of strength...but lifespan.

Therefore, some human beings who are afraid of short life have to join in the prayer.

But there are still rare human beings who, with cautious psychology and pride, resist the benefits of becoming a demon with a tenacious will.

Then...they can only live out their lives as ordinary human beings, gradually aging and dying.

Can't change anything at all.

This world will still gradually evolve into an extraordinary situation for all people.

At this time, Yaxiu had no time to pay attention.

His eyes were all placed in front of him, and an illusory "roulette" gathered by brilliance was placed on the paper.

"...Wheel of Fortune!" Without any obstacles, Yaxiu easily understood the reason for the other party's existence.

Chapter 206 Ten Thousand Spirits

"Is this the symbol of [Life Cycle Fluctuation]?"

Looking at the wheel of fortune in front of him, Yaxiu couldn't help muttering, and he realized something in his heart.

If the world really has the concept of [the collective consciousness of all souls], then it must be the truth that encompasses all life.

And fate is also one of the truths of life...and a very representative truth!

It is the intersection of life and life to form the truth of collective consciousness and form.

Yaxiu's spiritual sense rushed out with all his strength and merged into the wheel of fortune in front of him.

In an instant, he seemed to be incarnated in billions, scattered in every corner of the world.

He could clearly feel that under the bird's-eye view of the Wheel of Fortune, all beings were like performing a grand and lively puppet show.

This puppet show can be controlled by fate... or by the [collective consciousness of all spirits].

As long as you gently touch the thread of fate, you can silently interfere with the thoughts of any creature, and reverse all options at the fork in their lives!

This is the truth of fate!

And by incorporating such bizarre truths, Ash can finally clearly touch the [rules of life].

An extremely strange yet comfortable feeling spread into the depths of his soul and mind.

Yaxiu could intuitively feel that that kind of law had completely different fluctuations from the [the world's movement law].

But the two can form some kind of meeting point.

"So the gods in the Saint Seiya world, even if they don't know the laws of life at all, can they spy on some future destiny?"

Ash chuckled inwardly.

He continued to sense it carefully with his spiritual sense.

Even if I perceive two great supreme laws, why do they have an intersection.

Because the world needs to rely on life to maintain and optimize its own form, and even through the activities of life, an irreplaceable cycle is formed in the world.

And life must rely on the world to survive!

Although they seem to be irrelevant to each other, they are mutually dependent and completely inseparable.

"I see!"

Yaxiu let out a faint sigh, and slowly retracted his spiritual sense from the wheel of fortune.

Today, he has almost become the [All Souls] in the world of "Blood Eater", and has the qualification to view the Wheel of Fortune at any time, and even to dominate the Wheel of Fortune.

This is a bizarre phenomenon that absolutely cannot exist in other worlds!

The Wheel of Fortune gathers all the destiny of all beings.

To a certain extent, it can also rely on it to interfere with the fate of all living beings.

Originally, the wheel of fortune could only be grasped by the [collective consciousness of all spirits].

In other worlds, [Wan Ling] is equivalent to some kind of mechanical program, and it is impossible to have autonomous will.

But Yaxiu took advantage of the particularity of "Blood-devouring Raid" to replace [Wanling] with himself!

"But if you want to replace the endless collective consciousness with a single will, it will also have a great impact..."

Silently feeling the consumption of his spiritual sense, Yaxiu shook his head in his heart.

He is very clear that this is because of the spontaneous assimilation of all intelligent life in the past, present, and future.

If he just doesn't have the program of his own will, he can easily ignore the interference of the vast pan-consciousness.

But he has the ego, the aura of wisdom that comes from the ego.

will be subject to great exclusivity.

That pan-consciousness was constantly consuming his aura of wisdom, trying to turn him into a command center without autonomy and emotion.

Even if he has relied on human principles, he has released his own life information to all beings on each timeline, which is equivalent to the infinite life of the entire world, which is an extension of him.

However, it is impossible to underestimate the assimilation of all beings in the dark.

Now I'm just studying the wheel of fortune, so I can understand the [rules of life].

If you want to directly use the wheel of fortune to modify the fate script in it, you will inevitably suffer a greater impact.

"However, as long as I can clearly see the future destiny of all beings, I can completely interfere in reality without relying on the power of the Wheel of Fortune..."

Ash smiled, not caring about it.

He wanted to find out more, after initially dabbling in another supreme rule, in addition to the ability to interfere with fate, whether there is any other gain.

He closed his eyes silently for a moment, and his eyebrows moved slightly (afcc).

"Owning the identity of all spirits in the world of "Blood Eater", you will no longer be able to find out your specific destiny by other beings..."

Because he is already equivalent to the center of the wheel of fate, surrounded by the complex fate lines of countless creatures.

If the God of Destiny inspected him, he could only see everything in the world and life.

"But it only works in the world of Blood Rush... It's like some kind of divine authority."

"If you want to hide your destiny in other worlds, you can only continue to comprehend the [law of the operation of life], and use the truth within it to interfere and block."

"It's not that hard to do."

"Even if I rely on the seeds of silver, I can only harvest the regular information of the silver class at present, but some truths still belong to the part of destiny..."

To a certain extent, Yaxiu has completely jumped out of fate.

Since then, no one has been able to predict his future.

"not only that!"

Opening his eyes, Ash's eyes were filled with deep joy.

"I even have the [authority] of the bloodline."

"You can easily combine the best silver bloodlines, and arbitrarily delete, modify and expand your own silver bloodline information, and finally form a perfect life that conforms to all rules!"

...though only the perfection of the silver class.

But it has also been very surprising.

This ability, in a simple description, is to allow oneself to quickly adapt to any external environment.

For example, humans cannot breathe in water at all, and cannot survive in volcanoes and space.

It is because human genes are simply not adapted to other environments other than the atmosphere.

And if you can get permission to modify your genes, you can let yourself breathe in water, roam in hot magma and vacuum, and so on.

Of course, this is just a metaphor for ordinary people.

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