
Episode 789: Try Dragon Bodization

◎ Meadows without the name of the Kingdom of Minciana

"Skills/Dragon Sorting!


A zucinous grunt rang in the meadows, quite far from the city of Gordios.

It was the sound of the wind and the swing that had occurred because Yucconeer had become a dragon.

The day after the rescue of the Dince Freedom Knights and their return from the dungeon, the early morning training of the White Regiment, which was a move away from the city of Gordios, began with a dragon body match that included confirmation of the effects of wind noise and Yucconeer's skills enhancement.

"Again, you've grown big"

"About fifteen meters? Doesn't look so different though."

"My mother and Yucconeer are amazing."

Exclamation leaks from the gallery. It was the blue crystalline dragon with the giant golden wings of the raptors and the golden crystalline dragon of the eight tails that emerged on the spot.

And when Windstone Dragon, the Blue Dragon, activated "Skill Battleship Tonfer," two 20-meter battleships appeared on the spot. The wind noise dragon grips the mast of the battleship that emerged and wields the Bünbün and the battleship tonfer on the spot. Though there seemed to be no talent as a tonfer user, the wind-sounding tonfer judgment was quite skillful due to the results of daily training.

It should be noted that the wind noise was that the skill level of "Dragon Sorting" had reached 5, and the figure after the change had increased in size with the 15-metre adult dragon, and the number of skill sets had further increased to four.

Four of them were set by the wind sounds: Intuition, Material Shield, Monkey Rigid Arms, and Battleship Tonfer Summoning. He was still a bigger battleship tonfer than he was when he was a dragon, but with the help of his skill "Monkey Rigid Arm," Wind Sound finally made it possible to use "Battleship Tonfer" just as it should be.

Yucconeer, by contrast, was also able to change to the 15-metre level because of the use of wind-sounding skills, and although its skill set number was the same, the skill configurations were "lightweight," "platinum-bodied," "fastest Zenler," and "titan-wave". It was a skill determined by Yucconeer to recreate his mobility when he was a cat.

"Moritake Yucconeer"


And the two confront each other.

It was the Yucconeer Dragon, which greatly exceeded its manoeuvre. Although the outer shell of the crystal has a Zenler rate of 50 percent for armor determination, nevertheless the 'fastest Zenler' velocity increase effect is effective, increasing overall performance by applying 'platinum somatization' over it, and the Yucconee Dragon accelerates while shining in platinum (platinum) color.


By activating the 'Titan Wave' while accelerating further, the Yucconee Dragon had taken a tactic of warfare that kept shaking the earth pseudo to dull the movement of its opponents. Beating down the enemy with a golden high-heat brace (gold) and an assault (brit) around him is now a must win pattern for the Yucconeer Dragon.

'That's fast. But "

The method of warfare was certainly not a threat. But that only works for people who can only walk on the ground.

"Sweet Eh!

The wind sounds dragons scream. As it was, the wind sounded dragon stretched a conical (cone) -type material shield before the attack arrived, shifting away from the attack of the Yucconee Dragon.


"There's a gap"

At that next moment, a battleship tonfer is plunged into the underbelly of the defenseless Yucconee Dragon.


Even "Titan Wave", which worked against mad ghosts, didn't make sense because the wind sounds had a "jump in the air" of dragon attributes.

It was in the air, not in the shaky ground, that the wind sounds stepped in. Therefore, the Yucconee Edragon could no longer be avoided when it was slowed down by the first blow to a series of battleship tonfers, 20 metres long, which could wield the battleship tonfer while remaining stable and rolled out intact.

"Ho ho ho"

As it was, the sixth blow of the tonfer caused the Yucconeer dragon to roll over the earth and plunge, hanging from the wind-sounding dragon, which approached immediately there.

"Ha ha!?

"Stop. That's it."

And where the wind sounded dragon slammed a battleship tonfer on the Yucconeer Dragon, the victory or loss was decided.


After the simulated battle, the wind sounded out sipping honey lemon water. Other members have already begun early morning training because the battle of the wind sounds is over. The wind noise drinks beech lemon water again as I watch it.

"Kazane to Yucconeer, good luck to you."



And then came Clofe and Sol by the wind sounds.

It should be noted that Yucconeer was only a little fuzzy because he was bogged down in front of the child. Nevertheless, he seems to be responding by waving his tail once and for all, even if he is turning his face away from Nya-na and the approaching sol.

"It looks like the dragon's power has increased again."

"Ma'am. There was a lot going on in the dungeon. From Mr. Crofe? Something bothering you or something?

The wind sounds called Clofe to training early this morning because he wanted to hear the assessment from the point of view of the active dragon. And Crofe answered the question with her eyes only slightly narrowed.

"I guess so. It feels more powerful than ever... but with that dragon god's sword..."

Then Crofe went on to say the words after only a few silent thoughts.

"If it's a dragon body now, it's just a vessel that leads to the dragon."

I was just a little surprised by the sound of the wind, and then I nodded.

As a matter of fact, the category of Divine Dragon does not simply mean that it is superior to Chenglong. Some dragons, like Black Rock Dragon Zieve, do not have to be Divine Dragons to have power close to Sole, and even if Chenglong, like Tatsuo, is still a juvenile dragon, if divine power is accommodated, it will fall into the category of Divine Dragons.

I mean, what we need is divine power or not.

"If we can handle divine power in a short time, even if it's not our own, it might be possible. Well, I don't know how much load it's going to take, so I think you should try it one by one."

To the words too, the wind noise nodded honestly.

There are also examples of bowflowers. When dealing with divine power, we had to be very careful, as the wind also knew.

"That and that armor. The dragon's heart is in it, and apparently part of Zieveh's soul is in it."

All the armor glowed red and reacted to the words of the croft.

"Yeah. Like I told you yesterday, you changed the demon stone and turned it into a dragon's heart. I don't think he's cooperating with crazy ghosts."

That's what the wind sounded like and I laughed bitterly.

I tried to summon the Mad Ghost once after returning from the dungeon, but the power of the Mad Ghost was increased by the energy supply from the dragon's heart, but there was no appearance of Zieveh.

"Thanks for the armor here and here...?

"One is black, the other is red and black."

"It's like you're living apart with every piece of armor. I wonder if the red one is in Zieveh territory."

"I see, you thug. At the end of the day, I returned to my child's heart."

"Mm, with Doyuko?

A wind noise tilts his neck at Crofe's words.

"Zieveh was originally a dragon born in a dragon in the east. At the time he was there, when he started entering into cooperative relationships with humans... he got mixed up about it and hated dragons that work with people."

"Oh, is that how it went? That's..."

The wind noise was also its explanation, and I finally understood the meaning of the words during Zieveh's sarcasm. I guess even if the cooperative relationship with humans is unforgivable, it means that there was no loss of respect for the Divine Dragon Emperor Naga.

"Hmm. Whatever, Zieveh can't summon now. It's like he's now degenerating his own configuration that has become a magical body."

"When that's over, you'll be able to summon me?

"Really? Most likely, you'll be able to summon with the same procedure as the ring."

Crofe said so, pointing to the ring of the rainbow dragon that was stuck in the finger of the wind noise.

"With your husband?

Crofe nods at the wind noise question.

"He's a sweet kid, so he wants to be in the same shape as Naga, who was his father."

"Just like your husband's child!?

The wind sounds are surprising, but it was a common thought for many dragons from the eastern dragons. No matter how different the way you live, it is the dragon species' idea to show respect for their power.

"Well, there's a problem with armor capacitors, so sometimes you have to, but if armor evolves further, you might be able to summon it in a complete way."

"Hmm. I think evolution is already critical, though."

That's what the wind sounds like and sees his armor. Taking in a variety of things, this armor is now turning into something horrible that you can't even touch except the sound of the wind. There can be no such thing as someone who can wear it in the future or on behalf of the wind.

"It may be, but either way, we'll wait a while. It's just been a day. It'll take awhile to brew."

"Hmm. Copy that."

That being said, the wind sounded like he drank honey lemon water again.

It is certain that if we are to return to the city we will have to face various problems such as the aftermath and end of the dungeon. So the sound of the wind was watching the training of his companions, wanting to be a little more relaxed here and escaping.

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