"What will you do if you find that person?"

In the silence, Skaha had a rare flash of confusion.

"Actually, before I met you, I never believed that there was someone in this world who could beat me."

The implication was that she didn't know how to face Ashe.

"Then follow the previous agreement and leave here with me."

Ash smiled and stepped forward and took Skaha's hand.

The latter did not refuse, just closed his eyes slightly, and suddenly said:

"I can feel your vitality...and there is no sullenness, which proves that you are young."

"So, you still maintain the boring lust of a mortal, secretly coveting my attractive female body."

Ash's expression froze.

The attractive female body... Although there is no problem in fact, but Skaja can say such boasting without embarrassment.

She was a proud king and warrior.

"um, yes."

Ash didn't admit it in the slightest embarrassment.

Then he asked curiously:

"Is this my reward for beating you?"

Skaha opened his eyes again, and the crimson pupil was calm.

"what do you mean?"

"It's you now..." Yaxiu glanced at the red armor that was almost completely destroyed by the aftermath of the explosion, and said with a smile:

"Being so frank in front of me and showing my feminine charm is a reward for me to beat you?"

"If you treat my weakness after battle as a trophy, that's fine."

Skaha nodded calmly, without any female shyness.

She even took the initiative to pull off the remaining pieces of cloth hanging from her body.

Well, being so sturdy makes Ya Xiu a little speechless.

Raising his hand and covering the opponent's shoulder, Ash quickly reconstructed matter with a small universe, creating a purple skirt outside Skahar.

The slender skirt was tucked into the curve of the waist, and the skirt naturally fell above the knees, without covering the slender legs.

Yaxiu felt that Skaha would prefer this kind of tight skirt with the temperament of a royal sister.

Sure enough, although the expression on the other side's pretty face was calm, there was a look of satisfaction in the eyes that swept over Yaxiu.

"'Victory without humiliation, it is already certain that you are a warrior of noble character."

"Being able to face your desires and control your desires...I'm very satisfied with you."

Ash smiled bitterly in his heart.

Obviously he defeated her, but in the communication with him, Skaha seemed to be his own teacher, giving instructions from a high point.

Maybe he's used to being a teacher.

Thinking like this, Axiu's hand that was about to let go immediately changed direction and wrapped it around the opponent's slender waist.

"Skaha, Queen of the Land of Shadows, I have heard of your mythology, you have taught countless warriors - but I am not your disciple."

He said so with a smile.

After speaking, he began to focus on the remnant of the Outer God drifting in the Heroic Spirit Realm.

Spiritual sense diffused out of the body silently and swept the vicinity.

Soon the crystals hidden behind a conceptual star were locked.

Yaxiu waved his hand, and an invisible force led the crystal to fly over (Qian Nuozhao).

Suddenly he looked slightly stunned.

Skaha, whose face was calm, also raised his eyebrows, and his delicate and pretty face was full of heroism.

The two of them had been paying attention to each other just now, but now after the battle, they finally realized that there seemed to be some kind of residue hidden inside the crystal that had been reconstructed by the power of order.

It is the essence mark of the unknown outer god.

It has not been forcibly altered by the forces of order, and retains its distorted and chaotic nature.

Yaxiu stretched out his hand to fish, and a pattern of gray fog flew out from the crystal.

It looked vaguely like a goat curled up on all fours.

"The Black Goat of the Forest, Shab Nicholas..." Silently recalling the myth of Cthulhu, Yaxiu instantly understood the identity of the other party and muttered:

"The Outer God who fought with us just now is the egg country of a black goat that He gave birth to!"

No wonder it can split into many clones and surround the whole concept of Heroic Spirit at the same time! .

Chapter 97 New Planning

In the sense of time of Zhu Yue, the six sisters of Yali, and the UO girls.

Yaxiu had just left, and in the next second, a beam of stars appeared in the sky.

Two figures, a man and a woman, fell in front of them accompanied by Xinghui.

"You're back?"

Looking at the familiar figure in front of them, the six sisters and the UO girls were a little puzzled.

Is this back?

Zhu Yue is well aware of the sense of time on the outside and inside of the world. She smiled and nodded to Yaxiu, and then her eyes fell on Skaha, who was on the side, and raised her eyebrows indiscernibly.

"Actually brought her back to the inner side of the world?"

It seems that even in Zhu Yue's heart, she has a certain impression of Skaha's strange aptitude.

"This piece of time and space in the Earth of Steel has lost the hindrance of the two major restraining forces. It is relatively easy for me to take people across the inner side and enter the surface of the planet."

Ash smiled.

He turned his head again, looked at Skaha who was standing quietly beside him, and briefly introduced himself to both parties.

As for the queen of the kingdom of shadows in Celtic mythology, the existence that dominates the wisdom of the devil and the abyss of death, except for the king of 900 months, the six sisters and UO girls have never heard of her name.

On the other hand, Skaha greeted Zhu Yue and the others with ease, without the slightest scorn in his words.

Although she hides the desire to fight and the pride of the queen in her heart, she is also extremely polite.

Treat those around you, no matter what your strength and status are, you will be courteous and respectful, and never be condescending.

In addition, the Queen of the Kingdom of Shadows on the outside has actually been paying attention to the situation on the surface of the planet.

For everyone's identities, I'm afraid they already know it.

Although she is only a delicate girl on the outside, she holds the power that even her needs to be taken seriously.

Well... I believe that the future will not be too lonely, at least there are so many opponents who can resist their own death shot.

While saying hello, Skaha thought with such a smile in his heart.

After all, she didn't take the initiative to go to the outside, her realm and mentality would still be nostalgic for many things.

"It seems that your harvest this time is not small?"

After arranging Skaha's accommodation, Zhu Yue immediately found Yaxiu with a curious look on her face:

"In that realm of heroic spirits, a lot of things should have happened, right?"

Facing the King of the Moon, Yaxiu naturally wouldn't hide anything, so he explained the process in detail.

He took out the mark of the black goat of the forest again.

Zhu Yue suddenly showed a cautious look, and silently sensed it with spiritual power.

After a moment, she frowned.

"It would be very dangerous to bring this thing to the inner side of the planet."

The Outer God has unparalleled control over the extension of his own power.

It is very likely that it will take the opportunity to bypass the outside and directly invade the entire interior of the earth.

Zhu Yue was very puzzled, why she was as steady as Yaxiu, but didn't think about it.

"If it was the imprint of the power of other outer gods, I would have destroyed it long ago, but the black goat of the forest..."

Ash shook his head:

"His power form may have inspired me a lot."

Shab Nicholas, second only to the creator god Azathoth, is one of the three pillar gods of the Cthulhu mythology, known as the supreme goddess, and holds the power of [birth].

Although it belongs to the distorted births conceived in disorder, the authority is very similar to Gaia, the mother of the earth.

Studying His power and truth information will be of great help to become Gaia in the future.

"Is it for rebuilding the earth's ecosystem?" Zhu Yue raised her eyebrows and warned seriously: "But you must firmly shield the aura of this mark, and you must not let it leak out."

Otherwise, the Supreme Mother Goddess of Cthulhu must be able to sense the existence of the mark.

Even the King of the Moon finds it extremely difficult for such a strange family (afcc) partner as the Outer God, and maintains a strong vigilance.

If you change to other parallel worlds, there are two major inhibitory forces outside the earth circle.

Even if you can sense the traces of your own power, under unusual circumstances, the influence of the outer gods cannot directly enter the inner side.

But on the land of steel, Gaia and Alaya have both died... or rather, they have given up this space and time and have taken back all their power tentacles.

Ash nodded and agreed.

In fact, as for the nature of the Outer Gods, through this personal fight, he already understands more than the Moon King.

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