Manual of Space-Time Interference

Vol 2 Chapter 91: Infect

"Warning, warning, abnormal physical condition, abnormal body temperature, abnormal heart rate..."

Dialect, who was running in the jungle, paused, and traces of sweat began to ooze from his forehead.

"what's the situation?"

Dialect asked, after he got off F42, he felt the difference in his physical condition, but at first he only thought it was a normal reaction after getting rid of the zombie pursuit of the military base.

But when the little girl raised the alarm, he realized that the abnormal reaction he felt was not the psychological and sports factors he imagined.

"The body temperature has risen abnormally, 37.8 degrees Celsius, 38.1 degrees Celsius..."

"The heart rate rises abnormally..."

The details of the abnormal situation reached the ears of Dialect, who shook his head, stopped, and shouted loudly,

"Just **** tell me if I'm infected!"

"The situation is unknown, and further analysis is required!"

Xiaojiao's voice was as steady and indifferent as always, Dialect shook his head, and slowly calmed down a little.

"Report the current situation, report the distance to the destination, and provide solutions!"

"Body temperature: 38.3 degrees Celsius, heart rate: 83, destination distance: 3 kilometers, solution, enter the base, use the instrument to analyze!"

Dialect felt a little dizzy in his head, he shook it, followed Xiaojiao's guidance, picked up his steps again, and ran towards the base at full speed.

His breath was getting heavier and heavier, Dialect licked his dry lips, warmth began to come from all over the body, the rapid heartbeat sounded, and blood began to fill in his eyes...

"Hoo! Hoo!"

His nostrils were no longer satisfied with his need for air. He opened his mouth and breathed in the air in front of him. The sunlight penetrated through the gaps between the leaves in the forest and hit the twigs and leaves on the ground. The entire forest seemed dead silent. silent.

The zombie dialect in the forest was ignored. Now, he can't tell the energy to shoot. The base in front is getting closer, but his eyelids are getting heavier and heavier.


"Where is the door?"

Dialect roared, his body directly hit a mountain wall, and the whole body seemed to be on fire. If it wasn't for his physical fitness, I'm afraid that the only part of his sober consciousness now would have been lost.

A green light circle appeared on the screen, Dialect watched, swallowed, turned around and walked over, opened the green branch of the creeping tiger, and pressed it hard.


The rock walls on both sides protruded inward, Fang Yan shook his head, leaned on the rock wall, and looked at a very ancient combination lock that appeared. Following what Dean Zhou said in his memory, he drew one by one. go up.

"This combination lock is an independent system with no fingerprints, no pupils, and only three combination locks. Since the establishment of this base, this password is only known by the chairman of the military commission of each country and the dean of the base, and its password will not change. , because it hasn't been used yet..."

"Heaven, branch, stem, earth..."

The first password was entered, and then, the second combination lock appeared again, still the same with no lock plate, no guidance, dialect looked at it, took a breath, and continued to swipe up.

"The first combination lock is a Chinese character password, the second combination lock is a hybrid password, and the third combination lock is just a lock..."

Dean Zhou's words were vivid in his mind. Dialect took off the backpack behind him, took out a key from it, and put it in, but did not turn it. Instead, he reached out and touched the inside of the rock wall and moved a few times inside. Then he twisted the key backhand.

"The most advanced, not necessarily the best, because these can be cracked, including pupils, fingerprints, passwords..."


A crack broke out in the rock wall next to it, and then gradually expanded to a size that could accommodate people in and out.

"Little girl, turn on the navigation of the Biological Research Institute and turn on the auxiliary combat system!"

"Navigation has been activated, and the auxiliary combat system has been activated!"

Dialect took two breaths, feeling weak from all over his body, tightened the rifle in his hand, and walked towards the entrance of the hole.


"Body temperature: 40.4 degrees Celsius, heart rate: 120..."

The steel corridor seems to have no end, and the dizziness is getting stronger and stronger. Dialect looked at the steel fans at the end of the front passage, supported the iron wall next to him, and walked slowly over.

"Password, 964527..."

Dialect's hand paused, and then shook his head vigorously. Little girl doesn't know or know these passwords.

"8163485 Mao Zhou..."

After entering the passwords one by one, the upper display screen showed the sign of passing, and the steel door began to open to both sides. Dialect breathed a sigh of relief, took a few steps back, and raised the rifle in his hand.

"Duang! Duang! Duang!"

A series of voices sounded, Dialect took a few steps back again, and the lights in the laboratory began to turn on one by one, but no zombies rushed out of it.

Dialect shook his head weakly, tightened the rifle in his hand, and walked towards the interior of the base.


The steel door behind him was tightly closed, and Dialect was stunned for a moment. He turned his head blankly, and then turned back again. He slowly raised his and followed the navigation forward.

"Body temperature: 41.1 degrees Celsius, heart rate: 130."

In the empty and silent space, the heartbeat was so obvious that it seemed to be about to pop out.

Various paper research reports were stacked together, and the bullet casings and the traces left by the bullets were still clearly visible. After entering the laboratory, dried red blood and yellow traces stained on the glass, which looked very terrifying.


The passage door behind him closed instantly when he stepped on it, and Dialect turned around instantly, but what he saw was the steel door that had been tightly closed.

"Please stop your steps, disarm, and cooperate with the inspection!"

When a voice came, Dialect was stunned, turned around, raised his head, and looked in the direction of the voice - a camera.

"Please disarm and cooperate with the inspection!"

The voice continued to come, and in the consciousness that the dialect was about to blur, this voice was so similar to the little girl.

"Body temperature: 42.8 degrees Celsius, heart rate: 150."

"Coercive measures are about to be taken, please don't resist!"

The two voices came at the same time, and Dialect's vision began to blur. He closed his eyes and shook his head. When he opened his eyes again, a large piece of white gas had already appeared in the passage.

"Unknown gas is detected, the internal oxygen supply system is activated, the remaining oxygen is 100%, and the remaining use time: 1 hour."

"Don't resist!"

The sound continued to come, and the white gas instantly filled the entire passage...

It seems that I am surrounded by marshmallows...

A strange thought flashed through Dialect's mind, and his head became heavier and heavier. The vision of the cornea finally remained on top of a white fog...


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