Even, the basic graphics of the Kabbalah bloodline in the body will be perfect!

Next, continue to deduce from the upper layer according to the map, which will save countless years of time to check for leaks and fill in the gaps!


Yaxiu's brows were tightly knit together, and after a while, he shook his head helplessly:

"For your gods, it should be able to do it, but I only have the strength of the eighth sense."

If you want to incarnate a life planet and derive your own bloodline, you first need to completely close a certain star field.

Not only the closure on the physical level, but also the mystery of the quadruple world.

It's like dividing a piece of the universe directly.

Correction forces are bound to produce great repulsion.

"Maybe in the future you can find a strange world with a naturally closed star field?"

Athena smiled and said no more.

She also knew how difficult it was.

Alaya, who wants to become a planet of life, only needs to cut off the thread of destiny, even if that area is stripped from the law of life.

This is easier to do.

Anyway, civilizations on many planets have developed for thousands of years, but they cannot leave their parent planets.

The biggest difficulty among them is the ability to control the thread of destiny and cut the thread of destiny.

Even the gods were reluctant.

But in the last world, Ash happened to have studied the Wheel of Fortune, so I believe it would be simpler.

And if it is necessary to completely separate the entire planet from the laws of the world's operation, it would be too difficult for a practitioner of the eighth sense of the small universe system.

You may wait until you are promoted to the ninth sense and completely form your own view of the universe before you can give it a try.

"But it's really the best way to adjust the blood."

After pondering for a moment, Ashe suddenly looked at Athena thoughtfully:

"You should have studied it before, right?"

"Could it be that the eighty-eight constellations in the sky...are the by-products of your bloodline adjustment?"


Athena nodded and explained softly:

"After the Battle of the Titans, the gods have actually looked for various ways to break through."

"So do I."

"Eighty-eight times of incarnation?" Yaxiu asked curiously, "So what do you think of the effect?"

"After all, I have never been in touch with the laws of life. Although it helps, it has little effect."

"But you are different."

Athena looked at Ash with a smile:

"You have obtained all the bloodline information at the silver level, as well as a clear grasp of life fluctuations. I believe that you can form a perfect life planet cycle by nature!"

This is true.

Although the gods understand all the truths in the universe, they are just like creating life.

The lack of their own cosmology makes it impossible for them to incarnate the most perfect life planet.

0・・・For flowers・・・

It can only be improved little by little—that is, to use this method to gradually adjust the structure of its blood vessels to make it more and more perfect.

But at the back, every step will be extremely difficult, and there is no way to completely break through the golden bloodline.

Over time, after Athena experimented more than [-] times, she completely put out this thought.

Only the legend of the eighty-eight constellations left in the starry sky.

The same goes for other gods.

Some take place within their own realm, while others travel to more distant regions of the universe to create galaxies.

——It can be said that the reason why the Saint Seiya world is far wider than other worlds is precisely because of the various actions of the gods, using their own divine power to continuously expand the universe.


"I'm kind of interested."

Ash asked:

"Can you tell me about the experience of incarnating a life planet?"

Not too much preparation in advance.

Before crossing into the world of "Blood Devourer", who would have thought that he could easily find the knowledge of building an Omega-level microcosm?

Maybe the next world can easily solve the current troubles?

"Sister Aphrodite is the first person in the gods to study blood, even more than Father God."

Athena tilted her head and thought.

"Well, you meet Sister Aphrodite as a godfather and ask her about the knowledge of the incarnation of the life planet - it won't be too abrupt."

When the two were talking about this, a beam of moonlight fell from the sky and landed on the highest level of God's Domain.


With the cold voice of the moon god Artemis entering the temple, her beautiful figure also pushed in the door at the same time.

When he saw Ash, a surprise flashed in Artemis' eyes.

However, he found that he and Athena were sitting side by side intimately, and there was a slight displeasure in his heart.

"Axiu, it just so happens that I have something to look for you."

The goddess of the moon stepped forward, and while speaking warmly, she directly grabbed Yaxiu's hand and pulled him up.

"Remember that you asked me about bloodline a few days ago...this is for you!"

Saying so, she stuffed a delicate white jade sculpture knife into Yaxiu's hand.

Chapter 4 Jealousy of the Moon Goddess

"...Artemis, you have a heart."

Yaxiu smiled and took the white jade statue.

By the way, he also held the hand of the goddess.

Although he seems to be the goddess of the moon whom he asked for nearly [-] years ago before he left the world of Saint Seiya.

However, this time, for the senses of the gods, is indeed only a few days.

And compared to some minor problems, Ash was more concerned about Artemis' current mental state.

It looks like... eating Athena's vinegar?

"Have you been in retreat these past few days?"

The Moon Goddess glanced at the hand that Yaxiu was holding, and instead of pulling it out as usual, she held it back naturally.

Her tone was light, but a little dissatisfaction flashed in those bright emerald eyes.

"In the domain of Athena?"

Undoubtedly, he was dissatisfied with Ash's treating the two goddesses differently and not telling himself where he was retreating.

"In a wonderful place."

Ash's nonchalant "Seven-Nine-Three" changed the subject:

"Thanks to this retreat, I was finally able to figure out the correct way to build an omega-level microcosm."

This remark immediately attracted all the attention of Artemis.

The little jealousy in my heart quickly dissipated.


She is also very aware of the current situation.

Once Athena can really enter the Omega class.

Not only can Ashe disguise himself as a god-king, there will be no trouble, but even Typhon's threat can be easily resolved!

As for the problem of why the gods are stumped, it will be solved by the man in front of him...

The Moon Goddess was not surprised by this.

In her heart, the other party is "the reincarnation of the god king", and there will definitely be enough differences.

"Sit down and talk."

Ash took advantage of the situation to wrap around Artemis' waist, and the two sat beside Athena.

"It just so happened that I haven't seen you for a while...Little Moon."

The goddess of the moon suddenly caught her breath, and her pretty face turned red.

Stealing glanced at Athena on the other side, and seeing her expression as usual, he was quietly relieved.

She was about to quietly get rid of Yaxiu's hand, but the latter had already begun to explain the experience of this "retreat".

Out of concern for the Olympus pantheon, Artemis could no longer care about other trivial matters, and immediately listened silently.

So, when the goddess of the moon came back to her senses, she found that she had been embraced by the man beside her at some point.

What a headache guy...

She was so distressed.

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