Just when Black Blade was eaten by a large number of poisonous insects and there was nothing left, the sky suddenly darkened.

Aburame Zhihui put away all the insects and looked up at the moon that was being covered by something.

All the people who were fighting in the distance stopped what they were doing and looked up at the top of their heads.

“What is that?”.

One person pointed at the moon that was slowly turning red.

“Puff puff puff”.

Just as everyone was puzzled by the changes in the sky, the ground suddenly began to crack and crack.


Many people who couldn’t dodge fell into the cracks.

Then, thick tree trunks quickly emerged from the ground while spinning.


Many people were once again rolled into the sky by the thick tree trunks because they couldn’t dodge.

Some people kept destroying the extended tree trunks in an attempt to leave here.

But these emerging tree trunks seemed to never end.

As more and more tree trunks stretched out from the ground.

A giant tree made of twisted trunks stretched towards the sky.

When it was several thousand meters away from the ground, this giant tree with a special shape stopped growing.

At this moment, the moon also turned completely red.


The space of the Naruto world shook.

The moon opened instantly like an eye.

A symbol with the Samsara Sharingan appeared on the moon.


A crazy laugh came from the sky.

The people who survived the growth of the giant tree turned their eyes to the direction of the laughter.

There stood a man with a mask on his face, laughing wildly.

“Suzaku, why are you standing so high?”

The other people in the Akatsuki organization looked at him in confusion.

The laughter stopped.

He looked down at everyone on the ground.

“I will create the most perfect world in everyone’s heart.”

The person who spoke was Uchiha Nozen who had planned for a long time.

At this time, he was a little excited.

Thinking of his favorite girl dying in front of him.

His chest ached slightly.

After breaking free from the memories, a strong momentum suddenly erupted.

The shock wave formed by the momentum made the people around unable to open their eyes.

Even those six-path-level strongmen were shocked by the momentum.

“So strong.”

Some people kept sighing.

“Everything is over, I can finally come to you.”

Uchiha Nozen slowly closed his eyes, and the mask on his face quickly opened.

An ugly face appeared under the mask.

After a long silence.

Uchiha Nozen suddenly opened his eyes.


(Special effects sounded).

A pair of reincarnation eyes appeared in the eye sockets.

Then the moon with the reincarnation Sharingan printed on it began to rotate rapidly.

Everyone was attracted by this scene.

Staring at the moon hanging high in the sky.


The picture in front of everyone has quietly changed without noticing.

While they were standing still, countless branches suddenly stretched out from the trunk of the giant tree.

Like pythons, they quickly wrapped up the people who were still in a daze.

Then they dragged them to the top of the sacred tree.

In this series of changes, only a few people relied on their strength to get rid of the illusion control of the moon.

When consciousness returned to the body, they immediately saw the changes around them.

They used their own methods to get rid of the attack of the branches.

Then they flew towards the sky.

When they came to the sky, they looked at the giant tree.

There were already people hanging there.

They were wrapped in branches, with only their heads exposed.

They closed their eyes and smiled.

“What is this?”.

“I don’t know”.

At this moment, both Tongtian Xiao and Xiao put aside their grudges and looked at the giant tree in confusion.

Just when one person wanted to step forward to rescue the wrapped companion, Uchiha Nozen fell from the sky.

Came to their sky.

“Since you don’t want to enter my ideal world, then you can become the nourishment of the sacred tree.” Uchiha Nozen said and prepared to activate the power of the Samsara Eye. Konan suddenly came in front of him. “Suzaku, what are you doing? Why are you doing this?” Konan questioned. Because among the people who were just swept away by the sacred tree, there were also members of Akatsuki. “Wait until I send you all over, you will definitely thank me.” Uchiha Nozen laughed again. “I think you are crazy.” Konan was about to release the paper escape secret technique he created. But he was stopped by the six paths of Pain who appeared beside him. “Nagato.” “Leave it to me, I recruited him into Akatsuki in the first place, and now it should be me who solves it.” Konan stopped moving forward after hearing this. Pain took a step forward. “Swoosh.” A sound of breaking through the air sounded.The animal path, one of the heavenly paths, appeared beside Heavenly Path Pain.

He raised his hands and pressed them on the ground.

A white mist appeared from the spiritual formation on the ground.

Four more figures appeared beside Pain.

They were the other six paths.

The path of hell, the path of hungry ghosts, the path of the human world, and the path of Shura.

When the six path puppets arrived, they rushed towards Uchiha Naiquan in the sky together.

The first to attack was Shura, who was the main attacker.

He stretched out his hands during the flight, and holes opened on his arms.

Rockets with flaming tails were released from Shura’s arms.

Countless rockets hit Uchiha Naiquan at a very fast speed.

Just as the rockets were about to reach Naiquan, space ripples appeared in front of Naiquan.

All the rockets disappeared instantly.

At this moment, Naiquan felt the space on both sides vibrate.

His peripheral vision swept to both sides.

Two huge spiritual beasts hit him from both sides.

Naiquan disappeared instantly.


The two summoned beasts collided with each other.

They turned into white mist and disappeared.

Naiquan emerged from another space.

Just as his figure had not yet stopped, a black stick came from the side.

In a hurry, Naiquan lowered his head and dodged the attack.

He raised his hand and aimed at Renjiandao who appeared beside him.

“Immortal Technique, Burial of Heaven Wheel Rebirth”.

Renjiandao, who swung the black stick in the air, had not yet retracted his arm.

He felt a decomposition force appear in his abdomen.

The expressionless Renjiandao twisted and deformed, and turned into nothingness in the air.

Tiandao Pain looked solemn.

He was shocked by the powerful strength that Uchiha Naiquan possessed at this time.

Recalling that Uchiha Naiquan had hidden his Akatsuki organization for so many years.

And he had always shown a funny image.

When they first met, he had tried Uchiha Naiquan’s strength, and this guy was obviously only at the Super Shadow level.

Until he was promoted to the Six Paths, he didn’t take it seriously.

But at this moment, he didn’t expect this guy to be so hidden.

“Senjutsu, Tensei-Tsu”.

Tendo Pain raised his hand and aimed at Uchiha Nozen.

Uchiha Nozen suddenly felt a suction force appear on his body, attracting him towards Tendo Pain.

“Senjutsu, Wheel Burial”.

Uchiha Nozen closed his right eye, and the Samsara Eye in his left eye socket instantly released a ray of the ancestral Samsara pupil power.

“Not good”.

Tendo Pain felt something was wrong and flew into the air to avoid this infinite attack.

The attack just now made him feel a great sense of crisis, and he had to choose to interrupt his ability to avoid the attack.


Konan wanted to join.

“No, just watch there”.

Tendo Pain stopped Konan from helping.

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