The sound was pulled extremely long, as if an old tape machine was running low on power.

Yaxiu's footsteps paused slightly, and his spiritual sense swept across the entire complex building like a hive.

When he found that there was no life fluctuation in it, he ignored it and walked to a corridor in front of him.

Although the terrain here is complicated, he has clearly pinpointed the direction through spiritual scanning.

Several roads around are dead ends full of traps.

Only this one is the right direction to the Atlas Academy.

"Warning, warning, intruder in A-1 area, request for expulsion."

The surrounding electronic sounds sounded again.

"...The order has been issued, and there is no response for 1 seconds. According to the emergency regulations of the Atlas Institute, the center automatically takes over the defense of the A-[*] area."

The voice fell, and a small rising and falling sound appeared around the corridor.

Countless black holes rose from the originally flat wall, exposing the barrel of the gun.

"This Atlas Academy is a bit like an automated military base."

While thinking silently, Yaxiu stopped with great interest and wanted to try the defense strength of the intelligent management center.

"Energy source exhausted..."

"Request to replace alternate energy source..."

"Unable to find a suitable backup energy source...connect to emergency energy."

"Start expelling the invaders!"

The voice of the intelligence center is becoming more and more normal.

Soon after, the gun barrels on the left and right of the corridor quickly adjusted their aiming points, all of which were aimed at Ash.

What shot out of the barrel the next second was not a bullet, but a strange metal object similar to a spike.


Ash raised his hand in surprise, intercepting the next "bullet" from the dense shooting.

Black-gray long and narrow metal that looks a little rusty.

And it does not rely on gunpowder to generate power.

It's like an energy weapon.

However, the energy is only used as acceleration, and the lethality depends on the metal substance itself.

Ash was not surprised by this putting the cart before the horse.

Because he could feel the rare affinity for SIN particles from the metal in his hand.

As long as one hits Yali's body, it will make the originally balanced SIN particles go wild!

In the steel earth, this corridor is completely the strongest defense circle.

Even if it is the six sisters of Yali, I am afraid that there is no way to break in easily!

"Is this a defense device extended from the [Black Spear] by the Atlas Institute? Is it specifically for the Yali race?"

"But how did they deploy this defensive weapon in advance?"

Ash felt a little strange in his heart.

You must know that the birth of the Yali Hundreds was only 10 years after the new calendar, and it was created by the old generation of humans one after another.

In the early days of Gaia's death, no human being could have foreseen that in the future, the earth would be dominated by the [Aleigh Hundreds] they made.

In addition, the life with higher mysterious content in the old generation will die faster in the face of SIN particles.

Therefore, the inhibition defense circle is broken, and the SIN particles flood into the earth at the moment of circulation.

Any ancestor of the dead apostles, fantasy species, magician, senior alchemist, seal designee, etc... They will be poisoned to death in a very short period of time!

The remaining ordinary magicians, even if they reluctantly developed a SIN particle resistance device, will run away and die because the big source does not exist and the balance of the small source in the body is broken!

For the mysterious person of the type moon, the great source is like the atmospheric pressure of human beings, and it will also produce protection while suppressing it.  …

Losing Dayuan is almost equivalent to ordinary people running into a vacuum state, and there is no way to stop the blood pressure from going out of control.

An environment like the Earth of Steel did not give the old generation a mysterious adaptation period at all.

This is also the fundamental reason why the old magic system does not exist and the Yali Baizu gradually rises.

——If the magicians can survive for a while, even if they have lost the base, I believe that with the truth they have mastered, they will definitely be able to create another set of imitation bases with their full cooperation.

At least you can survive.

However, in fact, all the mystical systems of the old generation have completely declined within a few months, cutting off any related inheritance.

On the contrary, ordinary human beings can still exist one after another until now, more than seventy years after the new calendar.

This makes the human species of the steel land, can only rely on technological weapons to compete with Ari for hegemony.

"It seems that the Atlas Institute predicted the [Land of Steel] in advance?"

Not only that, these dead house alchemists also predicted in advance that the future would be dominated by [Yali].

Before the steel earth appeared, they already knew about the general life characteristics of Ari - coexistence with SIN particles.

Therefore, this kind of defense line specially for SIN particles is arranged.

Ash easily blocked the shot of the alchemy gun, walked through the corridor, and went deeper into the ruins of the Atlas Court.

The resistance he encountered next also confirmed what he had just thought.

All defensive measures are aimed at SIN particles...that is, at Ari life. 2.2

After walking for a while, the intelligent electronic sound suddenly slowed down.

"After testing, there is no SIN-disrupting factor in the body of the foreigner."

"According to the will of the last president of the Atlas Academy, the Z-19 area is open to outsiders."

The voice fell, all attacks stopped, and a heavy metal door slowly rose from the side of the hall.

"Z-19 area?"

Yaxiu's spiritual sense swept into the depths of the metal door, and he couldn't help showing a thoughtful look on his face.

"Is this the reason why the gun god, an ordinary person, was able to successfully take out seven world-destroying devices [Black Spear] from the ruins of the Atlas Court?"

It is not through all kinds of hardships, excluding all defenses, and sneaking into the depths of the Atlas Court.

It was the arrangement before the destruction of the Atlas House.

Deliberate arrangement for the old generation of purebred humans.

Chapter 30 Spirit Calculation Device

Ash walked towards the corridor that opened to the side.

Afterwards, there was no attack at all.

After walking for a while, he successfully arrived at the so-called "Z-19 area".

Completely different from the dark corridor, it was a huge room with dim lights shining.

And it is not the magic workshop in the impression, but a bit like a high-tech laboratory.

Ash pushed open the heavy door, and at first glance saw an alchemy concept device preserved in a glass vessel.

A huge heavy firearm with a strong technical style... Or, a handgun?Hand cannon?

The length is nearly two meters, and the whole body is pitch-black metallic color, shining with a cold shimmer in the dim environment.

"This is [Black Barrel]?"

After a moment of silence, Ash opened the vessel and took out the weapon.

It's very heavy to start, just like a machine gun. If you don't have professional training, it will be difficult for ordinary people to use it, even handling it.

He continued to observe the entire conceptual armour.

The butt and bracket support the barrel, and the trigger is connected to a very complex metal circuit.

From the outside, there are hardly any detachable parts structure.

It is very simple to use.

It's a complete fool's operation, just pull the trigger on the target.

As for loading bullets like firearms, etc... It is completely dependent on the weapons themselves.

However, each time a projectile is shot, it needs to cool down for a period of time to allow ammunition to be generated inside the weapon.

Or charge with non-SIN energy, which can also speed up ammo production.

Axiu lifted it easily with one hand and waved it in front of him.

"The lore weapon against SIN particles."

It's a pity that he doesn't really like the props in the shape of such hot weapons.

"But when the UO enters the earth, it's no problem to use this guy to hit the black gun... At least it can be easily dealt with."

Yaxiu was not very interested in one of the seven World Destruction Weapons of the Atlas Academy. After observing the structure for a while, he put it directly into the space.

He came to Atlas Academy this time, not to get the [Black Gun].

That's just by the way.

The ultimate goal is to find the legacy of this magic association organization.

The various research knowledge of the alchemists on the truth of the world.

I believe that these mysterious knowledge can help him analyze the laws of the world faster.

Ash stood in the empty room and continued to look.

At this time, the electromechanical sound that had stopped was urging.

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