The battle was fierce.

While Fei Lian and Zi were running away and chasing each other.

The battle in another place was even more intense.

A wonderful duel of illusion and secret arts.

You, who represented Tong Tianxiao, appeared.

He is also a fruit ability user.

And his strength has already entered the level of the Six Paths.

The devil fruit he used is a bit special.

Animal system·Skunk Fruit·Skunk form.

You, who ate this fruit, has the ability to release stench.

This stench does not have the physical attack ability after shaping.

But the stench can pull any opponent into the illusion.

The most desperate and infuriating scenes can be seen in the illusion.

This stench has a strong penetration ability.

In the battles so far, You has never encountered someone who can instantly dispel the stench.

Therefore, his battlefield, the people who are also Tongtianxiao all stay far away.

Fearing that they will be implicated.

It is not because the illusion is so powerful, but because it is too smelly.

This smell stays on the body for a long time.

However, this time You has met a tough guy who does not mind the stench.

The new Akatsuki Suzaku, the representative of the Akatsuki organization.

It is the former Thunder Country Blood Pond Clan’s Miyashiro En.

Possessing the Blood Pond Clan’s bloodline limit.

Dragon Eye.

That is, the Blood Dragon Eye.

The ability is very similar to the Death Treasure’s blood.

However, the Blood Dragon Eye does not need to get blood, just need to hurt the opponent.

You can use illusions through blood to control the opponent.

Pull it into your inner world, and then control the opponent.

The battle has just begun, and You was accidentally injured by Miyashiro En.

Although You is a master of illusion, he is not good at physical skills.

However, Yuya Shiro En is a strong man who has both.

It is Yuya Shiro En’s powerful physical skills that put You at a disadvantage from the beginning.

“You can’t escape.”

Yuya Shiro En laughed.

He looked a little crazy.

He suddenly switched to the Six Paths mode.

He flew into the air wearing a Six Paths bathrobe and came to You’s head.

However, there was no Tao-seeking jade condensed around his body.

He jokingly watched the other party struggling to resist the illusion attack.

“The more you struggle, the more excited I am.”

You’s forehead was already sweating.

He desperately called on the fruit energy to resist the illusion, and now he had no extra energy to switch to other forms.

You recalled that he had never been so embarrassed since he got this magical devil fruit.


With a roar, You’s eyes instantly turned red.

At this moment, You was controlled by anger.

After the roar, the body began to emit more stench.

The stench spread around like a storm.

Just as Yuya Shiroen drew back his power to resist the stench, You finally got rid of the control.

His body swelled up instantly, and all his clothes were torn.

Then a skunk more than ten meters tall appeared there.

He opened his mouth and roared at Yuya Shiroen again.

Then a mouthful of dark green stench spurted out of his mouth.

It quickly filled the area where the two were.

“Damn control.”

You shook his head.

“It’s my turn next.”

You began to merge the power of the six paths in his body with the fruit energy stimulated by his heart.

After he transformed himself into the six-path skunk mode, he transferred the energy into the stench, and the surrounding stench all condensed together.

A dark green poisonous dragon appeared.

“Senjutsu, stinky poisonous dragon.”

The poisonous dragon opened its huge mouth and rushed towards Yuya Shiroen at a very fast speed.

“Not good.”

At this moment, Yuyashiro En couldn’t laugh anymore.

He looked around.

He just saw a pool of blood.

Yuyashiro En was delighted and quickly released the ability of the blood dragon eye.

“Blood Dragon Technique”

Then countless red blood dragons emerged from the pool of blood.

It’s hard to imagine that only a small pool of blood can produce dozens of blood dragons that are tens of meters long.

“Don’t underestimate me.”

Yuyashiro En activated his second personality again.

Crazy psychotic state.

At the same time, he transformed into the four laughing heroes.

The blood dragons entangled each other in the air and pounced on the poisonous dragon.

“Immortal magic, poisonous domain unfolds.”

You’s eyes gradually became cold.

Looking at the laughing Yuyashiro En.

He used the ability after the fruit awakened.

All the objects around him exploded instantly and turned into stench in the air.

Just like that, with You’s feet as the center, it spread rapidly to the surroundings.

“Puff puff puff.”

The object was filled with stench and exploded, and the shock wave caused Yuyajo En to squint.

Then he flew higher into the sky.

The range of spread is all directions.

Unavoidable, Yuyashiro En raised his hands.

“Senjutsu Water Escape, Transform into a Water Array Wall”.

Yuyashiro En quickly formed two seals, then raised his hands in front of him.

A water wall like a waterfall appeared out of thin air.

The defense level of the water array wall transformed by the power of the six paths has completely gotten rid of the B level.

The stench was blocked outside after hitting the water array wall.

But it was just a blockage.

Yuyashiro En controlled the power of the six paths to be transported into the water array wall.

Maintaining the defense of the water array wall.

“Senjutsu Water Escape, Rain and Sleet Continuous Bombs”.

Yuyashiro En put away one hand and quickly formed a seal with one hand.

A water droplet quickly appeared around him.

The water droplet was wrapped in blood.

It exploded at the same time after hitting the stench.

Under the continuous attack of dense water droplets, the spreading stench was slowly dissipating.

But just when Yuya Shiroyan thought that he had blocked the enemy’s attack, a sound of breaking through the air came from the diffuse stench.

Before Yuya Shiroyan could react.

A claw belonging to the weasel family had appeared in his sight.

Yuya Shiroyan raised his hands reflexively.


A huge force acted on his hands.

At the same time as the severe pain appeared in his arms, his body flew out involuntarily.

He wanted to stabilize his body, but found that his arms had no strength.

“No, it’s broken.”

Yuya Shiroyan, who flew out, finally panicked.

He didn’t care about saving the six-path power in his body.

He began to condense the Tao-seeking jade.

Two Tao-seeking jades appeared in front of him.

But what he didn’t expect was.

The Tao-seeking jade that had just been condensed had not yet taken shape, and was kicked away by a claw on the left and right.

And Yuyashiro En’s body was hit by a kick again.

He flew out again at a faster speed.

This time he flew towards the ground.


Yuyashiro En fell heavily to the ground.

At the same time, a foul smell was inhaled into his nose and mouth.

Then the environment in front of him suddenly changed.

He returned to the place where the tribe was massacred by the former Land of Thunder, the Hidden Cloud Village.


A young man stretched out his bloody hand and ran towards Yuyashiro En in the illusion.

Behind him followed the Cloud Ninja who was releasing the Lightning Chakra mode.

Yuyashiro En rushed up quickly.

He raised his hand and released the Blood Dragon Technique.

Blood dragons flew out from the blood on the ground.

But they suddenly dissipated in the air.


Yuyashiro En was shocked.

He tried several times but all failed.

He suddenly realized something was wrong. He had released the power of the Blood Dragon Eye so many times, but the boy who was running for his life had not yet reached him.

“Oh no, illusion!”

At this moment, he finally realized that he had been tricked.

Then, a sharp pain spread from his abdomen to his whole body.

Pulling his mind back to reality.

He looked down and saw that he had exited the Six Paths Mode without knowing when.

And blood was gushing out of his abdomen.

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