However, the Moon World is rather special.

There is no mysterious connection between galaxies and galaxies, and Gaia and Alaya have completely connected all parallel worlds, forming a ready-made fixed realm channel.

So Yaxiu can take advantage of this loophole.

This is also because Gaia of the Steel Land has died.

Otherwise, Yaxiu can only think about the way to transfer the spirit.

Otherwise, no matter what the real body is, it is estimated that he will not be able to step into the conceptual realm of Valhalla.

And in that case, his small cosmic power must be difficult to exert.

Even now, Ash can feel that the surrounding spirits are invisibly crowding out the physical body.

After all, it is a realm only suitable for spiritual existence.

Yingyingchaochuochao, Yaxiu continued to rise, and finally seemed to break through a layer of film, only to feel the body and spirit light at the same time.

Under the correct guidance of the "road sign", he finally crossed the entire Moon World and came to the realm above the timeline!

When I got here, it was much easier, and there was no longer the uncomfortable feeling that the world imposed just now.

However, in contrast, the energy consumption is enormous.

In such a place, life can no longer rely on the world for its survival.

Yaxiu smiled slightly, and looked at this area with curiosity, as if it only had the concept of "emptiness" and "nothingness", and even time and space did not exist at all.

With the eyes of real matter, you can't see anything at all, and it is even deadlier than outer space.

But in the induction of spiritual sense, it is clear.

The colorful and dazzling world is surrounded by bright stars, forming a splendid and gorgeous Milky Way.

Every star here is a concept, distributed far and near, endless.

And most of the stars exude some kind of constant brilliance.

Only a few stars, twinkling and twinkling, show the color of living waves.

Those twinkling stars are all the spirits of human civilization on earth, from beginning to end.

There are gods who are worshipped by the world, there are heroes, heroes, and overlords who are respected by the world, and there are even crazy demons who are feared and hated by the world.

Each of them, whether their reputation is positive or negative, is actually an important part of civilization and has left a deep impression on human history.

Ash also saw the star symbolizing [Emperor Yali].

The star that represents his concept of existence, although brilliant, is obviously several times smaller than other concepts of heroic spirits, and it looks extremely thin and weak in nature.

One of the reasons for this is that he still lives in the land of steel. Although he has made great achievements and is widely sung, he does not have the sense of history.

The other, perhaps because of the uniqueness of the transmigrator, Xingyue does not exist in other parallel worlds.

Axiu smiled slightly, but didn't care.

"The so-called Throne of Heroes is probably similar in nature to the Throne of Gods in other worlds."

"It's just that compared to the singularity of many worlds, here are the sides of all parallel worlds, similar to the concept of pluralism."

"If I take the seat now, I should be able to immediately get the corresponding skills and Noble Phantasms in the legend..."

Out of curiosity, he tried to "take the seat".

But there was a faint resistance in the stars.

Yaxiu looked stunned for a moment, carefully sensing the concept that resonated with him, and couldn't help but react.

"That's right, I haven't completely turned into a legend on the land of steel."

Therefore, his specific concept of Emperor Yali is still constantly changing and has not been completely stabilized.

"Forget it, if you harvest a few more treasures, you won't be able to substantially increase your strength."

Ash quickly turned his attention to his business trip to the Heroic Spirit Realm this time.

He closed his eyes slightly, and constantly sensed those twinkling stars with the help of various sides originating from the origin of his soul.

Soon found the concept of the symbol [Apusu].

It was a bright and dim star.

But the volume is many times larger than his concept star, showing the other party's noble and ancient status in human history.

Yaxiu opened his eyes and flew towards the source of the Milky Way without hesitation.

With his movements, the surrounding scenery began to change rapidly.

The layers of three-dimensional space seem to be rapidly compressing, framing his entire person into a certain "plane".

Yaxiu understood that this was a change in the boundary line.

The place where he was just now was the source of countless moon-parallel earths.

Above the Timeline, and above all parallel Earths.

But now he has jumped into the concept of the Heroic Spirit representing the [Steel Earth].

This time, what Ash needs to seize is precisely the position of Apsu in the parallel world of the Earth of Steel.

Chapter 88 Why Hit Me?

The surrounding is no longer full of gorgeous colors, and the gray space is full of silence.

Several groups of pitch-black energy filled with strange and distorted aura were constantly spreading out in the galaxy like ink.

The [Apusu Concept Star] that Yaxiu wanted to find was almost completely swallowed up by a certain ink.

"Sure enough, after losing the shielding of the two major restraining forces, an unknown existence appeared in the realm of Heroic Spirits in the parallel time and space of the Earth of Steel~ and it is devouring."

"There are countless heroic spirits and gods who try to replace the earth with their own power."

Before coming here, Zhu Yue had already reminded him that Yaxiu would not be surprised by the appearance of the Outer God.

Instead, he was a little surprised... The power of the invading Outer God seemed to be much less than expected.

This will make his action this time smoother and easier.

Following the direction of the ink flow, Ash's spiritual sense has been traced back to approaching the source of the galaxy.

Immediately, his expression froze.

There is a conceptual star surrounded by countless pitch-black tentacles.

The body of the tentacle is a huge mass of meat like a black cloud. It continuously extends its power and squeezes into the star, but it is like a rock sinking into the sea, without making any sound.

The conceptual astral body wrapped and influenced by tentacles always exudes brilliant and bright colors - this proves that it has not been polluted by an outer god at all.

It seems that because of the existence of this great enemy, the Outer Gods who attacked the Heroic Spirit Realm are fighting to the death... so the ink in other areas is extremely rare.

"......who is it?"

Ash suddenly became curious.

Generally speaking, the stars in this heroic spirit realm belong to conceptual gatherings, and they will never have the thoughts of living beings.

Even when they were alive, they were all dead now.

It has become a concept of a gathering of legends.

Not even a ghost.

How can there be resistance.

As for the gods... The gods who enter the Hall of Valor do have a certain sense of independent personality, but their source of power is based on the natural side tentacles.

With the death of Gaia in the steel earth, he should no longer possess much of the power of God, and he can only fall into a state of sleep.

Unless the realm completely crosses the world, you can no longer rely on the world - that is, the supply of Gaia.

Such characters do exist in the Moonlight world.

Such as enlightened beings, such as God, and some powerful gods of the gods, I am afraid that the realm has already crossed the world.

However, those strong people should not stay inside the Heroic Spirit Concept Star.

The main body of their consciousness has long since left the realm of heroic spirits and moved to a higher realm.

So who is this conceptual astral body that opposes the outer gods now?

Although he was a little curious, Yaxiu quickly entered the state, ready to finish his own business first.

It is not too late to visit the mysterious heroic spirit who resisted the outer gods after he has seized Apsu's mythical status and identity.

His figure flashed, and he quickly got into the star body soaked in ink.

The space in front of him transformed from an endless galaxy into a vast cave.

The space as deep as an abyss is filled with water, forming the appearance of an underground sea.

The sea is empty.

There are no land islands, but Ash can clearly feel that the deep ocean is full of vitality.

"God of water and the abyss, one of the Mesopotamian creator gods who symbolized the sweet water of life..."

This abyss and waters are the concept of the god Apsu!

At this time, above the abyss, there are unknown tentacles, slowly extending in from the void in all directions, and diving under the water.

With more and more tentacles, the entire water is also changing rapidly.

The originally clear water was producing some kind of metamorphosis, and more sparse pieces of meat emerged from the water.

Those chunks of meat also began to grow tentacles.

There are also terrifying fangs and sharp mouths in the twisted tentacles, and they devour the surrounding water.

Yaxiu's spiritual sense swept over, only to feel that countless strange information began to pour into his mind.

This kind of information seems to belong to the truth of the universe, but it has an abnormally distorted form, and it has some kind of strong assimilation!

Ordinary people don't talk about absorbing it with mental power.

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