The old man was very happy.

“Master Guang, I want to ask you for something. I can do it no matter how much it costs.”

Wuwei came to Nara Guang and looked at him pleadingly.

Nara Guang looked at him puzzledly.

“What is it?”

“As long as you can help me revive my son Wuque, I can agree to any request you make.”

Nara Guang was a little surprised to hear Wuwei’s words.

He remembered that his son died after Wuwei became the warden.

Resurrection at this time?

“Do you know that there is a certain probability that you will become a monster like that just now after resurrection. Do you still want to try?”


Wuwei hesitated for a moment.

But then his eyes became firm again.

Because this is the only chance to revive his son.

“I do.”

“Tell me how your son died first?”

Nara Hikaru was a little curious about this.


Wuwei began to tell the story.

It turned out that Wuwei in this world had different experiences from those in the original theater.

In the original book, after he became the lord of Ghost Lantern City, as a hawk in the Grass Country, his biggest wish was to revitalize the Grass Country.

He personally sent his son Wuque to the Box of Bliss.

In the end, he regretted it and made a wish to revive his son.

In the end, he died with his son.

In this world, his son Wuque was sent to the Box of Bliss to restrain the ninjas loyal to Ghost Lantern City. Under the strong influence of the Grass Country’s high-level officials, the relatives of these ninjas would be sent to the Box of Bliss.

Wuwei was loyal to the hawks on the surface, but in fact he had already joined the doves.

The promise was to revive his son.

He has also been looking for an opportunity to contact the Box of Bliss.

Now that the Box of Bliss is about to be taken away, if you miss it, you may never have another chance.

So he had to find Nara Hikari immediately.

Nara Hikari understood that this was just a way for the Grass Country to restrict some powerful ninjas.

Those who were resurrected after being absorbed by the Box of Bliss and then made a wish were different from those who were resurrected under a wish.

Nara Hikari guessed that Wuwei’s son Wuque might have been possessed by the monster Wu.

“Okay, I promise you, but you need to bear the consequences yourself, and no matter what happens after your son is resurrected, you must be loyal to me and return to the Land of Light with me.”

“Yes, Lord Guang.”

Wuwei, who knew nothing about the Box of Bliss, was a little excited at this time.

“Leave here first.”

Just as Nara Hikari finished speaking.

Those prisoners who had been buried in the ruins, without the chakra restraint, came out of the ruins one after another.

“Haha, there is chakra, great.”

Some prisoners who originally had the strength of a senior ninja laughed and took the weapons from the sheep ninja in their hands and sent them into the bodies of the people around them.

After killing the people around him, he rushed out of the Ghost Lantern City.

“Master, these are some guys who kill innocent people indiscriminately. We can’t let them leave here, otherwise the ninja world will be in chaos.”

Takeuchi Arashi saw hundreds of Chunin and Jonin trying to escape.

He hurriedly reminded Nara Hikari.

Nara Hikari heard Takeuchi Arashi’s words, combined with the actions of these prisoners just now.

“Then let them all die here.”

Nara Hikari soared into the sky above these people.


This time Nara Hikari did not release a large-scale nuclear explosion attack, but accurately transferred the fruit energy into the bodies of each prisoner.

The prisoners who were running away felt a heat in their bodies.

“What’s going on?”.

“It’s so hot.”

The prisoners who were running away quickly were shocked.

Then they turned into human bombs and exploded on the way to escape.

In a moment, hundreds of prisoners who were still alive turned into ashes.

Nara Hikari clapped his hands.

“Done, let’s go.”

Nara Hikari released the power of the Float-Float Fruit.

He flew towards the sky with everyone.

They soon left the Ghost Lantern City.

During the flight, Nara Hikari saw an open space.

He fell down.

After reaching the ground, Nara Hikari took out the Paradise Box from the space of the Mangekyō Sharingan in his left eye.

Looking at the Paradise Box that was still open.

“Make a wish.”

“Ah, okay.”

Wuwei stepped forward excitedly.

He put his hands together and looked at the Paradise Box devoutly.

“Please revive my son Wuque.”


A roar was heard in the air.

The Paradise Box released a purple light.

A figure flew out from the smiling face.

After the purple light dissipated, a child about five years old appeared in front of the Paradise Box.


Wuwei shouted excitedly

, and was about to step forward, but was stopped by Nara Hikari.

“Wait a minute.”


Wuwei looked at Nara Hikari in confusion.

He didn’t understand why his son didn’t let him get close since he had been resurrected.

Nara Hikari looked at Wu Qu, who was calm.

At this time, Wu Qu also slowly opened his eyes.

Wu Qu first looked at his hands, and then looked around with curiosity and confusion.

Until his eyes saw his father Wu Wei.


“Wu Qu”.

Wu Qu excitedly ran towards Wu Wei, opening his arms as he approached.

“Dad, I’m so scared, I’m really scared, I thought I would never see you again.”

Nara Hikari watched their father and son reunite.

In the original work, when Wu Wei gave Wu Qu the Box of Bliss, he was already a teenager.

The child’s mind was mature at that time.

Being given the Box of Bliss by his own father, Nara Hikari could imagine how desperate and helpless Wu Qu was at that time.

So much so that he had just resurrected and seriously injured his father with his own hands.

But here, Wuque was captured.

The target of hatred was not his father, and he was only a five-year-old child when he died.

Now seeing his father, he only felt the joy of regaining what he had lost.

Nara Hikari looked at the reunited father and son, and missed his son a little.

“Tsunade, Nara Suku is about to graduate from the Ninja School, right?”

Nara Hikari looked at Tsunade on the side.

Tsunade pondered for a moment after hearing what Nara Hikari said.

That brat is about to graduate, but now I don’t know where he has run to in the Kingdom of Light.

Tsunade had a headache when she thought of her second son Nara Suku. Since he learned gambling from her, he has been wandering around the major gambling houses in the Kingdom of Light.

But unfortunately, Nara Suku also inherited Tsunade’s gambling talent.

Tsunade also deeply realized how terrible she was at the time.

Narajuku has now not only become a celebrity in all the major gambling houses, but also a guest of honor in all the major gambling houses.

People give him the nickname “Money Boy”.

Nara Hikari beat this kid many times for this.

But it was useless.

“Well, since your son has been successfully resurrected, we should return to the Kingdom of Light.”

“Yes, Master”.

Wuwei suddenly thought of something.

“Wuque, call me Master.”

“Okay, he is only five years old, it’s awkward to call me Master, call me Uncle, by the way, don’t call me Master in the future, call me Pavilion Master.”

“Yes, Pavilion Master.”

“After returning to the Kingdom of Light, you will join the Light Pavilion, and as for your child, let him go to the Ninja School in the Hidden Light Village.”

“Thank you, Pavilion Master.”

Wuwei was a little excited when he heard this.

Nara Hikari’s eyes moved away from the excited Wuwei and his son, and looked at Takeuchi Arashi on the side.


When Takeuchi Arashi saw Nara Hikari looking at him, he lowered his head in a hurry.

“Don’t call me Master, call me Pavilion Master. Join the Light Pavilion with Wuwei. By the way, do you have any relatives?”

“Ah, yes, Pavilion Master, I have relatives. I have a daughter.”

“Let’s go, pick her up and go back to the Kingdom of Light together.”

“Yes, Master… Pavilion Master.”

Takeuchi Arashi was also a little excited at this time.

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