The two of them were very happy.

Nara Hikaru flew in the air with shadow energy wrapped around his body, and followed Tsunade and Uzumaki Fuso all the way to the Land of Grass.

“Tsunade, are you sure that the Land of Grass has found the Uzumaki people?”

“Well, someone found a red-haired female ninja here.”

“Red hair?”

Uzumaki Fuso was a little confused.

Just because they found a red-haired ninja, they concluded that it was a member of the Uzumaki tribe?

Isn’t it too casual?

If it wasn’t them, wouldn’t it be a waste of time?

“I heard Hikaru say that red hair is the iconic hair color of the Uzumaki tribe, so this is why I concluded that there may be members of the Uzumaki tribe left outside.”

Uzumaki Fuso was a little speechless after hearing Tsunade’s explanation.

‘So arbitrary? Judging by hair?’.

She lowered her head and brought a strand of hair to her eyes.

At this moment, she believed what Guang said a little bit. In her memory, all the Uzumaki clan members really had red hair.

“Let’s go and take a look first. I heard from the people who are executing the commission outside that the situation of these red-haired ninjas is not good.”

Tsunade said and rushed towards the direction of Kusagakure Village.

Uzumaki Fuso followed with doubts.

Hikari Nara, who was hiding in the dark, heard Tsunade’s words and remembered that Uzumaki Karin was living in the Land of Grass before being discovered by Orochimaru.

And just now Tsunade said that their situation was not too good, and Hikari Nara was more certain of his guess.

Then he followed.

Along the way, Hikari Nara could sense that several waves of people around had discovered the existence of Tsunade and the two girls.

But they would keep a certain distance, just hanging behind and not stopping the two girls from the front.

Hikari Nara approached these ninjas and checked.

Judging from the marks on their foreheads, they were not ninjas from the Hidden Grass Village in the Land of Grass.

Nara Hikari suddenly understood why these people did not approach Tsunade and Uzumaki Fuso.

It turned out that they used the two women to find the location of the Hidden Grass Village.

Nara Hikari followed them all the way to the outside of a village.

Judging from the marks on the houses in the village, this is undoubtedly the Hidden Grass Village.

“Let’s go and take a look.”

Tsunade released the power of the Mochi Mochi Fruit and wrapped the feet of the two.

They quietly slipped into the village along the roof.

The Mochi Mochi Fruit wrapped their feet, which made them not make any sound.

And it was still night, and the night made them better hidden.

Check around the village.

Sure enough, more than a dozen red-haired women were found in a spacious room.

Tsunade sneaked up on the two guarding Kusagakure ninjas.

After knocking them out, Uzumaki Fuso performed a sealing technique.

Seal all the five senses of the two.

Then the two of them approached the cage where the women were imprisoned.

“Woo woo woo”.

One of them was about to scream, but her mouth was covered with glutinous rice balls released by Tsunade.

Tsunade was afraid that their screams would alarm other Kusagakure ninjas, so she quickly sealed the mouths of all the women.

The women in the cage kept whimpering.

“Okay, stop screaming, we are not from Kusagakure Village.”

Tsunade explained.

The women saw that the other party was a woman, and claimed that she was not from Kusagakure Village, and their nervousness and fear just now slowly calmed down a little.

However, they still looked at Tsunade and Uzumaki Fuso with a wary look.

They retreated to the corner of the cage and leaned against each other.

They felt that only in this way would they feel safer.

Uzumaki Fuso looked at the bite wounds on the skin of the woman in the cage.

Some of them had just scabbed, and some had left scars in the shape of teeth.

She instantly understood what was going on.

The female members of the Uzumaki clan will awaken a special ability. As long as the injured person inhales the awakened chakra of the female members of the Uzumaki clan, the injuries on their bodies can be healed.

Uzumaki Fuso was a little angry.

“Tsunade, untie the things on their mouths.”

Uzumaki Fuso said to Tsunade.

Tsunade released her ability, and the glutinous rice balls on the mouths of these women fell to the ground.

Tsunade and Uzumaki Fuso walked into the cage and looked at them.

“Don’t speak loudly, I ask you to answer.”

These women have experienced inhuman torture. Although they are very scared at this time, their emotions are still calm.

They didn’t shout.

“Are you members of the Uzumaki clan?”

After Uzumaki Fuso’s voice fell, these women did not answer immediately.

Instead, they looked at Uzumaki Fuso with some doubts.

They didn’t dare to answer quickly because they were afraid of falling into another abyss hell.

“Don’t be afraid, my name is Uzumaki

Uzumaki Fuso is also a member of the Uzumaki tribe.

Uzumaki Fuso took the lead in introducing herself to dispel the wariness of these people.

When the women heard the word Uzumaki, tears welled up in their eyes.

“My name is Uzumaki Aiei.”

“My name is Uzumaki Kokoro.”

More than a dozen women introduced themselves, shedding tears as they did so.

“How did you get here?”

Uzumaki Fuso asked out her curiosity.

The woman named Uzumaki Aiei slowly began to tell the story.

The Uzumaki country was conquered by other countries after Hashirama’s death.

Some of them joined Konoha and went to Hashirama’s wife Uzumaki Mito.

The other part got separated from the tribe members during the escape.

They scattered everywhere.

And these women are part of the Uzumaki tribe who drifted to the Land of Grass.

After the men were killed, they were captured here by the Hidden Grass Village.

They became the blood bags of the Kusagakure ninjas of the Hidden Grass Village.

Too many Uzumaki women have died in these years.

They are the last ones left.

But they are already covered with wounds.

“Eat these glutinous rice balls, and then we will leave here first.”

When the women heard that there was something to eat, they were already hungry, and they picked up the glutinous rice balls on the ground and stuffed them into their mouths.

“Don’t want those, I’ll give you new ones.”

Tsunade hurriedly stopped them and handed over the newly made glutinous rice balls in her hand.

The women took them and devoured them.

Soon a glutinous rice dumpling the size of a man’s fist entered his stomach.

Tsunade took out a water bottle and handed it over.

Uzumaki Aiying took it and drank a small sip, then gave it to others.

Soon everyone drank the water in the bottle and returned the bottle to Tsunade.

“Thank you.”

“Let’s go out, you guys follow closely.”

Tsunade said and walked out first.

“You go first.”

Uzumaki Fuso said to these women, and then walked towards the two unconscious grass ninjas.

He took out a kunai and stabbed it into the throats of the two, and then walked out.

But when they came outside, there was already a fire here.

Tsunade and Uzumaki Fuso looked around in confusion.

Tsunade jumped and She got up and went to the rooftop, looking at the people fighting in the distance.

One group wore forehead protectors from the Hidden Grass Village, and the other group wore forehead protectors from an unknown group.

Even though Tsunade was well-informed, she couldn’t figure out which country’s ninja village these people were from.

“The Hidden Grass Village, the Country of Sheep”.

Just as Tsunade was about to return to the ground, Nara Hikari’s voice rang in her ears.

She was startled.

Tsunade turned around and was about to attack, but she was relieved when she saw that it was Nara Hikari.

“People can scare people to death, why did you follow me? Don’t you need to come?”

“I’m worried about you.”

“Why did the people from the Hidden Grass Village come here?”

Tsunade looked back at the battlefield.

“I don’t know.”

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