Perhaps when the next world returns, the former human boy in front of him will be able to walk to the end of the road to the small universe, one step away from the gods.

At that time, it just depended on whether he wanted to become a god in a qualitative way.

Just as Athena sighed in her heart, she listened to Ashe on the opposite side continue to speak:

"With the help of the throne of God under the crown of the God King, I have studied the power in his blood 800 liquid, including the thunder of killing the gods."

"God-killing relies on the [Power of Order]."

"Just in the last world, when I observed the fusion of the two worlds, I also touched on the truth of the birth of order."

"After entering the eighth sense and collecting all the mysteries of the creation world, the truth of order that I didn't quite understand, has now solved some of the mysteries."

"I will explain this knowledge to you... It will definitely help you a lot when dealing with god-level enemies in the future."

Ash begins to tell the truth about order.

In the world of "Blood Eater", he observed countless chaotic rules from the nearly destroyed world.

After being in the fusion zone through the capital of another world, I gradually saw the whole process of the order twisting into chaos.

Reverse this, coupled with the ready-made Thunder of Order as a reference, after reaching the limit of the eighth sense, you can still gain insight into part of the truth of order.

However, his spiritual sense is not comparable to that of the gods, and his observation of the laws of the world's operation is not thorough enough.

Also can only understand a small part of the knowledge of the power of order.

Even, he is currently unable to gather the power of order on his own.

But as long as the gods have one direction, they can deeply study many things.

This truth should be able to help Athena, right?

Ash thought so uncertainly in his heart.

Chapter 11 Gaia's Resistance

ten days later.

Ash stood alone in the Pope's Palace.

All preparations have been made, and it is time for him to travel in time and space.

After all, Athena will soon build a correct Omega-level universe, and the strength will initially involve multiple levels... although it is only pseudo-multiple.

As a "man of God", you can't be too backward.

At the very least, you have to quickly suppress your ninth sense.

Ash was actually quite stressed.

The goddess did not bid farewell today.

In the empty hall, he stood quietly alone, looking at the scenery of God's Domain outside the carved stone window.

Above an undulating mountain, the blue sky reflects, the white clouds are misty, and the sun is shining brightly.

"Let's go."

Yaxiu smiled, and with anticipation of the unknown world, activated his innate abilities.

In an instant, the body seemed to break away from the gravity of the planet and began to rise infinitely.

The brilliance in front of the field of vision is constantly changing, distorted and strange.

In the end, he entered the familiar world of Xinghai.

The innate ability forms a barrier to wrap his body, and he can feel that the small universe in his body is rapidly depleting.

But compared to the previous sixth sense, this consumption rate has been slowed down a lot.

"Maybe one day, I can swim freely in this vast sea of ​​stars..."

Ashe thought so in his heart, his body followed his own will and quickly escaped into a nearby bright star.

Without encountering any obstacles, he passed through layers of space and descended rapidly.

The normal bright light can already be seen in front of him, as well as the looming blurry scenery.

However... when he thought that this time, he would smoothly travel to another world like the previous times, a magnificent force suddenly appeared, forming a special sense of resistance.

In the blink of an eye, the vision in front of Ash's eyes began to distort.

This never-before-seen accident made him vigilant.

But at this time, he was in the interlayer that was about to enter the material world, and the rules of the world had been completely changed, even he had nothing to do.

It can only increase the output of the energy of the small universe, form a more stable barrier to protect the outside of the body, and try to extend the spiritual sense, trying to read and parse the surrounding rules.

Accompanied by the acceleration and fall like a meteor being gripped by gravity, Ash's spiritual sense can observe the rapid change of the environment.

Until a certain moment, he suddenly fell to the ground.

That unknown resistance has disappeared.

In Yaxiu's vision, the reality of the material world also appeared.

Grey sky, dry earth.

The fluctuations of the source of life planets are no longer around, but are filled with all kinds of abnormal rules.

This is... a dead wasteland!

The end of the planet!

Yaxiu's spiritual sense could clearly feel that every inch of the surrounding space was filled with the whining of "¨¨spirits".

It was the instinctual throbbing of a planet as it was dying.

Even if it is now completely dead, the aftermath will not dissipate for a long time.

The whine of the spirit intertwined and collided with the strange rules pouring in from the outside, forming a strange and terrifying extinction energy that made it impossible for creatures to survive at all!

It should be like this.

However, what is surprising is that Yaxiu's spiritual sense can clearly sense that there are still large areas of life that are stubbornly surviving on the corpse of the planet.

As a price, they have integrated into the surrounding annihilation energy and chaos rules, completely changing the original form of life.

They may no longer be called "humans".

According to the information obtained by Lingjue's rapid exploration of the surroundings, this land is currently ruled by the "Asian species".

here is......

"The Earth of Steel!"

Ash closed his eyes, his heart filled with excitement that he had not seen for a long time.

He has already figured out which other world he came to.

Type month!

One root, two restraints, the world of the five types of magic!

This world will definitely make him gain a lot!

"The force of resistance just now..."

After the excitement, Ash quickly calmed down and fell into contemplation.

"There is no doubt that it is restraint!"

He has the bloodline of the whole silver rank, and also brings together all the mysteries of the "formation world" and "creation world" of the quadruple world.

The small universe has reached the peak of the eighth sense.

As long as it goes further, it will gather its own unique view of the universe.

There is no doubt that the current life form of Yaxiu can already be regarded as "a prototype of the universe"!

In the unknown universe, if you want to enter the planet awakened by [Gaia Consciousness], you will inevitably encounter great resistance.

Because Xingyue is different from the world he has experienced before, and even the world of the last "Blood Eater" is definitely different.

This is where the "inhibition" of near-fuzzy intelligence is born.

The pan-consciousness of the planet [Gaia], and the pan-consciousness of the human collective [Alaya].

They are no longer just some kind of program.

Of course... In fact, these two kinds of pan-consciousness, although more unique than the correction power of other worlds, still do not have the complete intelligence of intelligent creatures.

"So, during the process of my arrival, Gaia noticed that she thought it was an invasion from other worlds, and she threw me directly into a garbage heap like the Steel Earth?"

Ash raised his eyebrows, a little funny in his heart.

Sure enough, even if the restraining power of the Moon Moon world is stronger than the correction power of other worlds, it still lacks wisdom and intelligence.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to deal with the "' 〃 enemy" in such a simple way.

At the very least, he will do everything he can to block himself from the world circle, or even shoot it down, to devour the mysteries and rules of the outer universe that he holds!

You must know, what is the purpose of a "prototype of the world" that wants to enter another world?

According to the speculation of intelligent creatures, it is undoubtedly to devour the entered world and grow itself with the other side as nutrients!

If you have human intellect, you will definitely resist fiercely.

It is not an exaggeration to burn all the jade.

"The restraining power of the Moonlight World is really...too rigid."

Ash chuckled inwardly.

Do you think that throwing yourself into a garbage heap like the Earth of Steel is a successful solution to the hidden danger?

(of money) just the opposite.

If he allows himself to enter the normal timeline of the type month, he may be exposed to some mystery and magic at most, or like countless magicians, trying to squeeze into the root.

But in a terminal environment like the Earth of Steel... the two major restraining forces are beyond the reach, there is so much he can do!

"The planet is dead."

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