When the rhythm of fetal movement continued for several hours, the mountains, the earth, and the sea returned to calm.


Yaxiu opened his eyes, and his spiritual sense swept across the entire planet whose landscape was almost changed, with a happy smile on his face.

He could clearly feel that the source of miracles under his control was completely connected to the planet under his feet.

almost indistinguishable from each other.

Although Little Universe has left the body, it is also a part of him, no different from a few hours ago.

And now, through the normal manipulation of the small universe, Yaxiu can easily control the entire planet and achieve all kinds of incredible miracles.

It can even extend to a larger range, so as to control the mystery of the entire earth circle.

It is easy to manifest the results of miracles in any corner of the planet.

Yaxiu's small cosmic energy has almost replaced the [Great Source] role of the entire "Nine One Three" planet!

This is... an indirect steal of Gaia's authority.

But it is a pity that his small universe has not yet involved the mystery of the Supreme Archetype.

Although it can successfully form an inhibitory force, it can restrain all sentient beings in the earth circle.

But higher-level information, he has never been able to clearly observe.

"But my short-term goal is to harvest the bloodline structure of the golden human level, which is enough now..."

Silently feeling the constant changes in the shape of the source of miracles in the depths of the earth, Yaxiu breathed a sigh of relief.

Next, it only takes a period of accumulation.

Through the actual experience of the Vientiane circulatory system of the entire life planet, the perfect data of the golden human blood can be obtained.

There is no way to do it overnight.

After all, the ecosystem of the entire planet has only been established for a few decades.

And his source of miracles was just connected.

It is necessary to continuously comprehend the various laws of the natural and stable circulation of the planet, and convert their information into bloodline information.

"But relying on the small universe to connect to the planet and replace Gaia's status also has great benefits."

"I don't have to stay here all the time and observe the data of various cyclical laws with my own eyes."

"They will naturally accumulate inside the source of miracles... Just after they bear fruit, I will come back and collect them."

"There are other things I can do during this time."

"For example, returning to the Saint Seiya world, or first going to the normal type moon time and space to enrich Alaya's flesh and blood..."

Ashura swept across the dial made by Athena within her body.

Silently calculated the difference in time flow rate between the next two worlds.

Immediately decided not to return to the Saint Seiya world.

It is not too late to collect the perfect golden human bloodline structure.

Improve your own strength as much as possible, and then you can better cope with the complex situation of the Saint Seiya world.

Then there is only one place left.

——Smuggle to the normal type-moon parallel time and space, observe and collect information on human history, and turn them into the flesh and blood of Alaya.

The ultimate goal, of course, is to connect the old generation and the Ari era, and master the [source of wisdom] in the spiritual ocean of Alaya.

And rely on it to learn and interpret [the law of the operation of life].

Only with such supreme laws can Yaxiu successfully cross the era of disorder and form a divine body that surpasses the golden human beings.

It even copied the mystery of the quadruple world and created an absolutely perfect cosmology.

"Are you leaving?"

Zhu Yue's calm voice came from behind.

Regarding Yaxiu's various movements, and even the subtle expressions, the Moon King should be the one who likes to observe and guess the most, and grasps it most accurately.

Yaxiu turned around and glanced at Zhu Yue and the others one by one.

——Using the star derivation technique to replace Gaia's position, this kind of big event, the girls who know are naturally very interested.

Including the eight UO girls, they stayed not far behind Ya Xiu just now, watching the whole process of the operation with their own eyes.

I don't know what I have learned, but I must be shocked by a little in my heart like the Yali below.

"Ash...are you leaving?"

Hearing Zhu Yue's opening, the six sisters of Yali and the others were startled.

"Where is Ashley going?"

Tiamat pinched the corner of her skirt with her small hand, and a faint sense of unease appeared in her eyes.

Not far from her side, Skaha was still smiling gracefully, as if not surprised.

"Well, I'm afraid I need to leave this world for a while."

Yaxiu didn't hide it either. He touched his nose and explained:

"The destination is another timeline - in that parallel world, to personally observe the entire human history and record the flow of history... so that I can completely control the Alaya Linga 0.... ."

After listening to his words, Zhu Yue seemed to be quietly relieved.

The Moon King was most afraid that Yaxiu would return to [Exotic Land].

It will be difficult to determine the time when we want to meet again.

In addition, Yaxiu's safety cannot be properly guaranteed.

After all, according to the description, that [exotic] ​​nine senses are not as good as a dog, and the gods are walking all over the place, which is really terrifying.

As the master of the moon face, Zhu Yue doesn't like this kind of uncontrollable situation very much.

She has given so much to Yaxiu, and she is even willing to determine her future life as a woman...

Even if it doesn't count the feelings of the last few years, at least until there is no satisfactory harvest, the King of the Moon will never hope that Yaxiu will have any accident.

And if you go to the parallel time and space of the moon.

Not to mention the formidable strength of Yaxiu itself, it is only under the restraint of the two who do not possess intelligence.

Even if something unexpected happens, Zhu Yue thinks she should be able to help.

Regardless of the strength gap, the Moon King hopes to at least clearly observe the development and passage of things that he is very concerned about.

Even though she may have been out of touch.

——It’s like after being driven out of the earth, you have to set up a back door in the body of the true ancestors and dive quietly.

Anyway, she hopes that even if she can't control everything, she needs to know everything as much as possible.

Perhaps only in this way, 2.2 is more convenient for subsequent layout.

"Do you really want to leave this world?"

The six sisters of Yali frowned at the same time, and after a while, they asked expectantly:

"We want to keep following Ash... Can you take us with you too?"

This time, I didn't go out for a trip easily, but I had to sneak in under the eyes of two major restraints.

Ash was a little helpless.

In the disappointed expressions of the six sisters, they shook their heads slightly.

"Sorry, you stay in this time and space for now."

With a slow tone, he said softly:

"I'll be back soon, remember to help me stabilize the empire while I'm away."

Fortunately, the six sisters of Yali, who have been with Yaxiu for the longest time, basically will not object to anything after he really makes a certain decision.

Although the six sisters were disappointed, they nodded obediently and agreed.

Chapter 2 The Transcendent

Although it has been decided to go to the parallel world of Xingyue, Yaxiu still stayed in the time and space of the steel land for a while.

While accompanying Zhu Yue and others and appeasing Tiamat, he was also thinking silently about the next plan.

It was not until a few years later that Yaxiu finally said goodbye to the people around him and entered the realm of heroic spirits again.

Standing in a realm filled with nothingness and nothingness, he stared at the entire illusory conceptual starry sky.

Look back to the source of the starry sky.

There is his destination... or rather, the transit point of the countless parallel worlds of Xingyue.

I can vaguely feel that the huge and orderly laws of time are coming together.

But Ash didn't witness the substantive [timeline] with his own eyes.

[Time] is the perceptual experience explained by living things based on their own senses, or, in other words, is the unit standard used to measure the operation of all things.

At least in this current dimension, it is simply impossible to take on a known form.

Some strong people can indeed manipulate time smoothly, but if you want to touch it with your hands or observe its shape with your eyes, you need to at least reach a higher realm.

beyond the realm of its own dimensions.

05 "Through the time-independent heroic spirit realm, travel to another parallel time and space... This process is equivalent to smuggling."

"There will likely be some unexpected obstacles."

"Those are beings who have completely escaped from the world by relying on their own realm."

Recalling what Zhu Yue said, Ash also became cautious.

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