"The mission given to me by the mother star is to destroy life on Earth... I need to continue the mission of the mother star."

"But then, at the same time, it's going to hit me hard."

Ash frowned and looked at her calmly:

"Through the contact just now, you should be very clear about my nature, right?"

The black-haired girl fell silent for a while, and she seemed to have some kind of hesitation in her heart.

Having experienced the change of life form by the spiritual ocean, she naturally already knew the essence of the person in front of her.

It is a symbol of the collective life of the entire planet.

If you really follow the order of Jupiter's consciousness, destroying the life of this planet is equivalent to destroying him.

And the person in front of her has become half of her "king-like"... endowed with chaos in her consciousness, she who originally only acted by instinct, a certain wisdom and intelligence.

If her life is given by Jupiter, then her wisdom perception is given by Ash.

All are equivalent to her king-like superior, the creator.

Now the commands issued by the two seem to be conflicting.

This made the black-haired girl, who had only initially formed an intellectual sense, feel very contradictory and did not know which party to obey.

0・・・For flowers・・・

Ash was relieved in his heart.

Although the soul of Jupiter UO has not shown a completely obedient attitude, it has initially questioned the order of Jupiter's consciousness.

This proves that the other party can restrain and win over in a certain way.

He was most afraid that after he had given Jupiter UO intellect and became half the creator of the other side, the other side would still take the orders of Jupiter consciousness as the highest priority.

An extreme species with wisdom and the ability to be unpredictable is not so easy to deal with.

Even if Yaxiu's strength can kill her, the surface of the earth will probably be destroyed by a large part of it.

"Your home planet is just asking you to come and destroy life on Earth, but there is no time limit, right?"


Ash smiled and said:

"Then postpone the execution of this order first, and soon, I will talk to her and ask her to withdraw the order to you."

The black-haired girl nodded subconsciously.

Then he showed a reluctant expression.

"Then I'll return to my home planet now?"

"No, you stay with me first."

Ash shook his head.

The words that sounded like an imperative made the girl rejoice.

After gaining knowledge, she is still very curious about the life groups on earth.

Why are those weak and short-lived guys so active?

Her mind was filled with such questions.

And it's better to stay and observe than to sleep in a barren Jupiter.

"By the way, are you satisfied with your current life form?"

After the negotiation, Ashe asked casually, while taking advantage of the girl's inattentiveness, he quietly dispersed the surrounding barrier.

"The current... life form?"

The black-haired girl was stunned.

Only then did she notice that she was no longer the ferocious giant with a height of dozens of kilometers.

"Similar to your appearance, and similar to the appearance of life on this dead planet... You reshaped me with the life form of the earth?"

There was no joy or loss, she accepted her change very calmly, and said indifferently:

"Well, after shrinking, it should be able to integrate into the earth more smoothly."

"This way I can stay by the king's side all the time." Dao.

Chapter 74 The King of Wisdom

Well, UOs don't have the concept of self-gender judgment and beauty and ugliness at all.

Therefore, there is no emotional fluctuation at all about his appearance being changed.

In their hearts, the giant shape that was dozens of kilometers at the time, and the petite appearance now, are themselves.

As long as the strength is still there.

The reduction in size did not change her strength.

Even if you already have a certain level of intelligence, it still takes time to develop rich feelings...

With such emotion in his heart, Ash continued:

"Let me give you a name, just... Heiyan."

He felt lazy to adopt the girly appearance features.

Black Rock didn't know that.

"Black Rock...is that me?"

The black-haired girl pointed to herself and lowered her head in thought.

It seems to be thinking about the meaning of the name "eight seven seven".

Ash rubbed the girl's black hair again.

The ghost body actually feels pretty good.

"Before the resurrection, you stay by my side, don't go out and walk around."

The current black rock is still only the state of the soul.

She needs to gather SIN particles and reconstruct her body in order to interfere with reality on a larger scale.

"Then, can Wang let go of my perception and manipulation of energy first?"

Heiyan asked calmly.

The extreme species are the direct creation of the planet, and they have the laws given by the alien planet. They are on the earth and have almost no concept of death.

They can be resurrected infinitely.

But as early as when he killed the opponent, Yaxiu had already blocked the opponent's resurrection method.

Very simple, as long as they are forbidden to gather the surrounding energy.

Although it cannot be completely banned, it can greatly delay the resurrection time of UOs.

Now that he has become his own person, he no longer needs to be restrained.

Yaxiu didn't answer, and silently released the seal.

Before delaying the resurrection of UO, in addition to taking into account the damage to the surface of the Yali Baizu, it was also because he was in the state of the soul, he could more intuitively perceive the information of the laws of alien stars.

But now, through Alayelinga's modification of the other's life form, he has connected with the other's life source.

The spiritual ocean has already been integrated into part of the other party's spirit.

In this way, not only can UOs think of themselves as "wisdom kings", but they can also feel the information carried by each other through the Alaya Linga.

There is no need to limit the resurrection of UO anymore.

After Black Rock's success, Ash was even thinking about when to recruit all the other UOs.

In this way, there will be eight more beautiful girls.

And there is no need to distract and restrain the soul of UO.

Yaxiu decided to go to Zhu Yue to discuss first.

As a planetary consciousness, she has also been a UO of the earth, so she should be more aware of the limit species.

Turning around to go out, Hei Yan was very obedient and quietly followed behind.

The two came to the backyard of the bedroom together.

The six sisters, Zhu Yue and Ya Li, are continuing to practice the [Superego Path].

Hearing the movement, they opened their eyes.


Zhu Yue suddenly let out a small yawn, looked past Yaxiu, and looked at Heiyan behind him with interest.

After a while, he looked back and smiled at Yaxiu:

"Your grasp of Alaya Linga is deeper than I expected."

She could see at a glance that Heiyan's current image was not an illusion.

Rather, the essential form has been directly adjusted.

From now on, the resurrection will be like this.

It is extremely difficult to make such precise adjustments to the essence of life.

Ash smiled slightly.

He knew very well why Zhu Yue was emotional.

According to common sense, it is only a preliminary grasp of the Alaya Linga, and it does not involve the source of wisdom, so it is impossible to do this step at all.

But in the previous world, he became a myriad of spirits and had been exposed to the laws of life.

And with the help of the silver seed, the mystery of the law of life on the silver level was completely intercepted.

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