After the changes in the body were completely over, a large number of shadow soldiers appeared around Nara Hikari. This time, the level of the shadow soldiers was improved, but the number was reduced several times. Before, there were 3,000 shadow soldiers, but now there are only 300. The shadow soldiers all have the strength of a jonin. Nara Hikari was very excited when he thought that he could summon 300 jonin-level shadow soldiers at once. ‘Even if the five major ninja villages were gathered, they probably couldn’t gather so many jonin’. But this is just a guess. After all, because of his arrival, the world of Naruto has changed. The Nara family has three shadow-level strongmen. He took out a kunai again, input the explosive energy, and threw it at the boulder not far away. The kunai wrapped in Kage-level chakra did not bounce off after touching the rock, but went inside.

Until it penetrated the surface of the rock and entered the rock.


As Nara Hikari finished speaking, the kunai exploded instantly.

Kage-level chakra and the energy of the explosion fruit acted on all sides at the same time.


The explosion sounded throughout the space.

Nara Hikari looked at the big pit left after the energy dissipated and was very satisfied.

Instantly disappeared in the shadow under his feet.


“What new ability is the captain experimenting with? This explosion has been going on for a day.”

“Who knows? I envy the sound of this explosion alone.”

Just as the ninjas in the camp were talking about Nara Hikari, he had already returned to the tent.

The fruit energy and Kage-level chakra consumption made Nara Hikari fall asleep.

“Captain, it’s not good.”

Nara Hikari, who was lying on the bed, opened his eyes.

He sat up from the bed and looked at the door of the tent.

The person who came was Nishito.

“What’s wrong?”.

“The Second Raikage is here.”

“Let’s go and have a look.”

Nara Hikari disappeared on the spot.

Nishito was dumbfounded.

“Captain, I haven’t told you where he is yet.”

Nishito’s voice got smaller and smaller as he spoke.

“Sirabi, take two teams of Chunin and follow me.”


The two Jonins gathered eight Chunin and headed for the border of the Land of Lightning.

They finally found Nara Hikari.



Nara Hikari looked at the Land of Lightning camp in the distance.

“Little guy, since you’re already here, don’t hide.”

The Second Raikage, Ai Lei, instantly arrived at the open space in front of the Cloud Village camp.

Nara Hikari looked at the Raikage with a very distinctive hairstyle and almost couldn’t hold back his laughter.

Fortunately, he held back at the last moment.

“Let’s go, since they have discovered us, there is nothing to hide.”

Nara Hikari entered the shadow and disappeared on the spot.

Xihu Xilabi and others followed.

Followed Nara Hikari to the open space and stood in front of Ai.

“So it was you, little guy, who killed Mara.”

Ai looked at Nara Hikari and didn’t take him seriously at all.

“I didn’t expect the dignified Raikage to come here in person.”

“Haha, little guy, you are very arrogant. I hope you can still laugh later.”

After Ai finished speaking, a large number of Kumogakure ninjas appeared behind him, standing in a semicircle opposite Nara Hikari and his group.

“Raikage-sama, do you want to…”

“Let me meet him. You will only increase casualties, so that no one will say that my Kumogakure bullies children.”

Ai walked towards Nara Hikari while speaking.

Released lightning attribute chakra while walking.

“Lightning Chakra Mode”.

Several lightning bolts suddenly appeared on Ai’s body, wrapping his body.

A long sword that also flashed with lightning appeared in his hand.

“Kill you first, then kill that guy Tobirama.”

Ai disappeared from the spot in an instant and rushed towards Nara Hikari at a very fast speed.

“You are the only one who can defeat him.”

Nara Hikari was also disdainful.

This guy was beaten badly by Tobirama, and finally he proposed peace talks when he saw that he could not win.

In the end, he was stabbed in the back by the village ninja.

“You are looking for death, kid.”

Ai instantly slashed at Nara Hikari with the lightning sword in his hand.

Nara Hikari merged into the shadow under his feet.

“Huh? His ability is so special.”

Even though Nara Hikari was very fast, Ai still saw a residual image.

The lightning chakra mode he developed can not only increase speed and attack power, but also enhance the five senses several times.

“Lightning escape, lightning sword cuts the wind.”

Ai raised the lightning sword in his hand to the sky.

Several lightning bolts fell from the sky.

It covered the entire area of ​​several thousand meters.

The lightning not only smashed all the vegetation and boulders, but also some of them drilled into the ground, forming a lightning net underground and rising from the ground.

Nara Hikari instantly appeared in front of Nishito and others


“You retreat, the next battle may affect you.”


Xihu Xilabi led two teams of Chunin to leave, but found that the range of lightning was shrinking.

Nara Hikari threw dozens of kunai behind him.

“Boom, boom, boom”.

Violent explosions exploded on the cover formed by lightning.

A gap was blown out.

Xihu Xilabi’s eyes lit up.


The ten people disappeared in an instant and rushed towards the gap.

Drilled out and came to a tree to look at this side.

Nara Hikari saw that they had left and looked at Ai again.

“Boy, I admit that I underestimated you. Next, I will use all my strength. Don’t die too quickly.”

As soon as Ai finished speaking, lightning and thunder surged around him.

Nara Hikari saw a lightning bolt flying towards him quickly.

Nara Hikari hurriedly dodged to the side.

He dodged the lightning sword stabbed by Ai.

Ai took advantage of Nara Guang’s unstable body and raised the lightning sword to chop Nara Guang’s neck.

Nara Guang raised the kunai to block the path.

He suddenly felt a huge force acting on the kunai.

He was blown away several meters.

Several lightning bolts from the surrounding lightning shield also shot over at this time.

Because the space deep around him was illuminated by lightning, there was no shadow under his feet.

“I’ll use you to try my new ability.”

“Hmm? Boy, let me see it.”

Ai laughed and rushed towards Nara Guang.

The lightning sword in his hand pierced Nara Guang’s chest firmly.

“Hmm? I succeeded.”

This feeling of piercing the flesh made him too familiar.


Just when Ai wanted to pull out the lightning sword, he felt that the lightning sword in his hand began to lose control.

“Not good.”

By the time Ai reacted, it was too late.

Because he saw Nara Hikaru actually laughing.


A shocking explosion exploded in front of the Hidden Cloud Village camp.

The huge energy impact force was wrapped in air waves and blew around.

The Hidden Cloud Village ninja felt a force of impact on his body.

He flew out with the camp tent.

Xihu Xilabi’s face also changed.


Xihu shouted, grabbed the collars of the two Chunins, and kicked them with both feet.

Xilabi did the same.

The eight Chunins flew backwards.

Xihu Xilabi quickly retreated backwards.

He released all the chakra in his body, wishing he had more legs.

The eight Chunins were also scared, and they didn’t care about the pain of being kicked by Xihu and Xilabi, and stepped on the tree trunks with all their strength.

The body flew away.

Unfortunately, they were still caught up by the shock wave.

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