With a slight pause, she continued:

"It's not Mercury UO, it's just human misunderstanding."

"That guy should be from the Oort Cloud, I'm waiting for the edge of the [world]."

Ash looked thoughtful.

"What did it come to earth for?"

"Maybe..." Zhu Yue made a guess with a smile: "Just lost?"

So when the steel earth broke out, the big spider left because the Yali was too noisy?

Yaxiu didn't know the inside story.

But at least, the crystal valley left by the other party contains the solid material of the alien law, and the information in it is of great help to him.

Can help him [define] this [world]—the entire solar system.

Due to the layer by layer isolation of the crystal wall system, the normal extension of spiritual sense is hindered.

The current Yaxiu, the source of miracles corresponding to the Moon World created in his body, is only the size of the Earth's circle.

For the vast universe, this is naturally not enough.

Therefore, to improve his strength in the Moon Moon World, he needs to do two things.

The horizontal and vertical development of the source of miracles.

Vertical development - refers to the detection of higher levels of mystery.

But this is also limited by the bloodline and the level of the main microcosm.

Therefore, it is only possible to develop horizontally first.

Expand the overall shape of the source of miracles in the body, break through the blockade of the moon crystal wall system, and simulate more laws of the world.

This will allow you to have more energy and mystery.

Whether it is the alien UO that is coming to the earth, or the big spider in the Otto cloud, the information they carry is an important condition for the horizontal development of the small universe.

And as long as you understand the alien information, it is equivalent to understanding the correct shape of the entire solar system.

It can allow the source of miracles in the body to spread beyond the Earth's circle, cover the entire galaxy, and become more complete.

"Almost the best shooting spot!"

Just as Yaxiu was sorting out the follow-up cultivation of his own small universe, Zhu Yue suddenly reminded.

He regained his senses and looked at the sight of the black gun.

A huge spherical monster came into view, floating near the earth's atmosphere.

Pluto UO waved his tentacles lazily, and his dark body appeared scarlet.

It seems to have entered the charging stage.

Yaxiu could clearly observe that the other's tentacles, which were as flexible as octopus legs, began to tighten and swell one by one.

The tip became even more red.

Seems like something is about to launch.

This obviously cannot be allowed to continue.

Yaxiu never thought to look at UO's attacking ability. The surface of the planet that has lost the protection of the soul of the star may not be able to withstand a random blow from the extreme species that protect the planet.

So he immediately launched the black gun!

The energy of the small universe is quickly input into the metal gun body, and it lights up with delicate circuit-like circuits.

The ferocious recoil caused the entire building underfoot to tremble slightly.

In the next second, the strange energy 860 beam shot straight into the sky.

All SIN particles along the way are instantly extinguished.

Pluto UO apparently also sensed the danger coming, but the huge body was too slow to dodge.

With a bang, the monster that had not yet attacked turned into a blood flower in the sky.

The sea of ​​blood was directly carried by the turbulent airflow and spread in all directions.

Observing this scene mentally, the six sisters of Yali were even more alarmed, and they took a few steps back again with some discomfort.

Even if the black gun was not aimed at them, it still caused a sense of depression in several people.

Zhu Yue stood quietly on the spot.

The turbulent air blew the corners of her skirt fluttering.

She raised her head and looked at the sea of ​​blood spreading above her head. She frowned and reminded:

"Don't let blood rain fall on the earth!"

"UO's life essence is too powerful. Even the blood after death can easily corrode life. Except for a few powerful Yali, others can't resist it at all."

"What's more, that guy is a life composed of alien laws. There is no concept of death on Earth, and he can be resurrected at any time!"

"I was already prepared."

Yaxiu put away the black gun, and the stars in his body flashed, forming a beautiful halo.

The halo soon spread to the whole world, spreading an invisible repulsion force in the troposphere, firmly supporting the falling sea of ​​blood.

Chapter 56 The Existence Form of Inhibitory Power

The life essence of UO is indeed very powerful, so powerful that it can even filter cosmic radiation.

With the corpse of Pluto UO, a protective layer similar to the soul of the star can even be constructed.

Although it is still impossible to change the current situation of SIN particles on the earth, but no matter what, it has also reduced countless radiations that are enough to wipe out weak creatures.

This depleted land of steel will finally be able to give birth to a weak vitality in the future.

"It's just that the crop seeds have to continue to be adjusted."

Ash shook his head.

The improvement of the environment of the earth circle is also a change in the rules.

The original seeds must be useless and need to adapt to the new form of the environment.

"The notice goes on, the danger is lifted, and the civilians can come out of the shelter."

After giving orders to the awe-inspiring Yali leaders below, Yaxiu walked into the palace with the six sisters and Zhu Yue.

There are seven UOs to follow.

However, the other party is currently relatively far away from the earth.

Ash turned to look at the trial among the six sisters.

Remember that she was sneak attacked by the human race in the battle against Pluto UO.

Now, such a result can be regarded as a complete reversal of the fate of the trial.

"I see you just collected some UO's blood?"

Back in the bedroom, Zhu Yue looked at Yaxiu curiously.

"It has special information about Pluto on it."

Ash nodded.

"Is it prepared to resurrect Gaia?" After a moment of silence, Zhu Yue asked softly.

Although she has become the [Queen] of the man in front of her, until now, she has not figured out in detail how the other party intends to resurrect Gaia.

As for the knowledge of the power system, let alone.

The six sisters of Yali also turned their eyes and stared at Yaxiu.

They were also very curious about how Gaia, who had completely died, should be resurrected.

"Today's sea of ​​blood is the first step."

Ash smiled and said:

"Using the powerful life essence of the UO corpse to form the protective circle and closed circle of the planet."

These words made Zhu Yue stunned for a while, and she blurted out:

"Are you going to re-[manufacture] the great source of this planet ¨¨?"

The closed circle will hinder the large-scale influx of SIN particles.

As long as the existing energy form on earth is modified in some way and turned into some kind of recyclable source, it will be enough to resist the erosion of cosmic dust.

In this way, the earth may really come back to life.

"Yes, the reason why the planet will die is not only because the life cycle is broken, but more importantly, the source is completely exhausted."

Ash nodded calmly.

"If a new source can be formed, the vitality of the earth will be activated little by little."

Zhu Yue frowned.

She knew how difficult it was.

Even as a satellite, she, who has guarded the earth for billions of years, thinks she can't do it.

Although there have been ambitions to take over the earth before.

However, at that time, Zhu Yue planned to devour the soul of the planet-before everything was exhausted and destroyed, as long as he replaced Gaia's position, he would be able to receive all the fruits smoothly.

But now, the earth has completely turned into a useless wasteland.

She couldn't even devour it.

As for rebuilding the Great Source?

In the world of Xingyue, each planet has its own rules.

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