The two of them were so busy that they had to wait for the next day.

“Where’s that movie star?”.

Nara Hikari looked around the backyard, but didn’t see the girl named Fuuka Koyuki.

“Are you talking about Fuji Fuukuee?”.

“Fuji Fuukuee?”.

Nara Hikari was stunned when he heard the name, and then he remembered that it was Fuuka Koyuki’s stage name.

“Master Hikari, haven’t you seen the movies made by Miss Yukie?”.



Asama Santaifu looked around.

“Hey, where’s Miss Yukie?”.

Asama Santaifu’s words made everyone in the backyard a little confused, and they all looked around.

“Isn’t Miss Xuehui here… Hey? Where is Miss Xuehui? Wasn’t she here just now?”.

Everyone looked around in surprise.

“Go find Miss Xuehui.”


Everyone began to look in the yard, and another part of the working group rushed to the street.

Nara Hikari took off and quickly came to the sky.

He glanced at the entire town.

Soon he found a girl running wildly on the street.

The girl was heading towards the ship at the seaside.


The ship blew its whistle, obviously about to set sail.

Just as the girl was about to approach the ship, a big man fell from the sky and landed in front of the girl.

“Miss Feng Xuehui, come back with me. If you leave, Mr. San Taifu will be anxious.”

“Get out of my way. You don’t need to care about my business.”

Fuji Feng Xuehui was about to bypass the strong man, but was stopped by the strong man.

“I order you to get out of my way, otherwise I will let my agent fire you.”

Fuji Fuyuki Ei saw that the ship was about to leave.

She was anxious.

“Miss, stop making trouble and come back with me.”

Just as Fuyuki Ei was thinking about how to get rid of the strong man, Asama San Taifu and the filming crew came over.

“No, I mean I will never go back to the Snow Country.”

Fuyuki Ei said and was about to turn around and leave.

But she was held by a slightly mature woman.

“Do you know why Mr. San Taifu made so much effort and preparation to return to the Snow Country this time?”

“What does this have to do with me?”

Fuyuki Ei said and was about to break free from the woman’s hand.

The mature woman looked at Fuyuki Ei and became more and more angry, and punched Fuyuki Ei in the abdomen.


Fuyuki Ei spit out a mouthful of saliva, then knelt on the ground, and soon her body tilted and fell to the ground.

Nara Hikari looked over and found that Fuyuki Ei had fainted.

“Take her with you.”

After the mature woman said this, she walked towards the direction of the town hotel.

Asama Santaifu sighed.

The strong man came over and carried Feng Xuehui on his shoulders and followed the mature woman away.


On the sea.

Feng Xuehui slowly opened her eyes and looked around the room.

Then she opened the door and came to the deck.

It seems that the shooting scene has been prepared.

“Miss Feng Xuehui, you are awake. You should take a rest. You will have your scene tomorrow. You can get familiar with the scene first.”

Feng Xuehui ignored him and continued to look at the sea level.

The man who spoke was embarrassed for a while, so he had to turn around and leave silently.

Nara Hikari, who was sitting in a corner of the deck, looked up at the girl who was unwilling to face the past.

Nara Hikari thought objectively. It is normal for him to be unwilling to face reality after seeing the powerful ninja’s ability to destroy the world.

Nara Hikari could not understand this feeling, because his current strength is not enough to fight even if Kaguya Otsutsuki is resurrected.

Turned his head and looked at the sea.

Recalling that since he met the guy named Otsuki Sakurashi, the world of Naruto he knew has changed.

The enemies he will face in the future may not only be the Otsuki who can travel freely between planets, but there may be other more powerful enemies.

Just because he is invincible here is not the end for him.

Soon Nara Hikari followed the ship into the border of the Snow Country.

This is a country covered with ice and snow all year round.

“Is this the Snow Country? It’s so beautiful here. If we shoot here, the second part will definitely be very popular.”

The director standing on the deck stood up excitedly when he saw the icebergs in the Snow Country.

The other crew members also stood up excitedly and looked at the icebergs in the distance.

“The next scene will be shot here. Let the ship dock quickly. The script adaptation will be handed over to you.”

The director said excitedly.


The screenwriter was also a little excited.

His excitement was not because of the beautiful scenery, but because he saw a lot of flying


He ran towards the cabin, imagining the endless money entering his pocket.


The ship whistled loudly, then turned and headed for the shore.

After docking at the shore, everyone got off the ship as quickly as possible.

Nara Hikari walked last.

Looking at Fuji Fuyuki who was about to step on the ice but hesitated.

“Some things have to be faced, don’t worry, I’ll take care of everything.”

Nara Hikari said and passed Fuyuki.

Fuyuki looked up at Nara Hikari’s back after hearing this.

She didn’t know where the person in front of her got the carefulness from.

“I hope your confidence will always exist.”

Fuyuki said and gritted her teeth to suppress the fear in her heart and stepped on the ground.

Nara Hikari just smiled when he heard Fuyuki’s whisper.

When Nara Hikari and Fuyuki arrived in front of the iceberg, the crew’s shooting preparations had been completed.

“Miss Feng Xuehui, we will start shooting next. Please prepare and put on some makeup first.”

A staff member walked up to Feng Xuehui and said.

Feng Xuehui did not speak, but let the work group arrange it.

Like a marionette without a soul.

The shooting process went smoothly.

There was no snow country ninja to disrupt the situation like in the original work.

After shooting this section, the director reluctantly ordered the work group to pack up the props and set off for the next shooting location.

Everyone returned to the ship and unloaded everything on the ship.

There were also several steam-powered cars.

After the work group replaced the snow tires for it, they began to drive towards the nearby town.

Near dusk, the convoy drove into a small town.

Everyone got off the car and stayed in the best hot spring hotel in the town under the arrangement of the director.

Nara Hikari was very surprised that there was a hot spring hotel even in the ice and snow.

After taking a comfortable bath, Nara Hikari returned to the arranged room.

But just when Nara Hikari was about to fall into a long-lost dream, he was interrupted by a hurried knock on the door.

“Mr. Hikari, something’s wrong. Miss Feng Xuehui is missing.”

An anxious shout came from outside the door.

“I know, wait for me.”

Nara Hikari sat up and came to the door and opened it.

“Mr. Hikari, something’s wrong. Please come with me.”

“Well, let’s go.”

Nara Hikari followed him.

Looking at this young follower who appeared next to the agent Asama Santaifu.

Nara Hikari could sense the chakra fluctuations on his body.

This chakra fluctuation was a small short knife on the boy’s waist.

Just as Nara Hikari was looking at the boy, they came to the hotel lobby.

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