The two of them were in a cave somewhere in the Kingdom of Soldiers.

“Leader, do we have any mission to gather?”.

The black shadow carrying a big knife asked, with a little excitement on his face.

He has joined this Tongtianxiao for a long time, but has not received any mission assigned by the leader.

“Ugly, shut up. If you want to lie down for a few more months, I don’t mind fulfilling your wish.”

The black shadow standing in the front spoke coldly.

The black shadow called Ugly immediately shut his mouth.

Another black shadow stretched out his long tongue and licked his lips.

A gloomy voice came out.

“Leader, are you going to take action against Konoha?”.



“I will assign the tasks, and you keep your mouth shut.”


“Group Zi Chou, go to the Land of Lightning to capture the Eight-Tail and the Two-Tail.”

“Yes, leader.”

“Group Yin Mao, you go to the Land of Water to capture the Seven-Tail.”

“Group Chen Si, go to the Land of Water to capture the Three-Tail and the Six-Tail.”

“Wu Wei, you go to the Land of Wind to capture the One-Tail.”

“Shen You, you go to the Land of Earth to capture the Five-Tail.”

“Xu Hai, you go to Konoha to capture the Nine-Tail.”

“Leader, what about the Four-Tail?”

As soon as the leader’s black shadow finished speaking, a black shadow with a hunched back asked.

“You don’t need to worry about this, just follow orders.”


“Okay, let’s all go.”


All the black shadows disappeared instantly.


The Village of Yu in the Land of Hot Springs.

A man in the cave slowly opened his eyes.

“It’s interesting to go to Konoha.”

The man looked at his hands.

“I wonder what the new ability is like?”.

The man stood up and walked out of the cave.

Just as he reached the exit of the cave, a young man came over.

“Master Shimura Shiro, the master wants to see you.”

“Okay, I’ll go now.”

This man was Shimura Shiro, who left Konoha before Shimura Danzo.

He was also one of the only three people left in the Shimura clan.

“Master, you are looking for me?”

“Congratulations on becoming immortal.”

“This is all thanks to the master’s help.”

“Haha, okay, now there is something you need to do.”

“Please ask the master.”

“There are fewer and fewer children in the church who can be used for experiments, go and bring some back.”


Shimura Shiro agreed.

This is a great opportunity to leave here.

It’s not that he doesn’t want to leave directly, but there are a group of people here who are more powerful.

He saw with his own eyes a guy who had just become immortal and was promoted to the level of Kage, and he was dissatisfied with the unreasonable arrangement here.

Wanted to kill the high-ranking officials here and leave Yuyin Village.

Unfortunately, he was pinned to the ground and killed in just one round.

Shimura Shiro had to find other opportunities to leave.

Now the opportunity has come.

“Go down.”

“Yes, Master.”

Shimura Shiro turned and left.

Shimura Shiro, who walked out of the Master’s Building of Yuyin Village, jumped up and flew towards the dense forest in the distance.

“I’m coming to Konoha.”


King of Light, Hikari Village, Hikari Pavilion.

“Master, another special request for you.”

“Hmm? Let me see.”

Nara Hikari took the scroll handed over.

“You go down.”

“Yes, Master.”

After the members of Hikari Pavilion left, Nara Hikari opened the scroll.

Checked the content on it.

“King of Water? Missing population?”

Just as he finished reading the content on it.

Tachibana walked in.

“You came just in time, I need to go out for a while.”

“Ah, you’re going out again. How many days have you been back?”.

“I’ll be back soon.”

Nara Hikari handed the scroll to Tachibana.

Tachibana looked down and checked.

“Yuyin Village? Missing people?”.

Tachibana handed the scroll back after reading the contents.

“Thousands of children disappeared in a year, and all the people investigating this matter disappeared. There must be a very strong force behind it. Who is so bold?”.

“Well, since you’ve found me, I naturally can’t refuse.”

“Well? Do you want to refuse, or do you want to go out and pick flowers and mess around?”.

“Who do you think I am?”.

“You are.”

“Uh… okay.”

Nara Hikari shrugged.

“When are you going?”.

“I’ll leave in a while. Tell others that I’ll be back soon.”


Tachibana snorted.

, twisting his butt and turning around to leave.

“Oh, you are so capable.”

Nara Hikari grabbed it.


In the evening, Nara Hikari said goodbye to the Kingdom of Light and flew towards the Kingdom of Hot Springs.

With the ability of the Float-Float Fruit, it is much more convenient to go out.

You can use the shadow ability to go to places you have been to, and fly directly to places you have not been to.

The flight consumption of the Float-Float Fruit is much smaller than the drag force of the Explosion Fruit.

The ability of the Float-Float Fruit can control a large island to fly, but the propulsion force cannot do it.

Soon Nara Hikari arrived at the Kingdom of Hot Springs.

After landing on the ground, Nara Hikari prepared to find some people to ask how to get to the Hidden Hot Spring Village.

Unfortunately, no matter how many civilians in the Kingdom of Hot Springs he asked, they didn’t know where the village was.

However, when Nara Hikari asked about the missing child.

Many people would sigh, and some would even shed tears silently.

Obviously, the tears were because the children in their families had disappeared.

Since asking around doesn’t work.

Nara Hikari can only use other methods.

Find a place where there are no people.

Shadow energy is released.

Hundreds of shadow soldiers slowly rise from the shadows around.

Then they jump in front of Nara Hikari and kneel on one knee.

Nara Hikari then takes out all the shurikens and kunai and throws them to the ground in the distance.

A group of half-human and half-beasts transformed by ninja tools appear there.

There are as many as fifty of them.

“Search the entire country of soup and find a village with ninjas.”

The shadow soldiers and ninja soldiers transformed by ninja tools who received the order all disappeared on the spot.

“Big brother?”

Just as the shadow soldiers and ninja soldiers left, a girl’s voice sounded behind them.

Nara Hikari turned his head and looked at her.

“What’s the matter?”

“Are you investigating the reasons for the disappearance of people in the country of soup?”

“Yes, you know?”

“No, no, no, I don’t know. My sister is missing too. If you are investigating this, can you take me with you?”

“Your sister?”

“When did it happen?”

“Two years ago.”

“It’s been so long? The hope of finding her may be slim.”

“It’s okay, I want to try, please.”

The girl bent down, revealing the whiteness of her chest.

“Okay, I promise.”

Nara Hikari hurriedly agreed.

The girl stood up.

“What’s your name?”

“My name is Yoshizawa Akiho.”

“What did you say your name was?”

“Yoshizawa Akiho, big brother, is there anything wrong with my name?”

“Ah, no, no.”


Yoshizawa Akiho was a little confused.

“Let’s go, let’s go find someone first.”


Nara Hikari took Yoshizawa Akiho and walked away.

On the way, Nara Hikari sensed that this was just an ordinary person.

There was no chakra in the body.

Soon, Nara Hikaru took Yoshizawa Akiho to find the client of the mission.

A woman.

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