It can perfectly replace many rare metal materials that the earth currently lacks.

The other half of the cross is naturally ready to be used to make a virtual sneak device.

"Angie can't restrain World Tree's behavior, but as a UO on another planet, Maria can interfere in World Tree in reverse."

There is a battle between the extreme species, and the alien consciousness will not stop it at all.

Even if their behavior would fail the mission.

Anyway, as long as you don't know how to help life on Earth.

With the dullness of planetary consciousness, it is impossible to judge the specific action intentions and attitudes of the UOs.

As long as they don't blatantly resist the king's orders, and some who do not work hard to fish, they will not have the idea of ​​"suspecting subordinates betrayal".

After all, the planetary consciousness is too huge, both in form and concept.

As a result, their 883 will inevitably fall into dullness.

"What's more, the body of Saturn UO is now under the control of the Yali tribe..."

Ash took the three-kilometer-long half-cross not far from the World Tree, and then began to silently recall the brief encounter with Saturn UO just now.

With the body endured an electromagnetic pulse, he has used the powerful simulation and energy control of the small universe to learn the ability of the limit species by five or six points.

As for the rest, it begins to involve the mystery of the Saturn region to the plateau world.

In a short period of time, it was difficult for Yaxiu to fully understand it.

But that's enough.

The Crucifix mineral body of Saturn UO still has strong activity.

As long as the simulation ability is used to continuously excite the electromagnetism contained in the corpse, let it converge into a pulse and release it relying on the solidification cycle.

Repeating this observation several times can always improve the efficiency of the simulation.

In fact, five or six points is almost enough.

Because the current World Tree——is the stump of Venus UO whose SIN particle concentration was reduced by more than half by Tianshou.

Without sufficient energy absorption and transformation, it simply cannot exert the full strength of the (afcc) extreme species.

In addition... the current situation of the other party - only the activated body is still acting according to the inertia.

The mechanical production of spores invades the earth's ecology and accumulates vital energy in an attempt to repair the body parts destroyed and weakened by Tianshou.

But its most important Venus UO soul, the core of the will that dominates the body, has completely changed its life form.

And fell to Ash.

So it is doomed that these UO corpses have been doing useless work.

"To solve the incident of monster angels attacking everywhere, it is necessary to modify their parent world tree."

"And if you want to modify the World Tree's hostile awareness of life on earth, you first need to fully understand the other party's bioelectric vector."

"The transmission trajectory of the neural circuit's signal and then interfere with its signal transmission."

"Let its nerve end receive another signal that matches my heart..."

This is to overwrite and modify the character and mental state of the creature.

To put it bluntly it's actually very simple.

However, I want to completely control every vector direction of the opponent's bioelectricity...especially trying to control the life derived from the extreme species like the World Tree.

Even the Saturn UO can only do it barely.

Both govern the laws of alien planets and the four-layered mysteries, and the specifications of life also belong to the direct creation of planetary consciousness. Once a battle occurs, the competition is probably about the application of the laws and the subtle manipulation of the mystery.

But Ash was confident that he could do it.

Even now, he doesn't have much involvement in the mystery of the High Plateau Realm.

Because the small universe has extremely powerful micro-manipulation technology, it can be combined arbitrarily at the level of atoms...that is, elementary particles.

"First of all, we need to modify the shape of this half of the cross."

Looking at the huge cross in front of him, Ash raised his hand.

Starlight quickly spread from the palm of the hand, wrapping the huge ore.

Relying on the powerful energy that simulates the operation of the earth's circle, it squeezes slowly a little bit.

It soon transformed its appearance into a long, stone-pillar-like object.

As Yaxiu raised his hand, the strip-shaped mineral surface quickly lit up, galloping towards the distant World Tree, and began to wrap around its towering trunk.

From a distance, it looks like a small snake coiled on the world tree.

The moment the two come into contact, the abilities begin to interact.

The World Tree worked hard to release countless spores in an attempt to erode this sudden companion.

But it is a pity that although the body of Saturn UO is activated, it is composed of strange minerals.

Biospores simply cannot successfully take root inside and absorb no nutrients.

On the contrary, during the circumnavigation process, with the control of Yaxiu, the ore began to squeeze into the bark, and the brilliance continued to flash at a very regular frequency.

It released small electromagnetic pulses and invaded the inside of the trunk of the World Tree.

Those electromagnets began to guide subtly, causing the signal received by the opponent's nervous system to undergo subtle changes in the vector direction.

After a while, there was no World Tree of Wisdom, and it seemed to recognize the coexistence of the two, and no longer did useless work.

It ignored the entanglement of the serpentine ore and continued to send the spores up the canopy.

And rely on the surrounding SIN particles to combine with the light radiation energy to catalyze the spores to produce new angel monsters.

This is not only its mission to the earth, but also its instinct to invade the ecosystem.

But it is a pity that with the death of Gaia, the steel earth no longer has a normal ecological circle.

So the world tree first needs to create a new ecosystem with the help of spores.

Only then can we use this to absorb the residual vitality that the earth has not completely disappeared.

So even if the existence of the World Tree seems to help Yali build an old-generation ecological cycle in a region, it is only a last resort to absorb the vitality of the earth.

The release of spore parasites and the use of spores to absorb life form a strange balance between the two behaviors.

In the long run, this weak ecosystem is still collapsing little by little.

——When the only remaining vitality of the earth is swallowed up by the World Tree, or it repairs the original body of the extreme species, it will call for the "sleeping" soul.

Awakens the consciousness of the soul of Venus UO again, and controls the resurrected body to move.

Well, this is just the mechanical program operation of World Tree.

Unbeknownst to it, its soul has been incorporated into the Earth's source of wisdom.

Even completely modified the form, it is impossible to match the original body.

Chapter 83 The Danger of Planning

On the barren land, buildings rose from the ground.

Looking down from the sky, it is like stacking pieces of light-colored tofu blocks on the yellow wooden board.

——Due to the lack of the natural regulation of the earth's circle, even with a sea of ​​blood for filtering, the direct sunlight particles are too abundant for life.

Alys can only use light colors to reflect light sources.

This reflected light is collected by similar solar panels as a form of applied energy.

In addition to the sea of ​​blood, a simple Dyson sphere was actually established.

It is used to replace energy such as oil and provide sufficient power for industrial construction on the present earth.

After the last Saturn UO was shot down, the Yali Bai family was finally able to develop without any scruples.

There is no need to think about the planning of facilities such as enemy attacks and evacuation.

"Although the fact that the planet died can no longer be changed, according to the current situation, even if I don't continue to intervene, the Yali family can continue for many years."

Standing in the attic at the top of the capital, staring at the environment in the distance, Yaxiu felt a little emotional.

According to the biological concept of time, even if the soul of Gaia is lost, the reduction of the planet's rotational speed, gravity, and magnetic field is slow.

Not to mention the sun.

The heat emitted by stars is the greatest source of energy in galaxies.

As long as the operation is done properly and the sunlight is concentrated, it can ensure that the gradually cooling area of ​​the center of the earth will warm up again.

Now the blood is overseas, and the huge energy provided by the Dyson sphere is being used here.

Because of this measure, the pressure on the living environment of the Steel Earth has eased a lot.

The core temperature actually affects everything.

"But no matter how cleverly we use technology to improve the environment, we can only survive."

"With the death of Gaia, the concept of [life] on this planet has disappeared, and everything lacks activation characteristics."

Yaxiu retracted his gaze, walked to the other side of the attic, and looked at a towering giant tree in the distance of the capital.

In this barren land, its appearance is extremely conspicuous.

"The hope for the future of Yali is on the world tree."

"No, it should be said...on you." The six sisters Yali, who were following Yaxiu, whispered.

Those words made Ash smile.

He stood by the window and observed the World Tree for a long time, showing satisfaction.

"Although it is relatively fragile, the ecological cycle attached to this tree has been completely stabilized."

"According to my estimation, it should be able to change the area of ​​about [*] square kilometers and turn it into a green place with normal vitality."

In other words, the size of a province in the previous life was already the limit.

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