The power of the tailed beast can be said to be catastrophic without the restraint of the Jinchūriki.

The fact that the tailed beast jade can be released at will is not something that ordinary people can easily resist.

However, these black zetsu have their own solutions.

Because Nara Hikaru broke the ban of the ninja world, it is no longer an unattainable dream for ninjas to have stronger strength.

There are already dozens of members of Tongtianxiao who have the strength close to or stepping into the Six Paths level.


“Is the three-tailed beast here?”.

Three figures appeared at the site of the Land of the Earth.

Looking at the deserted Iwagakure Village.


“I hope we don’t come up empty-handed this time.”

The people who came were the three-person team of Tongtianxiao who were ordered to capture the three-tailed beast.

Yin, Deidara, and Sasori.

“Captain Yin, I heard that many people died in the last capture of the Three-Tails.”

The thin and long-haired boy among the three looked at the man walking in front.

It was Deidara, the rebel ninja from the Hidden Rock Village.

The captain called Yin did not speak.

Instead, he looked around vigilantly.

“Someone is coming.”

Yin had just finished speaking.

A figure instantly appeared on a branch not far away.

The man was wearing a white mask on his face.

An eye shining in the dark night was revealed.


Captain Yin quickly recognized the eye.

“The Three-Tails is mine, you can go back.”

The masked man turned around and left after saying that.

“Wait, why should I listen to you.”

Deidara, the blond boy among the three people of Tong Tianxiao, took a step forward.

“Clay spiders.”

Deidara raised his hand and countless spiders formed by clay flew out of his palm.

“The former Hidden Rock Village ninja.”

Just as the masked man finished speaking, the clay spider that was approaching exploded.

The energy of the explosion spread all around.

“Did you succeed?”

The blond boy Deidara said excitedly.

“It’s not that simple.”

The last of the three stepped forward.

The genius puppeteer Scorpion of the Sand Village rebel ninja.

At this time, the fourth generation wind shadow who was made into a puppet flew out of the scroll space behind him.

“Secret technique, sand attack.”

He made a seal with both hands.

A ball of sand flew out of his body.

The sand turned into a giant hand in the air and slapped the place where the explosion just happened.


The tree trunk broke with a sound.

“A trick”.

Wait for the energy generated by the two attacks to dissipate.

The masked man stood there unscathed.

There was a fan in his hand.

The masked man fanned it lightly.

A gust of wind flew out.

The three of them hurriedly released their chakras to form a defense outside their bodies.

They blocked the strong wind.

“Ding Ding Dang Dang”.

The sound of collision sounded outside the defense.

“Deidara, Scorpion, you guys go capture the three-tailed beast, leave this guy to me”.

“Captain, you can’t die, I still want to discuss art with you”.

Deidara said and took off into the air.

A giant clay bird appeared under his feet.

Captain Yin’s eyelids twitched.

“Deidara, if you can’t speak, shut your mouth, or I will tear your mouth apart and stuff your clay into it”.

Yin looked angrily at Deidara who was about to leave.

“Hehe, I got it, Captain”.

Deidara left.

A ball of sand appeared under Scorpion’s feet on the other side, carrying him into the air.

Quickly disappeared in the air.

After the two left, Yin looked at the masked man.

“You are really confident”.

The masked man disappeared on the spot after he said that.

“Space Ninjutsu?”.

Yin felt a ripple in space.

Raised his hands.

“Earth escape, reverse sand river”.

A large amount of mud appeared around, flowing around like a river.

Soon it covered all the footholds around.

“This time, let’s see how you deal with it”.

Yin raised his hand and pressed it on the ground again.

“Earth escape, reverse current stab”.

Large spikes protruded from the mud.

Stabbed at the approaching masked man.

The space in front of the masked man was distorted.

The stabbing mud stab pierced into the twisted vortex.

Then the space closed and the stab was broken.

“Space ninjutsu is really tricky”.

Yin took off his shirt.

The pattern of special symbols was revealed on the upper body.

Yin controlled the pattern to spread towards the heart.


The momentum instantly increased.

Four seeking jades rotated around Yin.

“Immortal method, mud breasts”.

Yin, who entered the Six Paths Mode, opened his mouth and spat out a thin line of mud.

The masked man appeared again in front of him

Distorted space vortex.

The thin mud line was inserted into the distorted space.

But just when the masked man thought that the mud would be broken by the space, the thin mud line suddenly became larger.

A small dot in the middle, and the tail quickly grew larger.

From a distance, it looked really like a lower chest.

When it expanded to the size of a five-story building, it quickly wrapped around the masked man.

The masked man did not panic, but entered the space.

Appeared outside the attack range.

The enveloping mud ball seemed to have eyes.

It quickly captured the figure of the masked man in the air.

Then the four seeking truth jades followed closely and flew towards the masked man.

The masked man used the space ability to constantly avoid being wrapped by the mud.

“Awakening field, mud kingdom.”

Yin raised his hand to the sky.

A large amount of mud appeared around and fell quickly to the ground.

“It’s really a special ability.”

The masked man looked at the mud field that was about to close around him.

“Wood escape, the tree world is coming.”

The masked man raised his hand and pressed down on a mud spike that was attacking him.

The originally hard mud spike suddenly softened, and then a branch emerged from the mud.

Then more and more branches emerged, and then big trees also emerged from the mud at the same time.

The area within hundreds of meters was soon covered by big trees.

And this is not the end.

The branch was like an arm, first entangled with the stabbing mud.

Then, at the moment when the mud stagnated, it stabbed towards Yin who was releasing his power.

Yin ate the lower-level fruit of the natural swamp fruit.

Superman-type mud-mud fruit.

It can turn all objects around into mud, and can also create mud out of thin air.

Mud can be transformed into any form.

Yin looked at the branch that was like an arm.

Then he thought of the blood limit of the god of the ninja world, Hashirama Senju.

Wood escape.

“Although you have the ability of the god of the ninja world, my fruit has reached the awakening stage.”

Yin’s voice just fell.

Mud appeared from all directions like branches.

It also wrapped around branches like arms.

The mud and branches were entangled with each other.

The whole area was affected.

Deep pits appeared on the ground.

The houses that were already covered with moss also collapsed instantly.

Then they were crushed by the entangled mud and branches.

Yin controlled the Tao-seeking jade to attack the masked man when he was not prepared.

At the beginning, it did make the masked man feel a little tricky.


A large piece of mud spike was shattered.

The shock wave hit all around.

After the energy dispersed, a masked man wearing a chakra outer coat appeared in Yin’s sight.

Nine Tao-seeking jades floated in front of the masked man.

The masked man also entered the six-path mode at this moment.

“Where does this ability come from?”.

The masked man looked at Yin with a serious expression.

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