The four-tailed Jinchūriki was in a state of panic.

Nara Hikari looked at the black-haired Four-Tails Jinchūriki.

His appearance was different from what the client had provided.

Nara Hikari looked around and walked to the dying Soldier Shadow.

A Soldier Shadow emerged from the shadow under his feet and appeared beside him. He took a few steps forward and took off the helmet covering the Soldier Shadow’s face.

Purple hair, big eyes, and moles at the corners of his eyes.

He took out the Soldier Food Pill and the Healing Pill and handed them to the Soldier Shadow.

The Soldier Shadow opened the Soldier Shadow’s mouth and stuffed all the pills in.

The Soldier Shadow swallowed it subconsciously.

She exuded green chakra.

After a few seconds.

“Cough cough cough”.

The shadowy shadow sat up with difficulty, raised his head and looked at Nara Hikari fiercely.

Nara Hikari looked at her and it was a bit difficult.

‘How can he take the client’s granddaughter back? ’


Nara Hikari’s right eye instantly turned red, and then the pupil turned into the shape of a black target.

The pupil began to rotate.

The eternal Mangekyō Sharingan memory imprint was activated.



The shadowy shadow slowly closed his eyes, and then fell to the ground and fainted.


Nara Hikari retracted the Mangekyō Sharingan.

One minute later.

The shadowy shadow opened his eyes again, and the look in his eyes when he looked at Nara Hikari was no longer angry.


“Let’s go”.

“Yes, master”.

The shadowy shadow stood up and followed Nara Hikari to the side of the Four-Tails Jinchuriki.

“Take her with you”.

“Yes, master”.

The soldier shadow stepped forward and lifted the Four-Tails Jinchuriki onto his shoulders.

Nara Hikari led them towards the direction of the three little ones.

Fortunately, the three little ones were placed far away before going to the Hyounin Village.


“Why hasn’t the teacher come back yet?”.

Zoro kicked the dirt pile in front of him.

At this time, a big hole had been kicked out of the dirt pile by him, but Zoro was unaware of it.

“The explosion sound just now must be the teacher releasing that move again.”

Yuan Yima looked into the distance.

“The teacher is back.”

Yi looked into the distance, where Nara Hikari was walking, followed by the soldier shadow carrying the Four-Tails Jinchuriki.

“Teacher, you are finally back.”

The three little ones ran to Nara Hikari.

“Okay, the mission is completed, we can go back.”

“Who is the teacher?”.

“You have a lot of questions.”

Nara Hikari tilted his head and glanced at Zoro who was talking too much.

Zoro looked at Nara Hikari’s unfriendly eyes and realized that something was wrong.

He shut up hastily, but it was too late.

“On the way back, Zoro, double your training.”

“Ah, no, teacher.”

Nara Hikari ignored him and jumped onto the giant wolf that Yuanyi Ma summoned.

The Hyōkage put the Four-tailed Jinchūriki on the giant wolf and sat on it.

When the others climbed onto the giant wolf, the five giant wolves ran away.

One day later.

Nara Hikari and his party returned to the place where the client lived.

When they opened the door, a rotting smell of corpses came out.

Zoro kicked the closed door open.

Two corpses fell in the middle of the room.

Nara Hikari walked forward and observed the corpses lying on the ground.

It was Hyōmaru Ryu and his lover.

At this time, the Hyōkage also found the corpses on the ground.

“Grandpa, grandma.”

The Hyōkage put down the Four-tailed Jinchūriki and threw himself next to the corpses of the old couple.

He burst into tears instantly.

“It’s all my fault, it’s all my fault.”

The soldier shadow cried and blamed himself.

Nara Hikari released his perception and looked around.

“Not good.”

Within Nara Hikari’s perception range, a stream of earth chakra was brewing rapidly.

Nara Hikari released shadow energy to protect everyone in the house.

The ground began to shake at this time, and then began to sink.

Several shadow soldiers appeared beside Nara Hikari, wielding ninja swords to break the roof, and the shadow soldiers jumped up with the three little ones and the four-tailed Jinchuriki.

The soldier shadow grabbed the bodies of the two old men on the ground and also jumped towards the roof to make a hole.

Nara Hikari released the driving force, temporarily slowing down the speed of the ground collapse.

As everyone came to the open space in the distance.

The house where the client lived had disappeared and fell into the deep pit below.

“Earth escape, dig up the ground.”

Just as Nara Hikari and others had just stood still, their feet shook again.

Several streams of chakra gushed out from the ground.

Nara Hikari led everyone back several dozen meters again.

“Earth escape, earth dragon.”

The flame that had just spewed out from the ground turned in the air and rushed towards Nara Hikari.

The flames were wrapped by the surrounding rocks in the air, and turned into three earth dragons made of magma, which crashed into Nara Hikari.

Nara Hikari released the driving force and smashed the earth dragon.

At this time, Nara Hikari also saw the enemy clearly.

The ninja of the Iwagakure Village Demolition Team wearing the Iwagakure Village logo.

Nara Hikari was about to attack, and the soldier shadow on the side had already rushed out.

“Swordsmanship, soldier ghost.”

The ninja sword in the soldier shadow’s hand swung out, and dozens of sword-wielding warriors condensed by chakra rushed towards the enemy.


The Iwagakure Village Demolition Team, which ambushed Nara Hikari and others, took out a ball from the ninja tool pocket and threw it at the soldier shadow.

Groups of dark green smoke spread out instantly.

Soon covered the area.

Nara Hikari released the driving force to blow away the smoke.

When the smoke dispersed, there was no enemy around.

“Running fast.”

Looking at the wooden house that had become a ruin.

The granddaughter of Bōmaru Ryu was found, but unfortunately Nara Hikari could not get the commission.

“Hey, where is she?”.

Nara Hikari looked around and found that Bōmaru had disappeared, obviously catching up.

“Wait for me here.”

Nara Hikari released several shadow soldiers, sensed the surroundings, and followed Bōmaru’s chakra fluctuations to catch up.

When he found Bōmaru Ryu, there were five bodies lying on the ground.

There was also a dried blood stain at the corner of Bōmaru’s mouth.

At this time, she was stabbing the corpse under her feet with the ninja sword in her hand.

One sword after another.

Even if the corpse was no longer in human form.

“He is dead, go back and deal with your relatives’ funeral first.”

Bōmaru heard Nara Hikari’s voice and recovered from the loss of control.

Pull out the ninja sword inserted into the corpse and return to Nara Hikari.

The three little ones helped Bōmaru Ryu and his wife bury the bodies and put up two wooden signs.

“I don’t know yet, what’s your name?”.

“Master, my name is Bing Yu”.

“Tell me, how did you become the Kage of the Bingin Village?”.

“Yes, Master”.

A few minutes later.

Nara Hikaru understood the whole story.

Bing Yu was discovered by the Bingin Village shortly after being captured by the Four-Tails.

In order to fight against the Hidden Rock Village, the Bingin Village controlled Bing Yu to develop tailed beast weapons.

But Bing Yu was unexpectedly rescued by a girl from the Bingin Village.

In order to avoid being hunted by the Bingin Village, the girl took Bing Yu to hide in the Land of the Armies.

When they were finally discovered, the Four-Tails in Bing Yu’s body went berserk.

Killed everyone and seriously injured the girl.

In order to save the girl, Bing Yu took her to the Bingin Village.

Killed the original Bing Ying, and from then on, Bing Yu became a Bing Ying under a pseudonym.

In order to save the girl, through the special sealing technique researched by the Bingin Village, a part of the tailed beast in the body was taken out and sealed into the girl’s body.

The girl was saved and became the new Jinchūriki of the Four-Tails.

Because of the loss of the tailed beast in his body, Bingyu was no longer a Jinchūriki, but his strength did not decline too much.

But Bingyu was blinded by hatred. She imprisoned the girl and reused the tailed beast chakra of the Four-Tails Son Goku.

Restarted the manufacture of war weapons in the Bingnin Village.

‘Hatred can really make people change drastically’.

Nara Hikari thought of Obito in the original Naruto world.

“Come back to Konoha with me.”

“Yes, Master.”

Although the commission money was gone, fortunately he did not disappoint the client and found his granddaughter.

Took out the ninja sword Hirumaru.

Randomly found a devil fruit in the system.

He took out the animal-type cat-cat fruit.

“How do I fuse this?”.

In One Piece, the bloodline factor was extracted and fused into the weapon.

Suddenly, Hirumaru took the initiative to stick to the devil fruit.

Just like sucking blood, greedily absorbing the energy of the devil fruit.

“Oh my god, this is possible?”

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