Super Saiyan: “Bubbling .jpg”

Kasumi Shizi [Group Leader]: “…”

Blood Red Pepper: “…”

King Debiluk: “…”


Speaking of bubbling, Tranx really just bubbled up a bit.

Let the group members be a little speechless.

The skin is very happy.

Seeing the reaction of the group members, Tranx couldn’t help but grin.

Super Saiyan: “Haha, just kidding!” ”

Ainz Urgong Demon Guide King: “Mr. Super Saiyan is really very personal!” ”

King Debiluk: “Being able to accept the existence of the chat group so quickly, it seems that the newcomer is not a simple character.” ”

Kasumi Shizi [Group Leader]: “Newcomer, it seems that you already know some of the functions of chat groups, but don’t you introduce yourself first?” ”

Super Saiyan: “Also, then introduce yourself, as Miss Kasumi said, I am a Saiyan named Tranx, Presumably Miss Kasumi has understood who I am!” ”

Kasumi Shizi [Group Leader]: “It’s actually Tranx!!! ”

Blood Red Pepper: “How’ it goes?” Does Sister Kasumi know who he is? ”

Kasumi Shiko [Group Leader]: “Well… I’m not easy to explain, but anyway a very powerful Saiyan, by the way, Tranx, how old are you now? ”

Kasumi doesn’t really like dragon ball manga, so she only knows a little bit about the characters in the dragon ball world.

However, at this time, she was excited to check the characters and settings of the Dragon Ball comics in front of the computer.

In dragon ball comics, Tranx doesn’t come out until later, and the first appearance is still a child.

But then there’s a future Tranx.

That’s why she asked that question.

Super Saiyan: “I’m seven years old now, but I guess I’m not the character in the comics you’re talking about.” ”

Xia Shizi group leader: “Seven years old, it seems that Tranx’s little brother is still just out!” ”

Kasumi was not surprised by Tranx’s words, after all, the people in their group did not believe that they were characters in the manga at first.

But just get used to it.

Blood Red Peppers: “Seven years old, a year older than me.” ”

Ainz Ur Gong Demon Guide King: “It turns out that the strongest newcomer in the group that Miss Xia Shizi said is only seven years old?” Unbelievable. ”

King Debiluk: “No matter how powerful the seven-year-old doll is, it can’t be stronger than the Emperor of my universe, right?” ”

The Bald Cloak: “…”

Apparently, the group members did not believe that Tranx, who was only seven years old, could be stronger than them.

However, Tranx also learned that Whirlpool Nine Sinai is currently only six years old.

It should still be when the Vortex Nation has not been destroyed.

Super Saiyan: “I think you misunderstood, I’m not talking about a character in the comics, because I’m also a crosser like Mr. Flying Squirrel.” ”

Tranx directly revealed the fact that he was a crosser, and anyway, when the time came, Kasumigaoka Shiyu would also find out, so it was better to say it now.

And there is the precedent of the traverser of the Ainz Urgong Demon Guide King.

It’s not hard to accept that Tranx is a crosser.

Ainz Urgong Demon Guide King: “I didn’t expect this to be the case, which means that Tranx is not a character in the original comics!” ”

Blood Red Pepper: “It always feels so complicated!” ”

Night Strike Ace Killer: “…”

Super Saiyan: “So to speak, and in my past life, there have also been anime and fiction works about you, including Miss Kasumi Shiko’ one!” ”

Kasumi Shiko [Group Lord]: “What? Is there even mine? ”

When Kasumigaoka Shiyu saw these words, she was shocked.

Originally, as the leader of the group, the members of the group are all characters in comics and novels, which makes her still have some sense of superiority, although she has no fighting power.

But now hearing this Super Saiyan actually say that she is also a character in the anime, this makes her sense of superiority disappear in an instant.

It turns out that I am the same as everyone else!

Super Saiyan: “Miss Kasumigaoka Shiba, you are a long black girl with dark red eyes!” ”

“The light novel ‘Love Metronome’, written under the pen name ‘Kasumi Shizi’, was released in five volumes in the Undead River Bunko, with a total sales of more than 500,000 copies.”

“And you and Inari pear have the title of ‘two beautiful girls of the private Toyonozaki School’.”

“I’m not wrong about that!”

Kasumi Shizi [Group Leader]: “…”

At this time, Kasumigaoka Shiyu had already believed most of it after Tranx had said this.

After all, she didn’t tell the people in the group her real name, let alone disclose this information.

I didn’t expect the other party to know her so well.

Blood Red Pepper: “It’s so powerful, is Sister Kasumi really a big beauty!” ”

Ainz Urgong Demon Guide King: “It should sound like just an ordinary person!” ”

Kasumi Shizi [Group Leader]: “You are right, it seems that you really know me very well.” ”

Kasumigaoka Shiyu, who had returned to her senses, not only did not worry, but instead showed a playful smile at the corner of her mouth.

Just now Tranx said that he had also seen the novels and anime of the group members in his previous life.

And what does it mean that he was able to say his information in such detail after crossing?

Explain that you are a character that the other person likes very much.

It doesn’t matter if you’re an anime character or something, everyone in the group is the same anyway.

King Debiluk: “Then Tranx, you should reintroduce yourself now!” ”

Chido Lución Debliuk is still very interested in Tranx, after all, he is said to be the strongest person in the group.

Of course he was somewhat incredulous.

Super Saiyan: “It’s a little difficult to explain, you just need to know that I’m Tranx’s brother, but after I’ve had more, the name Tranx was given to me first.” ”

“Miss Kasumi, can you upload a comic about Dragon Ball to the chat group?”

Tranx didn’t bother to explain, and let them all read the comics to go well.

As for exposing himself or something, he didn’t have that worry at all.

With his current strength, he is completely fearless of everything.

You don’t need to hide your identity.

Kasumi: “Huh? Can I upload comics? ”

Super Saiyan: “It should be okay. ”

Kasumi Shizi: “Then I’ll try first!” ”

Sure enough.

【Ding! The group leader Kasumi Shiko uploads a Dragon Ball comic that all members of the group can freely consult. 】

Kasumi Shizi [Group Lord]: “It really can be!” ”

King Debiluk: “I’m very interested in Tranx Kid, so let’s take a look at this comic first!” ”

After Chido Lución Debiluk finished saying this in the chat group, he began to consult the Dragon Ball comics.

Ainz Urgong Demon Guide King: “I’ll go see it too.” ”


The strength shown in the first part of the Dragon Ball comic is not very strong.

But from the dragon ball z onwards, the combat effectiveness has risen linearly.

Frieza, the Emperor of the Universe, the Artificial Man who only knows destruction, and the evil Demon Man Buu.

These enemies are stronger than the other, and the destructive power is amazing.

Although Qido was also the cosmic emperor who ruled the world, he was still much worse than these terrifying powers that destroyed galaxies at every turn.


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