Chapter 288 Killer Hitt’s Mighty Strength!!

“Seventh Universe Saiyan Sun Wukong vs. Sixth Universe Killer Hitt, and the game officially begins.”

Under the loud announcement of the referee, the game finally began.

In the ring, Sun Wukong and Hit looked at each other, and both of them could feel that the other’s strength was very strong.

“Drink ah ~ ~ ~ ”

Sun Wukong suddenly roared angrily, facing Hit, he actually changed his usual and directly transformed into super blue.

Everyone was surprised to see this, after all, this is not Sun Wukong’s way of fighting!

“Goku, what’s wrong with that?” Why did you become the strongest in the first place? ”

Kiki wondered.

“Hmm! Maybe it feels that the strength of the other party is very strong! ”

Bulma explained uncertainly.

Everyone nodded in agreement when they heard her words, if it wasn’t for the fact that the other party was very strong, Sun Wukong would never be so serious.

As for what Tranx and Vegeta had just said, the crowd hadn’t heard it, otherwise they wouldn’t have been so surprised.

“Hey hey! Hit, I can feel that your strength is very strong, so come on. ”

Sun Wukong said, already posing for attack.

On the other hand, Hitt is the same, although the posture is relatively small, but it gives people a sense of impeccableness.

Sun Wukong frowned when he saw this, and for a moment he didn’t know where to attack. The two of them were so deadlocked.

The crowd was confused.

“What the hell is going on here? Why haven’t the two of them started fighting yet? ”

This time it was Bulma’s turn to wonder.

“No, in fact, they are already fighting, but Sun Wukong has not yet found the other side’s flaws, so it will be deadlocked.”

Gac on the side explained it to them. The crowd suddenly realized.

That’s when it happened.

Sun Wukong suddenly moved, as if ready to attack. Yet Hitt moved faster than he did.

As soon as he made a move, Hit had already come to him in the blink of an eye.

Sun Wukong saw this and hurriedly swung his fist to resist.

The next moment, however, his body was knocked out and he fell heavily into the ring.


Sun Wukong screamed bitterly, not knowing what was going on.

Vegeta in the audience saw this and stared, “Is this the Flashwork?” So fast! ”

Even he couldn’t see Hit’s movements clearly. Sun Wukong was just blasted out in an instant.

Everyone saw that Sun Wukong was beaten and flew away, and for a while they were a little incredulous.

“Hahaha, great!”

Elephant Pa saw Sun Wukong being knocked out and jumped up happily.

“It’s really powerful!”

Bardos on the side echoed.

On the other hand, Birus, seeing Sun Wukong being knocked out, suddenly said in a loud voice, “Goku stood up for me to teach that guy a good lesson, and must win for me.” ”

Wei Wei wenyan on the side only smiled, he actually did not look favorably on Sun Wukong, unless there was a miracle.

“Ah, it really hurts at this moment!”

Sun Wukong touched it and stood up alone, looking like it was not a big deal. If nothing else, his ability to resist blows was absolutely full of direct pulls.

“Ha oh! I can’t be careless about it. ”

Sun Wukong’s gaze at Hit became serious.

But Hit said, “Admit defeat!” ”

“What do you say?”

Sun Wukong was stunned for a moment and thought he had heard it wrong.

“I say admit defeat, otherwise, I don’t guarantee you’ll survive.”

Hit looked at Sun Wukong very seriously.

Because he is a killer, every move is a killing move. Although he knew that this game could not kill people, if he lost his hand, Sun Wukong could be in danger of his life.

However, Sun Wukong laughed when he heard this.

“Come on, let me see how strong you really are.”

Sun Wukong’s face did not have the slightest color of fear…

Hitt saw this and did not persuade again.


Sun Wukong shouted loudly, and then rushed towards Hit with great speed. However, at the moment when the two approached, Hit suddenly disappeared.

Immediately after that, Sun Wukong was blasted out again.

Hitt looked for all the deadly killers, the first punch hit Sun Wukong’s heart, and the second punch hit Sun Wukong directly in the throat.

I saw Sun Wukong cover his throat and climb out of the ground.

If Hit didn’t keep his hand, Sun Wukong’s throat would definitely have been shattered.

Vegeta’s face was full of shock when she saw this scene, and she didn’t expect that Sun Wukong was not an opponent at all.

At the same time, Sun Wukong in the field stood up with his throat covered, and then directly canceled the transformation and returned to normal.

The crowd was puzzled when they saw this.

Hit frowned, “Are you going to give up?” ”

“Ah! No, it’s just that I can’t beat you now, and that transformation is too physically draining, haha! ”

Sun Wukong did not have any scruples, and even directly said what he thought in his heart.

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