The fruit is called the Devil Fruit.

“It’s called the Devil Fruit.”

“Devil Fruit?”

“Yes, its name is the Mythical Beast · Cat-Cat Fruit · Cat God Form, which is a kind of ancient cat-shaped divine beast. If you eat this fruit, you will have two forms, one human form and one cat form. You can also have a bloodline limit at the same time. You will know what the specific ability is after you eat it.”

After explaining, Nara Hikari looked at Fenghua Xiaoxue.

At this time, Fenghua Xiaoxue was already stunned.

She had never heard of such a thing in this world.

“Eat it.”


Fenghua Xiaoxue took the Devil Fruit.

It was the same expression as when Nara Hikari first saw the Explosion Fruit.

“Teacher, do I need to peel it?”


Fenghua Xiaoxue took it to her mouth and took a bite.

“Teacher, this thing is so unpalatable.”


Fenghua Xiaoxue wanted to speak, but suddenly a surge of energy surged out of her body.

Her heart suddenly tightened.


“Don’t be afraid, the fruit is changing the structure of your heart.”

After Nara Hikaru finished speaking, Fenghua Xiaoxue breathed a sigh of relief.

A few minutes later, Fenghua Xiaoxue opened her eyes.

“Teacher, my heart has become a cat shape.”

“Yes, after eating the fruit, the energy source is the heart, but don’t worry, the weakness is not the heart.”

“Okay, let me see how much your strength has improved.”

“Yes, teacher.”

Then Fenghua Xiaoxue showed Nara Hikaru the abilities she had acquired.

First, she turned into a cat.

Fenghua Xiaoxue, who turned into a cat, was extremely fast.

Her claws were very sharp.

Then she released a pink gas.

This gas can be transformed into various shapes.

The sharp blade is very hard and can penetrate rocks.

And the gas can also affect other people’s mental power.

Nara Hikari thinks this is a different kind of illusion.

Not only that, the cat form of Fenghua Xiaoxue can also release wind-related abilities.

The hurricane power of the cat’s claws is also impressive.

Then Fenghua Xiaoxue changed back to human form.

The human form also has these abilities.


Fenghua Xiaoxue came to Nara Hikari.

“Very good, very good, you actually have the strength of a jonin, use your imagination, continue to work hard to develop, and your strength will become stronger.”

“Yes, teacher”.

Fenghua Xiaoxue was a little excited.

She didn’t expect that one day she could fight like a ninja.

This was her dream after her parents died.

“Let’s go, let’s go back.”

Nara Hikari disappeared instantly.

Fenghua Xiaoxue also followed instantly.

Nara Hikari glanced at Fenghua Xiaoxue who kept flashing behind him.

This speed is no less than the instant body technique.

It was already evening when the two returned to Guangge.

Nara Hikari handed Fenghua Xiaoxue to his mother Nara Masami.

Then he could not wait to return to the room to check the rewards for the second system upgrade.

First, fifty devil fruits.

Nara Hikari is now numb to this thing.

There are thousands of devil fruits in the space now.

Fantasy beasts, natural systems, ancient animal systems, rare superhuman systems, ordinary superhuman systems, and ordinary animal systems.

Everything is available.

Ordinary superhuman systems are reserved for rewarding subordinates.

Ordinary animal system fusion weapons.

Of course, the good things are still inclined to his women.

Next, look at the two abilities he just got.

The Hulk ability has a very high upper limit.

As long as he gets more angry, the accumulated power will easily destroy a planet, and it is not impossible to destroy a galaxy.

But what Nara Hikari is not sure about is whether he can remain rational after becoming the Hulk.

If he loses his mind, it will be a disaster.

Nara Hikari decided to keep the Hulk’s ability first.

Next is the disciple’s copying ability.

As long as you touch, you can have the opponent’s ability.

The upper limit of this ability is also very high.

Because not only can you get the opponent’s ability, but there is no limit on the time to get the ability.

This is not the most terrifying thing. The terrifying thing is that the abilities can be stacked.

The strongest disciple can kill the Life Court.

In the end, the vest suspected to be OAA came down and defeated it.

This ability is what Nara Hikari wants most.

It is also what he needs most at present.

He has obtained many superpowers before, but most of them are ordinary or


He has given the ones with high upper limits to his closest people for fusion.

The ones with low upper limits are still rewarded to his subordinates.

There is no conflict between superpowers and devil fruits.

After checking the superpowers, Nara Hikari did not rush to fuse.

Instead, he looked at the three character rewards behind.

Character rewards are also Nara Hikari’s favorite.

Because they can not only add a fighting force, but also fill his “family”.

So far, there has been no opportunity to appear with the characters with the ultimate six-path level rewards.

Since the character rewards, only Sentinel and Denise have taken action once.

Exit the storage space.

‘Fuse the disciple’s ability’.

[Host, wait a moment, the ability is being fused].

A few minutes later.

Nara Hikari opened his eyes and returned home.

Checked his body.

Then he returned home.

The purpose of returning home is not for men’s things, but to copy other people’s abilities.

Nara Hikari spent a night

Copying everyone’s abilities.

After dawn, he went to the family again.

Finally, he returned to the Guangge office.

On the third day, Tachibana walked into the office with a red face.

“Tachibana ordered all Guangge members to come back to see me in batches.”

“Is something going to happen?”.

Nara Hikari rarely asked all members what they were doing.

The sudden recall must mean something is about to happen.

“No, I have gained a new ability and I need to verify it.”


Tachibana turned and left the office.

After she left.

Nara Hikari closed his eyes and felt the changes in his body.

Just a little bit, why is it always a little bit.

This little gap made Nara Hikari a little impatient.

In the next few days, all Guangge members returned to Guangge in batches.

Then he met with Nara Hikari.

Nara Hikari copied the abilities of all of them again.

This annoying day ended only after Nara Hikari copied Nishito’s ability.

There was finally a slight change in his body.

First, the power of the six paths began to slowly change.

A completely new energy was replacing the power of the six paths.

The fruit energy was also changing.


There was a roar in the body.

The fruit energy in the heart instantly penetrated the body.

Changed into various shapes in the air.

They were all the shapes of the devil fruits that Nara Hikari had eaten.

Soon a new realm appeared.

Ancestor level.

Nara Hikari used his super speed ability and instantly came to the outside of the planet in the Naruto world.

Looking at the blue planet in front of him that looked like the earth.

“Is this the entire Naruto planet?”.

In fact, this scene was also played in Naruto.

When Otsutsuki just arrived, he gave a close-up of the surface of the planet.

Turned his head to look at the depths of space behind him.

Nara Hikari suddenly had a new goal.

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