
   At this time, another siren sounded.

   Hundreds of ferries came in again.

   Mayweather clenched his fists in horror: "NO...GO, GO..."

   "Don't come...Don't come, my god, this, this is still a game..."

Below   , the mercenary tore off a piece of jerky with the head of the mercenary, and shouted: "Don't waste bullets. Whoever comes close to us to hit someone, don't kill useless people."




   Dozens of AKs were loaded again.

   Dozens of ferries stopped here again. Then tens of thousands of people rushed down.

   When these tens of thousands of people washed up on the beach, they saw the hundreds of corpses under the moonlight at a glance.

   ‘Om——’, the crowd exploded in an uproar.


   "How come so many people died?"

   "There are fortifications in front!"

   "The mercenary is a mercenary! No, the mercenary has taken over here!"

   "Go, go. Go around."

   "Fak, is this a game? I protest, the Recovery Group is too inhumane. How can mercenaries come in!"

   The third group of people are not stupid. When they see so many corpses on the beach, anyone who is stupid knows that they can’t go here. Tens of thousands of people quickly disintegrated and ran towards other places on the island.

  A mercenary asked: "Captain, kill them?"

   The captain replied while eating the jerky: "What do you kill them for? Don't waste bullets, we just need to occupy our territory."

   "Okay, I see."

   Then, everyone put away their guns again and returned to the trenches.

   But in the next second, a mercenary said solemnly:

   "Someone didn't leave!"


   "Who is so bold!"

   Dozens of mercenaries looked forward hard, only to see hundreds of corpses on the beach.

   A young man wearing a shabby monk's clothes with a big "Buddha" character behind him came over with a two-meter long spear.

   The boy is only about fifteen or six years old, and he looks like he is in junior high school.

   But he didn't look like a junior high school student at all. When other junior high school students saw so many corpses, they were scared to pee. But he, holding a big gun, provoked the dead body from time to time, and looked at it with interest.

  After looking around for a while, the boy walked towards the mercenary fortification with a blank face.

   The mercenaries didn’t rush to shoot, just a boy...

   I want to know what this boy wants to do when he comes over. what you want to say?

Captain    also jumped out of the trenches, eating jerky while looking at the boy amusedly:

   "Huaxia people?"

   The boy was a little surprised, but he didn't expect this European to speak fluent Chinese and nodded lightly.

   The captain smiled and said, "We have already taken this place. Since you are a kid, I won't kill you."

   The boy did not move, still looking at him blankly.

   The captain's face turned cold, and he slowly loaded his pistol bullets: "What else is there?"

   The boy tilted his head and looked at the captain for a moment, and said softly:

   "Give you three breathing time to pack things up, get out of the way, here, I, Jiang Fu'er, have taken a fancy."




   The captain's eyes widened in astonishment.

  He is a young man with a cold weapon, calling us dozens of mercenaries with AK to get out? I heard you right, right?

   The captain was silent for a long time, and suddenly sneered: "I heard that right? You actually let us..."

   said, the captain suddenly looked over again, with a look of amazement in his eyes. Because the young man standing in front of him suddenly disappeared. It just disappeared so abruptly.

   And when he picked up the pistol and wanted to find it, a voice like a sigh suddenly came from his ear:

   "The three breaths have arrived, I will take your life away for my Buddha."


   Everyone saw the night, and suddenly there was a silver chain that pierced the night.

   Then the captain was cut in half. From the Tianling Gai to the crotch, the whole figure slowly splits towards the two sides like a watermelon.

  Suddenly, Jiang Fu'er looked back and looked down at dozens of stunned mercenaries in the trenches.

   There is no human color in the eyes, looking at them is like looking at ants, like looking at dead wood.


"you you you you……"

   "Ghost, ghost!"

   "Ghost. Shoot."

"go to hell!"

   Dozens of mercenaries were frightened, which is beyond people's cognition. Suddenly he appeared in front of him from a few tens of meters away. Suddenly, in the night, a piece of piracy was cut through, and then the captain was cut into the watermelon.

   Isn't this a ghost?


  AK is spraying bullets frantically.

   But Jiang Foul disappeared on the spot.

   When everyone stopped pulling the trigger and wanted to find him, they suddenly heard someone speaking in a dreamlike voice above their heads:

   "Mortals are also worthy of shooting to the sky?"

   Dozens of mercenaries looked up.

   I saw one person and one shot falling in the night sky. In the moonlight, they saw the expressionless, but extremely tender face, without any emotion...

   There was a ‘boom——’. One shot fell.

   Before he died, he just heard the explosion like a rolling thunder.

   In the entire trench, dozens of people have no bones.

   On the ground, there is a trough that is more than sixty meters long and five meters wide, spreading all the way to the beach. That's gun marks!

   The dust dispersed.

   In the distance, the ordinary contestants who have been observing this team of mercenaries have their eyes widened in horror.

   looked at the dust everywhere. Watching that gun mark tens of meters long spread to the sea.

   "Super...supernatural power!"


   "Buy Karma."

"This is impossible!"

   "Impossible. Is he a human??"

   "Ghost, ghost, he is a ghost..."

   They would rather face those mercenaries like executioners, but they would not face the emergence of such forces that mortals cannot understand. Killing is really like cutting grass.

   In the smoke and dust everywhere.

   Connor and Mayweather hugged each other in fright, lowering their whimper.

   At this moment, their scalps exploded.

   Like a ghost!

   Like a god!

   With one shot, there is a groove that is tens of meters long? Everything in the trough was completely gone, not even sludge or blood. Is this still a human?

   "Woo woo woo..."

Mayweather couldn't help but let out a sob, it was a sob of horror: "Which kind of people are we playing with? Connor, woohoo, Connor, I want to go home. I want to go home. what."

   Connor was motionless.

   Mayweather still said: "This show has brought out the gods. Uuuuu, has brought out the gods. Have you seen it, have you seen Connor? Connor?"

  Speaking, Mayweather found something was wrong.

   opened his eyes and saw Connor knelt on the ground tightly.

  Under the moonlight~www.readwn.com~ A young man in shabby monk clothes stood on the edge of the mountain blankly, looking at them indifferently.

   Connor kowtows like crazy.

  ‘咚咚咚, 咚咚咚’

   He kowtows madly. In the overwhelming fright, he only has the strength to kowtow. Can't even say a word. Within a few seconds, his head was full of blood.

   Mayweather also reacted, hurriedly knelt on the ground and cried, kowtow:

   "Don't kill me, don't kill me."


   "Woo, don't kill me. I, I'm just a puncher."

   "I am not a mercenary, I am a boxing athlete. Don't kill me."

   Jiang Fu'er ignored them and didn't kill them, just faintly pointed his finger into the distance.

   did not say a word.

   But Connor and Mayweather understood, stood up and stumbled into the distance:

   "Go, let's go right away."

   "Leave right away."

   "Three grams of oil. Three grams of oil will not kill you!"

   The two supported each other and ran down the mountain, their legs were soft like noodles. But still bursting with strong willpower, rushing to flee...

   Jiang Fo'er didn't even look at the two of them, and jumped off a cliff tens of meters high.

   Between several moves, the beach below is full of smoke and dust. There are a few more Chinese characters carved with a long spear.

  ——Foyi Gate of Shaanxi, where Jiang Foer occupies. Those who crossed the line died.

   ‘ding——’ shot down with a bang.

   On the ground where the reef and mud were mixed, sparks were everywhere, and a fifty-meter-long trough appeared.

   Those who cross the line die.

   ‘Oh----’ The spear was spinning on the ground, Jiang Fu'er sat on the ground, looking at the sea in a daze...


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