Also includes environmental factors.

Now Yaxiu felt that the air in the Saint Seiya world was obviously much purer than that of the artificial island.

"After all, it is the age of the city-state before the birth of industry."

He smiled in his heart.

After walking out of the temple, you can immediately see a familiar figure standing in front of you.

Athena, who was wearing a plain white dress, was smiling gently at him.

"I am back."

Yaxiu raised the corners of her mouth, stepped forward, and hugged the purple-haired goddess.

"Welcome back."

Greeting so softly, Athena's eyes were bright, and her pretty face showed obvious curiosity:

"There seems to be smugness hidden in your emotions? Was this trip a great harvest?"

"Can you tell me if you don't mind?"

"Before that, I want to ask one thing first." Ash smiled and said, "About the construction of the Omega-level small universe... How long will it take for you to succeed?"

"...about ten thousand years."

Athena looked startled, and spoke uncertainly.

But soon, she seemed to think of something, and she was surprised:

"Have you not......"


Nodding earnestly, Yaxiu's smile grew brighter:

"This trip, I went to a very strange place, where two worlds are merging... Well, considering the construction of Omega, maybe the knowledge inside is required."

"So I observed their fusion process a little bit."

Athena's beautiful eyes suddenly lit up.

The microcosmic system has always been imitating the laws of the world.

If she can really learn the truth of the world's fusion, she will be able to greatly shorten the time and build an Omega-level small universe at a faster speed!

"Let's go, let's find a place to chat."

Sensing the undisguised eagerness of the goddess, Ash was also delighted.

Finally, I can reflect my role as a "man of God".

Isn't this the legendary "Homecoming"!


"The laws of life? The wheel of fortune? All spirits?"

After silently listening to Yaxiu's series of guesses and experiences after entering the world of "Blood Eater".

Athena automatically ignored the names of several unfamiliar women who occasionally popped up, and said ponderingly:

"The exact fate of intelligent creatures - especially the periodic fate of groups, is indeed something that even the gods cannot clearly predict."

As for the way of fate, a long time ago, although there were also gods who were puzzled.

Why do gods master all the truths in the universe, and they are omnipotent and omnipotent, but they can't see through "destiny"?

They attribute that to a lack of their own cosmology.

It is believed that only if the cosmology is complete enough to cover the entire world, can it grasp the arteries and veins of life.

But I never considered that there will be another law that is different from the operation of the world!

After all, the profession has a specialization.

After being nurtured in the world of "Godslayer", especially after learning about the existence of human principles, Athena's ability to accept is still much higher than that of other gods.

If it were another person, even if Ash kept his guesses and experiences fully revealed, they would probably be dubious.

"Unfortunately, regarding the [law of the operation of life], even if I can already sense the principles of human beings, I still haven't noticed it at all... Perhaps the most orthodox way of sensing is to constantly spy on the fate of all beings, and even take the initiative to call Move the thread of destiny."

Athena sighed in her heart and asked again:

"In other words, if I want to successfully build an Omega universe, I must first integrate it from the perspective of the source of miracles?"


Ash nodded:

"If I didn't become the [Wanling] of that world, I couldn't be sure."

"But now, I have clearly observed—"

"In the process of world fusion, in addition to the macroscopic law parameters, which must be adjusted, each layer of the mysterious origin [thought] also needs to be sorted out and compromised with each other."

"Reacted to our small universe system, it becomes the original intention of observing the world and forming the source of miracles."

With a slight pause, he continued:

"So at that time, you will be helpless against the ultimate power formed by the other world."

"Only from the perspective of parallel worlds will there be certain commonalities... You start from the small universe formed by the parallel worlds to build Omega. This idea is undoubtedly correct."

After saying this, Yaxiu described the fusion process and fusion knowledge he observed in detail.

It is not mixed with his own cognition and speculation, which is very objective.

Although he has become the "All Souls" of "Blood Devourer", his interpretation of the truth of the world's fusion is no worse than that of the gods.

But only in that world.

As for the specific situation of Athena's construction of Omega, and the state of dozens of small universes in her body, only she knows best.

Presumably for the goddess of wisdom, this knowledge is enough.

Sure enough, after a moment of contemplation, Athena's pretty face gradually revealed surprise.

"' 〃 I'm going to retreat immediately - with the truth and inspiration you brought back from another world, I should be able to completely build an omega-level small universe for a thousand years at most!"

Ash was relieved.

The goddess said this, she must have great confidence.

I believe that after a thousand years, there will be no need to worry about the troubles of Typhon and Gaia.

As long as Athena enters the Omega level, with that kind of pseudo-multiple-level power, it will definitely be able to determine the whole world of Saint Seiya!

Even the small universes of those Saint Seiyas are only at the level of the eighth and ninth senses, and they haven't been able to reach the ultimate power.

But the strength of dozens of regiments combined to form an Omega state will never be inferior to that of Zeus, the former king of the gods.

In the original book, Zeus can deter secret enemies, and Athena can certainly!

"But before I leave, I have one more thing."

The goddess looked at Yaxiu, her eyebrows slightly wrinkled.

"The design idea of ​​your divine body bloodline information - use countless single bloodline promotions, and then gather their information to form your own full bloodline."

"There is a god who once simulated such a real (Zhao Nuohao) experience."


Ash suddenly became curious.

"who is it?"

"...God of darkness, Erebos." Athena whispered: "Before the ancient times, Erebos has been pursuing the secrets of various super-god eras."

"He seems to have found something, and has carried out many experiments like that."

"—Disperse one's own blood into a single direction, and give the created batch of life, so that they can be promoted to blood beyond the golden level."

"Take the blood of those lives and integrate into yourself."

"I don't know exactly what's going on...but the experiment seems to have gone terribly wrong."

"Not only did it produce a large number of unknown dark creatures, but it also led to the recovery of the afterimage of the super god Apsu."

"Even the evil god [Lucifer] from another world was summoned to play in this world."

Hesitating, Athena continued:

"My other sister, Aphrodite, who was part of the Erebus lineage, should know better about that experiment.".

Chapter 2 Becoming the planet itself?


"Beautiful God?"

Well, Ash also understands why Athena hesitated just now.

"Although she is called the god of beauty, the beauty of Sister Aphrodite not only refers to her appearance, but also refers to the perfection of her life form and bloodline." Athena explained:

"At least in terms of the truth of the arrangement of the golden bloodline information, almost no one of the gods can surpass her."

"Where is God of Beauty now?"

A look of interest appeared between Yaxiu's brows.

But after a while, he shook his head again and sighed:

"Forget it, when I came back this time, I didn't plan to stay any longer."

"I will give you the information of world fusion, and after raising the small universe to the peak of the eighth sense, I will go to the new world."

"Let's ask Meishen for advice next time."

For Athena's worries just now, she didn't take it to heart at all.

The steps he took to form a divine body were fundamentally different from Erebus.

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