Kasumigaoka Shiyu is a seemingly quiet, but often energetic speech, usually quite calm, but also a little unguarded, and some poisonous tongue.

No…… Maybe it’s not just a little bit of poisonous tongue!

So Tranx had no other ideas.

Super Saiyan; “Yes, if you are free, I would like to thank you personally.”

This time, kasumigaoka Shiba was a big help, so Tranx was ready to personally go to the door to thank him.

By the way, see what a real wife looks like!

Well! That’s right… It’s really just incidental.

Originally it was a joke, but he didn’t expect that he really agreed, and xiaxiagaoka Shiyu’s face became even redder.

Kasumi Shizi [Group Leader]: “Tomorrow, my side is the weekend…”

Super Saiyan: “Then tomorrow!” Remember to invite me! ”

After the chat was over.

Tranx also began to play with Ram and Rem.

For Ram and Reim, who had never played at an amusement park before, this amusement park experience was the most memorable moment.

After a happy day of fun for the family.

Just got home.

Vegeta couldn’t wait to play against Tranx in the gravity training room.

The gravity chamber is very wide, the size of a hundred meters in all directions.

Both had now turned into Super Saiyans, and with the blessing of gravity, they began to fight.

Fist-to-flesh fighting is blood-boiling.

After doubling his combat power, Tranx also fought with all his might for the first time

At this moment, he only felt that his whole body had endless strength, and one punch was faster than another punch, and he kept hitting Vegeta.

Bang Bang Bang!!

“Drink aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Amid Tranx’s loud shouts, a sudden punch hit Vegeta directly in the face.


In an instant, Vegeta flew straight out and crashed into the metal wall, causing the whole room to tremble a little.

“Amount ~~”

Tranx looked at Vegeta, who had been beaten by himself, and was suddenly a little embarrassed.

Unexpectedly, I accidentally used full force.

At full strength, his fighting power was already above Vegeta.

“Tranx played well, you’re the best!”

Standing outside the gravity room, Bulma, who was watching, saw that Vegeta was hit and flew, not only did not feel pain but also cried out.

“Brother Tranx is so powerful!”

Ram and Reim also looked adoring.

At this time, Vegeta was also blinded, and he did not expect Tranx’s strength to suddenly become so strong.

“Dad, you’re all right!”

Tranx walked over to care.

“It’s okay, let’s move on.”

Vegeta stood up with a grim face and attacked him again.

Tranx had no choice but to continue fighting.

And this time Vegeta had used all his strength.

Apparently, the punch he had just thrown let him know that Tranx had not fought with all his might.

This made Tranx have to get serious, although his combat effectiveness was stronger than Vegeta’s.

But the combat experience is much worse, so you must not be careless.

“Drink aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa


Inside the training room, the fighting became more and more intense as Tranx and Vegeta roared.

Bulma and Ramreem, who were watching outside, were also nervous.

At this moment Tranx’s attention was more concentrated than ever.

Seeing Vegeta punch him in the abdomen, he turned slightly sideways to avoid it, and then threw a backhand punch into Vegeta’s face.

Vegeta didn’t react slowly either, raising her hand to block it and then slamming her knees over.

Tranx hurriedly took half a step back to avoid it, followed by a whip leg jerking out.

But he was once again blocked by Vegeta’s raised hand.

However, this whip leg was just a cover, only to see Tranx suddenly crouch down and then a Liter Dragon punch.

The blow was so fast that Vegeta couldn’t react and was punched in the stomach by Tranx, followed by an upward punch to the chin.

Vegeta spat out a mouthful of acid and was then thrown out.

This was really cruel enough, and Vegeta did not get up for a while.

“Dad, you’re all right!”

Tranx hurried over.

“Tranx, your strength?”

Vegeta was already confused.

I have already used my full strength, but I still can’t win, what is the situation?

“Haha, there were some small breakthroughs yesterday!”

Tranx laughed.

When Vegeta heard his words, the corners of her eyes twitched.

He had only been beaten by himself a few days ago, and he knew nothing about Tranx’s strength.

However, in just a few days, he has already surpassed himself, which is very unscientific.

Of course, Vegeta did not believe in science either, and the best explanation was only for the noble bloodline of the Saiyans.

“Hahaha, well, worthy of the noble Saiyan bloodline.”

Vegeta burst out laughing.

Being surpassed by his own son, he had long been mentally prepared, so it was not difficult to accept.

At this point Vegeta was more excited.

He himself has been surpassed by Tranx, so maybe Kakarot has also been surpassed.

Thinking of this, Vegeta was even happier.

Looking at the laughing Vegeta, Tranx suddenly skimmed his lips.

What his cheap dad was thinking, of course, he knew it all.

“Vegeta, are you all right?”

At this time, the gravity of the gravity training room was closed, and Bulma and Ramreem walked in with concern.

“I’m okay, Tranx has finally overtaken me and overtaken the Kakarot guy, and now he’s the strongest Saiyan.”

Vegeta said excitedly without the slightest concern for the injuries on her body.

When Bulma heard his words, she looked at Tranx with some surprise.

“No, I’m still far behind!” Facing Bulma’s surprised gaze, Tranx shook his head decisively.

“Two years ago, I heard that Uncle Sun Wukong was still training hard, and I think his strength should still be above me now.”

Sun Wukong’s normal combat effectiveness is now around 2 billion, which is not much stronger than Tranx.

But Sun Wukong will be super three transformations!

Under the four-hundred-fold increase, the gap between it and the super two transformation is too large.

Unless he succeeds in becoming a super four, he has no chance of winning.

Vegeta’s face darkened as soon as she heard it.

“Tranx continues to cultivate hard.”

With that he threw Bulma out of the way and continued to fight Tranx.

Combat is the best training, this time with a matched opponent.

Both Tranx and himself.

And thanks to the battle with Tranx, there is also the effect of the gravity bracelet.

Vegeta’s strength is much stronger than the original, and now it is not far from the normal 1.9 billion combat power.


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