The changing of the times, there is no compromise at all.

Unless both can be transformed into a better race - that requires Ash to operate.

However, the current Yaxiu has only swallowed Alaya's huge spiritual personality and acquired the status of wisdom restraint.

The intelligent species of the past and the future cannot be fully integrated.

There is no way for a while to combine the characteristics of the two eras, so that humans and Ari can form a new excellent race.

——Then you have to activate the planet and incarnate as Gaia, and then use your own blood information to adjust the life on the surface.

Just forcibly suppress it.

Ash himself can appease the vast spirituality of the old generation through the weak side of the artificial paradise.

As for the pressure of the Yali Bai family, it is really lack of skills, but it needs to be suppressed with the crown of kingship.

"What about you, are you okay?" Life and Emptiness asked worriedly.

"No problem, I have strictly planned all the steps."

Ash nodded, but his heart became even more curious.

During the time when she and Alaya were just fighting, the six sisters of Yali seem to have undergone some kind of transformation, right?

He could feel it faintly.

At this time, the six young girls around them were very vivid in their spiritual ups and downs, and they were no longer as dull as before.

Silently releasing his spiritual sense, and closing it with a touch, a smile appeared on the corner of Yaxiu's mouth.

It turned out to be the case.

The life source of the six sisters of Yali is passively absorbing the overflowing aura of wisdom and gradually making up for the defects.

As the "Dark Six Kingdoms", they were forcibly divided into six separate individuals.

Everyone seems to be normal, but in fact, the source is only one-sixth of the whole.

This also caused the six sisters to have certain personality defects.

After they woke up in the new calendar, they had been in a state of emptiness and daze.

But taking advantage of the opportunity of Alaya's fall, the huge wisdom and aura overflowed, and the six passively absorbed the source of royal power, I am afraid they will soon be able to make up for the normal life stage.

The character reflected in the outside will also become more and more vivid.

Yaxiu saw it in his eyes, but he didn't say anything more than he was happy. He just pulled up the six and walked out of the basement.

"Come on, it's time to end this war!"

His purpose has been achieved, and there is no need to create unnecessary casualties.

As expected, the human species was also very uneasy at this time.


It took less than an hour for the seven people to leave until they returned.

But because of the vibration of the source of life just now, the war has already ceased.

The leaders of the Yale Bai clan are staying at the temporary command post uneasy.

When they saw Yaxiu's figure, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

They didn't even notice it themselves.

Invisibly, Yaxiu has really been regarded as the leader.

Even gradually getting used to it, gradually surrendering with joy.

So now, when there is some kind of sudden situation, when you panic, when you see Yaxiu's figure, you will feel that you have found a backer, and slowly recover from the uneasiness.

It's not just about strength.

Yaxiu's mysterious means of reproducing the vitality of the desolate land is also extremely important.

It can lift the hearts of all Yali and give them hope in the face of the rough future.

"...I'm very sorry, Alliance Leader."

Seeing the appearance of Yaxiu and the six sisters, the leaders of the Hundred Clan immediately stepped forward, looking very ashamed:

"It didn't go as planned today as you expected."

In recent months, in order to continue to ensure a high-intensity war, Yaxiu has arranged mission goals for the soldiers every day.

For example, you must lay down a certain base, occupy a certain city, make an emergency march, and so on.

Anyway, it is to make most of the Yali's emotions always fall into some kind of urgent atmosphere.

Only this kind of national coercion can attract Alaya.

But now...

"' 〃 I see."

The calm and indifferent tone made the leaders who were about to be punished slightly startled.

Then he heard Ash continue:

"This is the end of the training."

After a pause in his tone, he glanced at the anxious leaders of the Hundred Clan, and smiled:

"You've done a great job during this time."

Since his subordinates have seriously completed their plans, as the boss, he will not be stingy with awards.

"What does the ally mean?"

Yaxiu, who has been stern, praised for the first time, and suddenly the leaders of the hundreds of tribes were a little flattered.

But in addition to their joy, they didn't forget their business. After thinking about it, they couldn't help but ask:

"Next (Qian Haozhao) are we going to prepare for peace talks with the human race?"

"Take a rest for a few days, and then gather all the power of the Hundred Races - don't think about gradually encroaching on the territory, we will destroy the core capital of the human race in one fell swoop."

"Not only soldiers, but in the next battle, you must do your best!"

Ash did not hesitate to make such a decision.

He is very clear about the situation of the human forces.

If you suddenly want peace talks, then take advantage of those guys.

It may cause the other party to think wildly, thinking that there is something wrong with the Yali Bai clan, and then jump around repeatedly with confidence, resulting in unnecessary extraneous branches.

Even if everything really goes well, after those high-level human beings join, the relationship will be complicated, and there will definitely be some internal conflicts in the future.

It is better to directly destroy their high-level executives, break up all the order, and then break down and stand up again, and promote a new batch of managers.

It's a little easier that way.

Chapter 37 United Parliament

The broken capital city is full of collapsed buildings.

Ash and the six sisters walked calmly on the road full of corpses and blood.

Dozens of knights of the human race, with hundreds of reserve knights, were kneeling on both sides, bowing their heads deeply, expressing submission.

After walking into a solemn square, Ash stopped, suddenly turned his head to look at a knight kneeling beside him, and said calmly:

"Why did you choose to fall to me?"

"The United Council can no longer be the hope of this planet, and you do not agree with the United Council."

The knight said the above words in a low voice without any thought process.

He was half-kneeling on the ground, his blond hair covering his profile, his right hand leaning on the ground with a sword.

In order not to cause misunderstanding, what the palm grasps is not the hilt, but the blade.

That was the deputy leader of the Human Race Knights.

Three months ago, Yaxiu decided to end the "training" and take full action against the human species.

The power of countless Yali leaders was finally liberated, and they attacked the capital all the way.

During this period, all the high-level human races were beheaded and they did not accept their surrender at all.

This behavior set off boundless anger and fear within the human forces.

The upper levels fell into despair, and in order to save their lives, they planned to squeeze all the people's livelihood resources to go all out.

They are constantly propaganda within their sphere of influence.

——The Yali wanted to let the human race lose its leadership, so that it would be easier to cleanse and enslave the human race after occupying the world.

After that, things are simple.

The knights were divided into two factions.

While supporting the decisive battle with the Hundred Races to the end, he did everything he could to blow up the entire land, and he would not hesitate to die together.

According to their logic, the world belongs to human beings.

What's the point of the world continuing to exist if humanity will eventually cease to exist.

Better to destroy it before dying.

On the other hand, it wants to stop those extreme behaviors.

So before the Ari attacked the capital, the human race had already fallen into a huge civil strife.

In the end, the anti-destroy knights won.

They simply opened the capital and surrendered to the Yali Baizu.

"I'm curious, Saines Pan, how is the United Council going to destroy this planet?"

Ash asked.

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