After returning to the Saint Seiya world to fight the final battle, the two should be married.

"The way she entered the multi-level is exactly the [Superego Road] you are telling us now?"

Zhu Yue asked again.

When he shot down the first UO last time, Yaxiu not only revealed the system of the small universe, but also explained the [Superego Road] for several people in detail.

For the current six sisters, Zhu Yue and Ya Li, who do not have the full bloodline, they cannot cultivate the small universe system at all.


In the strange world of Xingyue, with his own guidance, he may be able to walk directly through the [Superego Road].

This is also a way to discuss the magic system entering the multi-level 0 ......

Ash was very interested in this.

"It is the [Superego Way], but a world has the characteristics of a world. In my original world, every galaxy and planet did not have a crystal wall system, and the spiritual sense of the gods can easily see through all the laws of operation in the universe. "

"However, their exploration of parallel universe information is extremely difficult... This is not as convenient as your world."

In Yaxiu's heart, the six sisters Zhu Yue and Yali are very likely to walk through the [Superego Road] ahead of time.

That is...the [Omega] that cultivated the magic side.

Especially the former.

The special identity of a planetary consciousness, its ontological existence form, is originally in the higher dimension of intelligent life.

And the planet is also equivalent to a cycle of separate small worlds.

Even if you don't have the blood of the whole, it can be regarded as a miracle that brings together the whole world.

The magic power of Zhu Yue, possessing the mystery of the quadruple world, can almost be regarded as the source of small miracles!

However, it may be that there is no perfect closed loop of the small universe system, or that there is a lack of super god inheritance in Xingyue, she has not been able to penetrate the mystery of the four worlds at present, reaching the point where everything is chaotic.

But such a realm is enough for her to try to communicate with herself in a parallel world and to absorb the laws of the world that are different from the steel earth.

Perhaps it will be able to form a stronger magical nature similar to his own Omi 2.2 eggplant level.

If you put it in the world of Saint Seiya, it is absolutely impossible to do it no matter what, but in the world of Xingyue... Even the gem who holds the second method can easily travel to parallel worlds!

What's more, there is a Valhalla that is independent of the timeline!

There should be a natural connection to all the parallel worlds of Xingyue.

Even a special time and space like the Earth of Steel, abandoned by the two major restraining forces, is connected to the Hall of Valor.

——Because of this awareness, Ashe will unify the steel land, and strongly emphasize his identity and merit as an emperor.

He hoped that his legend could be projected into the Hall of Valor.

Then after all the goals are achieved, you can go to the normal parallel time and space of Xingyue through the Hall of Valhalla.

Chapter 65 Differences

"The way to the superego..."

Zhu Yue's eyes were bright, and her tone was leisurely, with an undisguised yearning in her expression.

And untraceable tensions and doubts.

"According to what you said before, this should be an exotic system, based on the blood of the whole."

"I don't have that kind of blood, can I really succeed?"

By gradually studying the world of Saint Seiya, she has deeply understood the weight of the word "god".

Unlike Star Tentacles, the "gods" personified by the forces of nature.

The so-called gods are standing at the apex of a universe and know most of the truth in the world. Their power can show the original chaotic nature of the world, and even can easily create a great existence of "another universe".

Super God is even more incredible.

He is an existence above the gods and completely beyond the real universe, and its form may not be imagined at all!

As for the Saint Seiya world, the reason why it has the bizarre [Full Bloodline] inheritance depends entirely on the legacy of a certain super god.

But in this world of them, there is no supernatural relic.

"There is absolutely no difference in the cultivation system."


Ash shook his head.

It was a little funny in my heart, Zhu Yue should have been frightened by the concept of gods and super gods.

But in fact... if in the battle of the Titans, the golden legacy of Athena was not born, the gods of that world would not have reached an unprecedented scale.

And then there have been faults for countless years.

After a brief period of glory, the Golden Age of Humanity was completely cut off-although it was directly hindered by Zeus, but who could tell whether it was because the super god's legacy was completely exhausted.

The consequence of its that from then on, no one in that world can reach the gods.

As long as the golden bloodline is cut off, no matter how hard the silver and bronze bloodline is, they will definitely not be able to step on the throne of God if they only rely on the microcosmic system and do not refer to other systems.

Even the gods can't step into the pluralism.

On the other hand, in the Moon World, countless stars in the universe have generated consciousness, and they can naturally control the mystery of the quadruple world, and can easily connect all parallel worlds.

In the future, this batch of stars, as long as there is one enlightenment, will directly enter the multi-dimensional through the parallel world...

Naturally, it is not easy to tell Zhu Yueming these words.

Ash didn't mention it, just explained:

"Because the parallel space of the Saint Seiya world is difficult to connect, and the core of the small universe system is to analyze the [world], the road to the superego is very troublesome, and it is necessary to find a different self after the variable."

"But the magic system can omit this...even, in terms of the magic system, the more similar the self in the parallel world is, the higher the success rate will be!"

The gods of the Saint Seiya world are looking for themselves in the parallel world, in order to absorb the information of that parallel time and space through their own understanding of the world, and form different sources of miracles.

The focus is not on yourself, but on the world in which you live.

But the magic system, they look for themselves in the parallel world, the essence is not like this.

It is to integrate the source of your own life, the source of strength, and then achieve the purpose of increasing your own existence!

If a strong man's magic power is measured by the number 10, he can use the magic power of 10 to interfere with the law, and he can display the strength of [*].

Then as long as you fuse with yourself in the parallel world, the magic power will be multiplied, which is 100.

The degree of interference law is still the value of the multiplication.

Ten thousand times ten thousand!

This is the top-level advanced form of the magic system.

very horrible!

Compared with the small universe, one is for the fusion of the world, and the other is for the fusion of the id.

The former requires another id with a completely different character, so that it can observe the world from a different angle and form a different source of miracles.

The latter is...the id is exactly the same, it is better to integrate!

When billions of parallel time and space, infinite dimensions and dimensions, only one "self" is left to dominate the consciousness, then it is a multi-level powerhouse of the magic power system!

In this regard, whether it is Zhu Yue or the six sisters of Yali, they all have a huge advantage.

I don't know if it's because of the planet consciousness, the self who is born to connect with countless parallel time and space, or some other special reason, in a word, Zhuyue in Xingyue world.

Zhu Yue in every parallel world has exactly the same character.

The solitary and proud Moon King.

Their thinking patterns, as well as their psychological conditions and experiences, are surprisingly consistent.

Even the process of being betrayed by the True Ancestor, abandoned by Gaia, and beaten by Jewel Weng is the same...

This blends together without much hindrance at all and is very smooth.

As for the six sisters of Yali.

They in other parallel worlds will be sealed from the beginning of creation, and consciousness will not be born until the steel earth.

It is also very easy to integrate such a self.

"The difference between the two at multiple levels, I also vaguely felt it after I became a [Wanling] for a short time and obtained some of the laws of life's operation."

After a moment of silence, Ash described in detail:

"If Xiaoyu 870 Universe has been heading towards [Materialism] from beginning to end, then the magic power system may belong to the side of [Weixin] from beginning to end."

"The more advanced it is, the more it can reflect idealism."

"It's just that the manifestation of the power manifested by the magic system is like the truth of materialism."

"But the essence of many of its advanced techniques, if it is only analyzed from a materialistic point of view, it is impossible to form a correct logic."

Zhu Yue nodded thoughtfully.

She thought of the high-level ruler of the magic system - the gods.

Through the word of mouth of intelligent beings, truth is born out of lies.

Isn't this a direct product of idealism?

"in addition."

Ash continued:

"In fact, being in this world can even be regarded as a natural advantage."

"This is the inevitable [end point] of countless earths!"

"Knowing the end point, if you want to go back to the [starting point], it's not easy, but at least you can avoid many unnecessary detours!"

Zhu Yue looked stunned.

She knew exactly what the [starting point] that Ash was talking about.

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