Yaxiu looked at Ji Dongxuecai and the others and smiled:

"Of course, you can also enter and leave this otherworldly capital at will."

He pointed to the door of light that appeared next to him:

"I've made solid space passages between it and the manor, with easy access through that door." Knife.

Chapter 208 The Return

"I didn't expect the world to merge, and it really has something to do with [the law of the operation of life]..."

"Still such a vital connection!"

Another half a year passed, and Yaxiu left the otherworld capital and returned to the manor.

He looked at the huge floating city looming in the sky with a thoughtful expression.

"In order to survive, intelligent creatures will subconsciously transform the surrounding environment - the famous name is building a home."

"And this kind of transformation seems to be minimal, but on a global scale, the chain reaction it triggers is likely to be extremely far-reaching and extensive..."

"At least let the world record the Vientiane traces they have created."

Just like the "butterfly effect" phenomenon.

A butterfly flapping its wings could very well cause a tornado thousands of miles away.

Tornadoes in turn alter the behavior of matter and energy particles.

Maybe hundreds of millions of years later, in a corner of the universe, new stars, and even the "[*]" ball of life stars will be born from this.

The most important thing is not the weather conditions, nor the constants and variables in the development trajectory of things.

Rather... a butterfly!

Without the inadvertent flap of the butterfly, all subsequent changes would be impossible.

After all, it is life!

Only the various actions of life can produce fixed numbers and variables.

It will make the world come alive.

Therefore, life is the driving force that drives the changes in the world shape.

Without the activity of intelligent creatures, the entire world would only be lifeless, and it might not be possible to change its state for hundreds of millions of years.

This is also the fundamental reason why, in the process of the world running, life is bound to be born.

It needs life to build itself.

But at the same time, life is extremely dependent on the world.

They have to live within the confines of the world.

The two supreme operating laws are complementary to each other, and cannot exist alone, they are indispensable.

"And the same is true in the process of world fusion."

Ash finally understood something.

——Why is the chaotic world on the opposite side directly swallowed up by the world of "Blood Devourer".

And not just because there's a shattered tailwind there.

And because of the cataclysm, life has been completely wiped out.

Another supreme law of operation - the law of operation of life is extremely weak.

Therefore, in the process of fusion, it will be unable to compete for the relatively more robust world of "Blood Devourer".

Just as the construction of the world cannot be without the participation of intelligent creatures.

The same is true of the fusion process of the world.

It is necessary to use the fluctuation of life to leverage the spiritual thoughts, soul thoughts, and spiritual thoughts of the universe.

Only by constraining its huge and supreme chaotic consciousness can it not make any mistakes during fusion.

Only in the process of world fusion can there be no fundamental loopholes in the general shape.

Let the barrier remain stable and prevent dangerous energy and matter from outside the world from entering.

Therefore, the integration of the world requires the simultaneous participation and cooperation of two supreme laws.

Silently thinking and recalling, Yaxiu showed a faint joy again.

He sincerely felt fortunate that he did not come directly to the world of "Blood Devourer" at first, but stayed in the chaotic world opposite for a few years, and learned a lot of activation rules.

If he lacked this layer of knowledge, he would not have been able to understand the laws of life and the fusion process of the world so thoroughly.

"Thinking about it now, the reason why those activation rules are esoteric and difficult to understand, in addition to the mysterious troubles of the High Plateau Realm, is also because they are attached to the laws of life's operation."

The two supreme laws of that world have almost been twisted together.

And because life has fallen into extinction on a large scale, the fluctuation of life has become extremely weak, and it can only rely on the laws of the world's operation.

Only then will a strange existence such as [Activation Rule] be formed.

It contains the last essence and core of life in the entire world.

It was precisely because he analyzed too many activation rules that Yaxiu was able to understand another supreme rule so quickly.

After all, this thing has no cultivation system at all... Maybe that system is [Shinto].

But Ash's research on Shinto is not much.

There is absolutely no way to form a specific cultivation path.

Even now, his understanding of the laws of life's operation is only a "slightly involved" level.

"However, the general construction knowledge of the omega-level small universe should be solved."

Yaxiu is very satisfied with the harvest in the past six months.

Observing the process of the fusion of the two worlds not only made him more comfortable with the operation of another supreme rule, but also completely solved Athena's problem.

——Athena's previous idea of ​​​​the fusion of different cosmology is completely wrong.

The successful construction of an omega-level microcosm requires not only coordinating the cosmology, but also coordinating various basic parameters.

It is even more necessary to correspond to the fusion and transformation of "mind" in the dark.

In the real world, it is the spirit, soul, and spirit that pervade the will of the universe at all levels.

According to the small universe system, it should belong to the [core idea] of the formation of the small universe—that is, the initial angle of observing the operation of the world 0  …

It is necessary to somehow co-ordinate all the angles that form the microcosm, and connect them with their commonalities.

Through half a year of research in the capital of the otherworld, Yaxiu has roughly grasped the detailed rules of its specific fusion and transformation.

After returning to the world of Saint Seiya, just give Athena a little touch.

With her god-level wisdom, the construction of the Omega-level microcosm will surely be able to slowly get on the right track.

"It's just that, in general, unless you use the gods' cosmology and ultimate power in a unified manner, like the Saint Seiya, the foundation of the omega-level microcosm should be to form the self [cosmology]...that is, the first Nine senses."

Yaxiu pondered in his heart, and once again felt the power of his unknown talent.

Actually, in the beginning, with only the six senses, when there was no self-view of the universe at all, all the small universes could be easily integrated.

"The two worlds are still in the process of merging...it may take many years before a solid new world is finally formed."

"But the otherworldly capital doesn't have much effect on me anymore."

When he entered it, he just wanted to figure out the specific fusion process.

Analyzing the general knowledge can be helpful to Athena—as the goddess of wisdom, she often just lacks an inspiration.

"Just like the original book, the capital of another world can be turned into a part of Itogami Island and the area of ​​this artificial island can be increased."

"I believe Homura will be satisfied."

Thinking so, Ash raised his hand. 2.2

An illusory gravitational force appeared, and the floating city, which was still in the interlayer of the dimension, was completely pulled into this world.

and began to fall slowly.

Finally, it was embedded in the center of Itogami Island.

Everyone on the island watched in shock as the huge city descended from the sky.

However, under the precise control of the power of the small universe, the fusion of the island and the capital of another world did not cause any disturbance.

While they were relieved, they thanked the gods for their blessings.

Then, with a curious mind, he began to look at his home that had expanded a lot of territory.

Ash did not pay attention to these people.

He is thinking about his next trip.

"Now the three goals of entering the world of "Blood Attack" have all been completed."

"Maybe it's time to return to the Saint Seiya world."

He never thought to wait here and watch the end of the fusion of the world.

That must be years away.

Chapter 209 Time Questions

The light sea breeze was blowing, bringing a faint sound of waves.

The lights of thousands of houses on the shore flickered brightly under the bright moon.

The church bells were tolled, and the choir sang cheerful and devout songs of praise to God.

There are children who use their newly acquired abilities to fly into the sky, chasing the mist in the night sky.

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