A striped road covered the whole body along the thin dragon scales, forming a mysterious pattern, looming in the flickering flame.

It seemed that he could sense the approach of Ash, the symbol of [Human], and the [Beast], who was firmly suppressed by Zhu Yue, opened his huge mouth and let out a long, loud roar.

The sound wave shook the black mud away in an instant, allowing its huge body to be fully displayed in Yaxiu's eyes.

But that's it.

With the suppression of Zhu Yue, the evil of human beings cannot appear to the outside world at all.

Axiu ignored the resistance of the [Beast], and continued to lower his body and came to it.

Looking carefully at the strange giant dragon in front of him, he no longer covered up the myth from Apsu in his body, and said calmly:

"Tiamat, do you regret it?"

The [Beast] that kept vibrating the dragon's horns suddenly moved.

She could clearly feel that the life in front of her—besides the strong aura that made her involuntarily resentful and angry, it also carried a certain familiarity that made her feel guilty and anxious.

Yaxiu began to move, ignoring the anger emanating from the opponent's body, and smiled as he approached:

"The betrayal will surely be betrayed as well."

"At the beginning of the world, between your children and your husband, you chose to betray your husband."

"You clearly love the children so much, but you were abandoned without hesitation."

"Do you... regret it?"

[Beast] There was confusion in the huge pupils, and as Yaxiu approached, her body trembled involuntarily and began to retreat.

There is no longer the momentum of the angry flames.

After a while, [Beast] stared at the figure in front of him, and tears suddenly kept accumulating in his eyes.

The crimson flame quickly subsided.

A certain feeling of guilt, timidity, and sadness gradually pervaded.

From then on, her body began to shrink rapidly in the light, and finally turned into a slender human form.

In the depths of the dark silt, two figures stood quietly.

There was a certain disbelief in Tiamat's flashing eyes.


As if she hadn't spoken for a long time, although her voice was beautiful, it had a faint sense of rustiness and dryness.

Ash took a few steps closer, until he was facing Tiamat, he raised his hand with a smile, and lightly rubbed the giant curved horn above the other's head.

With the stroke of his fingertips, the only remaining flame of hatred was quickly extinguished.

Between the gods born from the myth, there is no need to say much.

The moment the two met their eyes, Tiamat immediately understood the identity of the existence in front of him.

It was the [human being] who betrayed her.

It was also the [Apusu] who was betrayed by her.

It is the [Human] who is ashamed of her, and it is also the [Apusu] who is deeply ashamed of her.

The strong contradictions generated by the myths and legends caused Tiamat's emotions to go down in an instant.

Taking this opportunity, Ash took her hand.

The vast wisdom and spirituality dominated by Alaya quickly poured in, and began to perfect Tiamat's weak personality, which was almost overwhelmed by human evil.

Give that personality a heavy spirit.

After a while, Tiamat, who was completely dominated by mythology, began to have a faint light in his eyes, and they focused together.

The surrounding black mud collapsed involuntarily, forming a huge circle of ripples.

The ripples rippled past, filled with viscous silt, and gradually became clear as water.

That means that the evil of mankind finally collapses.

"Let's go."

Ash was relieved, a happy smile appeared on his face, and he clenched Tiamat's hand.

The figures of the two rose rapidly along the undercurrent.

The moment they got out of the water, in reality they opened their eyes at the same time.


On the barren steel land, Tiamat tightly grabbed the corner of Ash's clothes and followed him step by step.

Silently listening to Ashe tell about the history of mankind after the end of the Age of Gods.

It has been a week since the evil of mankind was dispelled and Tiamat's pure personality was awakened.

These days, Tiamat has been following Ash by his side like this.

Perhaps because she was sealed in the imaginary space for countless years, her mood was extremely unstable.

As long as he can't see Ash, he will be restless and misunderstood that he has been abandoned again.

"...That's it, due to the endless 907 demands of mankind on the world, the soul of Gaia finally collapsed, and the entire planet lost all its vitality."

"Cosmic dust poured into the Earth's circle, and all life, including humans, began to die in large numbers..."

After speaking lightly for a while, Yaxiu turned his head, but only saw a pair of giant curved horns.

"By the way, are you listening?"

Tiamat's eyes were still fixed on the ground, and he nodded slightly.

She changed into a light blue dress.

The soft blue hair was neatly combed, wrapped around the dragon's horn at the top of the head, and fell behind him like silk, down to the bend of the calf.

Although it always seemed very quiet, Tiamat's emotions revealed to the outside world were obviously filled with a sense of entanglement.

Maybe I don't know how to face my "husband"... After all, my "husband" has been betrayed in myth.

Just as Yaxiu was thinking this way, the figure opposite suddenly asked in a low voice:


"I've changed my name." Yaxiu coughed, "Remember to call me Yaxiu in the future."


Tiamat obeyed and remained silent, and continued to ask:

"Then you are now my husband and my child?".

Chapter 111 A Nice Wife

Yaxiu was stunned, and felt a little funny in his heart.

Speaking of which, in the ancient Semitic language, Tiamat's name means "the mother of all life".

Her myths and legends also highlight the "mother" side.

Including the betrayal of her husband Apsu, also comes from the mother's love from the bottom of my heart.

Therefore, even if she was abandoned by the beings she created, she has always loved the life of the earth circle.

As a human evil, when he takes revenge on all beings, he will also subconsciously seal himself, and he does not want to really destroy the world.

The word child seems to have a special soothing meaning for Tiamat.

However, that is only the virtual human nature endowed by myths and legends.

Now, with the destruction of the old generation, all myths have been submerged in history and gradually covered up by the brilliance of the Yali Bai people.

Even the current Tiamat was personally imported by Ash, Alaya, to highlight the "human nature" of the past and use it to expel the malice of human beings.

But after the earth lost the support of mythology, she came from the mother's love endowed by myths and legends, and gradually began to be controlled by the normal mind.

Therefore, she now has a faint sense of entanglement.

Confusion about Ash's identity.

If it was put in the past, because of the invisible constraints of myths and legends, it would be impossible for her to ask Ash's current contradictory identity.


It doesn't matter if it's called Astro, Tiamat will only pay more attention to Ash's [human] symbol.

Whether it is the will of human beings that is driven by human evil, or the maternal love precipitated in ancient myths, first of all, it must be determined that the other party is [human].

"Yes, I symbolize human beings, and I also symbolize Apsu."

Ash looked at her with a smile:

"So whether it's your guilt towards Apsu, or the guilt of humans towards you... Now it can be evened out."

If he didn't get the Outer God gift package in the Heroic Spirit Realm, in order to fool Tiamat to organize the [Creation Ceremony of the Human World] with him, Yaxiu would definitely try to emphasize his [Apusu] identity as much as possible.

But now, it doesn't matter anymore.

Tiamat tilted his head, and after a while, he continued to quietly pull the corner of Ash's clothes.

Although the virtual humanity endowed by myths is gradually getting rid of, it will still take some time.

Now, she will feel more at ease when she is by the side of [the child].

The two walked for a while, and Tiamat suddenly said:

"I can no longer feel the slightest force of nature... Maybe this world is really coming to an end ¨¨."

There was a hint of melancholy in the words.

Ash turned to look at her in surprise.

The two have been together for a week, and Tiamat has always been like a little daughter-in-law, lowering his head and pulling the corner of his clothes without saying a word.

This is the first time I have actively expressed my opinion.

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