The swordsmanship was very powerful.

“Swordsmanship, Vulture Huang Kui”.

Just when Nara Hikari was restricted by two boulders and the mud under his feet, the sword-holding shadow-level who had just been pierced through the chest by Nara Hikari suddenly jumped up from the ground.

The ninja sword in his hand stabbed towards Nara Hikari’s chest.

“Teacher, help me”.

Just when Nara Hikari was about to break free from these restrictive attacks, he heard Zoro’s cry for help.

Nara Hikari released the power of steel, and his body quickly turned into metal.

Then he clapped his hands, and a shock wave burst out from his hands.

The huge semicircular stones on both sides shattered.

After repelling the sword-wielding Kage, Nara Hikari ignored the mud and sand under his feet and soared into the air.

With a wave of his hand, a driving force appeared around the three little ones, pushing away all the enemies who intended to approach them.

“How are you? Are you not injured?”.

Nara Hikari looked at the three people.

With his protection as a super Kage, Nara Hikari felt that it would be very embarrassing if he let them get hurt.

“Stand behind me and protect your eyes and ears.”

“Ah? Yes, teacher.”

The three people hurriedly closed their eyes and raised their hands to cover their ears tightly.


Nara Hikari’s voice fell, with Nara Hikari and the three little ones as the center.

The flames and shock waves of the explosion swept out to the surroundings.

“Okay, open your eyes.”

Nara Hikari’s voice rang in the ears of the three little ones.

Yuan Yima, I, and Zoro opened their eyes.

They were instantly stunned by the scene in front of them.

At this moment, there was no figure around.

All the vegetation and rocks were pushed out for tens of kilometers, and there was no end in sight.

Even the rock barrier that enveloped them in the sky disappeared.

The three of them felt like they were in the mountains.

Only a small piece of grass under their feet made them feel a little bit real at this moment.

“Teacher is so awesome.”

Zoro looked at Nara Hikari with excitement and exaggerated expression.

Iwa Yuanyi Ma also looked at Nara Hikari with admiration.

“Awesome ass, three of them ran away, and our troubles are not over yet.”

Zoro looked around, and someone could still escape.

“Okay, stop looking, let’s go.”

“Where to?”

“The Land of Soldiers.”

“Teacher, are we still going?”

“Of course, you dare to ambush me, if I leave now, wouldn’t it seem that I’m afraid?”

“Teacher is teacher.”

Zoro gave Nara Hikari a thumbs up.

“Don’t try this on me, kid, you go ahead later.”


“Hurry up.”


Yi and Yuan Yima laughed at one side.


Yuan Yima performed the summoning technique again.

Four giant wolves appeared in the same place, and Nara Hikari and his four companions jumped on the backs of the giant wolves and continued to run towards the direction of the Kingdom of Soldiers.

When Nara Hikari and his companions arrived at the Kingdom of Soldiers, it was already two days later.

There were no ambushes along the way, maybe because they were afraid, or maybe they were holding back a big move.

Nara Hikari took out the scroll and followed the instructions to come to the client’s residence.

Looking at the small building in front of him.

“This is it, go knock on the door.”

“Yes, teacher.”

Yi walked to the door and knocked a few times.

“Knock, knock, knock.”

“Who is it?”

Just after knocking, a woman’s voice came from inside.

Then the door was opened, and an old woman walked out.

“Who are you looking for?”

“We are from Konoha, the Land of Fire. I am Nara Hikari, and I am here to find the client.”

“Ah, it’s Master Guang, please come in quickly.”

The woman heard that it was Nara Guang and hurriedly made way for him.

“Teacher, your name has spread here?”

Zoro looked at Nara Guang in surprise.

“Look at your ignorant look, who is the teacher?”

Yi laughed at Zoro’s appearance.

Nara Guang ignored the students’ quarrels behind him and followed the woman inside.

Walked into the yard, crossed the corridor, and came to a room.

The woman pushed the door open and stopped.

“Old man, Master Guang is here.”

“Ah, Master Guang is here.”

An old man’s excited voice came from the dim room.

The woman welcomed Nara Guang and the other four into the house and then turned on the lights in the house.

An elderly man sitting on a wooden cart appeared in Nara Guang’s sight.

“Are you the client?”

“Yes, Master Guang, please save my granddaughter.”

The old man struggled to get up after he finished speaking.

But he was supported by the woman.

“Tell me, what happened?”

The old man began to narrate.

The old man’s name was Hyomaru Sora.

He used to be a casting master in the country of soldiers.

An accident destroyed his legs in front of the forge.

Then his family retired here.

Originally, Bingwan Kong thought that his family would live a quiet life here.

But unexpectedly, a red orangutan with four tails suddenly appeared here a few years ago.

Killed his son and daughter-in-law, and took away his granddaughter.

But two years later, his granddaughter suddenly came back by herself.

This made the two old people overjoyed.

But unexpectedly, the nightmare had just begun.

The granddaughter only lived at home for a year, and a group of mysterious people appeared again and took his granddaughter away again.

The old man was also seriously injured that time and fell ill, and could no longer stand up from the wooden cart.

The old man has issued too many commissions over the years, but unfortunately no one can complete them, and the commissioned person has never come back.

Until I heard the name of Nara Hikaru.

The old man immediately asked someone to issue an S-level commission to Konoha, and took out all the savings he had accumulated when he was a foundry master as the commission money.

“What are the characteristics of your granddaughter?”.

“Master Guang, please wait, I will go and get the portrait of your granddaughter.”

“Okay, Master Guang, please wait.”

The woman quickly walked to the side and searched on the table.

“Found it.”

The woman hurriedly turned around and handed it to Nara Guang.

“This is our granddaughter.”

Nara Guang looked at the portrait.

Purple hair, big eyes, and a mole at the corner of the eye.

This look is easy to recognize.

“What are the characteristics of that group of mysterious people?”.

“Characteristics? Let me think.”

Hyomaru Ryu fell into memories.

“Oh, by the way, there is a small sword engraved on the forehead of their masks, I only remember this.”

“Okay, I’ll take your commission, but your granddaughter has been missing for so long, and we don’t know whether she’s dead or alive. If you find a body, you still have to pay the commission.”

“Yes, we know. We just want to know where our granddaughter is, so that we can rest in peace even if we die.”

“Okay, wait at home.”

Nara Hikari turned around and was about to leave with the three little ones.

“Master Hikari, wait a minute.”

The old man called Nara Hikari again.

“Old woman, take out the things.”

“Oh, okay.”

The woman searched again.

Then a long package was brought to Nara Hikari.

“Master Hikari, please accept it, maybe you can use it.”


Nara Hikari opened the oilcloth of the package with curiosity.

Then a long box appeared inside.

A ninja sword was quietly lying in the box after the lid was opened.

Nara Hikari picked up the ninja sword, and the sword body seemed to vibrate as if resisting.

Nara Hikaru released his super shadow chakra, and the sword finally calmed down.

“Good sword.”

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