"And the whole body crystal monster is made of solid ice... It, it is actually close to the concept of [absolute zero]!"

An observer reported a report with a trembling tone.

Chapter 71 Three UOs

"Aristotle from Mars and Uranus?"

Ash nodded calmly.

As for the abilities of the two alien UOs - Fire and Frost, he didn't really care about that.

After all, the other party is not as troublesome as the black giant. It can easily penetrate the blood sea barrier, and rely on the magnetic field to spread, and it can reach the interior of the earth quietly.

The current two UOs, Yaxiu can completely solve them in outer space ahead of time.

But in that case, although the earth will not be affected in the slightest, the soul of UO is likely to escape through the vast universe.

"Continue to observe, I will take a look near the sea of ​​blood."

Soon Ash made a decision.

The alien information carried by the soul of UO is still very important to him.

The future can help him quickly simulate the entire solar system.

As soon as the figure flashed, Yaxiu disappeared from the war room. Several observers found their emperor's majesty outside the sea of ​​​​blood through the monitoring screen, and couldn't help but raise their hearts.

At this moment, an observer suddenly exclaimed:

"Emergency, the third Aristotle was found in outer space..."

He tapped the keyboard quickly to bring up the image.

This is a life monitoring facility built in outer space based on thermal imaging technology.

According to the unique magnetic field of life, energy radiation, etc., it can have a complete and clear shape.

The Yali leaders of all ethnic groups approached, and saw a larger figure than the previous UO appeared on the screen.

The shape is like a broken dandelion, a huge figure about a kilometer long, floating quietly in the dark space.

On its left and right sides, two large trees grow horizontally.

The lush and bizarre branches swayed with countless wide leaves, and the overall image looked more like an enlarged version of the fish in the sea.

"The third... No, it should be said that the seventh monster to visit the earth has appeared!"

Someone frowned and said:

"You have to remind your Majesty who has gone to the sea of ​​​​blood ¨¨!"

"...Sending emergency contact information."

The observer was sweating profusely operating the machine. After the information was sent, he focused on the newly-appeared Aristotle for a moment and breathed a sigh of relief.

"According to the speed of movement it exhibits, it is impossible to reach the earth with the first two Aristotles."

"Thank goodness, this battle, Your Majesty may be able to handle it more smoothly."

"Do you think Your Majesty's strength is too much to deal with three Aristotles at the same time?"

A Yali leader frowned and glanced at the observer.

"Three more, they are by no means His Majesty's limit!"

Unlike these civilian Yali, the leader of the Hundred Clan has personally felt the power of Yaxiu.

The repression of the aura of the small universe like the sea, and the lunar fall a few years ago—they who are stronger, can feel the horror of the lunar fall more intuitively than most Yali.

But it was easily chopped to pieces by Yaxiu!

From then on, the leaders of the Hundred Clan finally built up almost blind confidence in Yaxiu.

"Can you judge, which planet did the third UO come from?"

Someone changed the subject.

"According to its forward position, and the simulation of life breath...it should be Venus!"

"Venus Aristotle, plus Mars and Uranus just now, and dead Pluto, Neptune, Jupiter."

"After this battle, only the last Saturn, Aristotle, remains!"

The crowd couldn't help but get excited.

There have always been monsters attacking the earth. Although they can be solved by the emperor, they will always drag down some of their energy, making it impossible for the Yali to develop with peace of mind.


The edge of the sea of ​​blood.

Yaxiu glanced at the blood-red sky around him, and stepped in at will.

A layer of transparent barrier is close to the body, so that the surrounding blood does not stick to an inch.

He first came to the area in the blood sea where the souls of the three UOs were bound.

Several strings of blisters appeared in the sea of ​​blood, and a translucent tentacle quickly appeared, shaking its soft limbs, as if to greet him.

This is the soul of Pluto UO.

The other two UOs did not show up.

It seemed that he was very dissatisfied that Ash had killed them unsuspectingly.

"You should have a good time here, right?"

Yaxiu didn't mind either, stepped forward with a smile, raised his hand, and flicked the translucent tentacles lightly.

Through telepathy, he observed that the other party was in a contented mood.

Obviously, on the barren Pluto, UO, who had never been in contact with other life forms, was more curious about the life of the Yali group.

By watching the conditions of the earth, all kinds of fun arise.

"It's good to be satisfied. In a few years, I should be able to let you move freely."

Speaking of which, although UOs came to earth to carry out king-like orders, they are not foolish with certain wisdom.

If I had known that there were beings on Earth that I could not defeat no matter what—such as Ash.

That must be slapped for fear of returning to life.

Therefore, after Asher kills the opponent, he must bind their alien souls.

This is to prepare for the arrival of the ninth sense in the future and to understand the laws of the entire solar system.

After waiting silently for a while, a "' 〃 slam" sounded from a certain area in the sea of ​​​​blood.

Clearly a huge object entered.

Although it sensed the aura of the same kind, it did not consider greeting a few UOs. The purpose was very clear, and it went straight to the surface below the sea of ​​blood.

Yaxiu has already scanned it through his spiritual sense. It is Uranus UO. The whole body is composed of hard ice and frost that is close to absolute zero, and the whole body is like a crystal-like artwork.

He was not ready to act immediately, but continued to wait.

The place where the opponent came is (Qian Zhaohao) the ocean area ridge.

Now the sea of ​​the earth has become a dead sea. Under the dark green water, there are hardly any fish except for some lingering microorganisms.

I believe that even if the UO landed, it would not cause any damage in a short time.

Yaxiu thought for a while, then directly took out the black gun Tianshou, ready to snipe down from the sea of ​​blood.

Killing without making too much noise, scaring away the other two UOs nearby.

The pitch-black huge firearm was just taken out of the space, and the nearby sea of ​​blood immediately swayed.

This bloody water filled with rich SIN particles, including the souls of several UOs, is extremely repelling from black guns.

Yaxiu calmed down a few words in a low voice, quickly set up Tianshou on the spot, and input the energy of the small universe.


With the violent vibration, a huge wave was set off, and a gray-black light beam rushed out from the sea of ​​​​blood, and went straight to the crystal monster in the sky.

Chapter 72 The Special UO Soul

The process that followed was no surprise.

The three UOs arrived on the earth before and after, and after they entered the sea of ​​blood, they did not have any intention of staying, and quickly prepared to approach the surface to complete their mission.

Therefore, Yaxiu, who was hidden in the sea of ​​blood, commanded a high level and shot one by one with the black spear of Tianshou.

If you change the gun god in the original book, naturally there is no way to do it.

Without the input of huge energy, the black gun has a very short range and needs to be close to the target to fight.

But Tianshou fell into the hands of Yaxiu. Driven by the small universe, the range can cover almost any corner of the earth's circle.

Soon three new UO souls appeared in the sea of ​​blood.

After binding them in a more comfortable area, Ash waved at the souls of all alien monsters and left.

The soul of the black giant was not placed in the sea of ​​​​blood, but was placed in the palace alone, with layers of enchantment applied.

That thing is too dangerous, and the speed of movement is weird.

Once resurrected, it will not cause great damage to the surface, or it will quietly slip out of the Earth's circle and escape into the vast outer space.

As for other UO souls, they can be firmly bound by relying on the sea of ​​blood.

Ash is very confident about this.

Flying down from the sky, he glanced at three battle areas again.

The bodies of the UOs fell to the earth and turned into huge ice layers and volcanoes, as well as a strange towering tree.

——The corpse of Venus UO is rooting in the earth at a very fast speed, with countless tentacles protruding from the bottom, and even deep into the rock layer.

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