In the Joyous Union Sect.

There are some disagreements between the disciples of the Qingxin Sect and the Joyous Sect.

It is nothing new.

Although the two sides usually dislike each other, they still maintain harmony on the surface.

But Ningxiang has her own reasons.

She has a lot of opinions about the Joyous Union Faction and has repeatedly told others that the Joyous Sect has bad intentions.

She is sorry for the founder of the sect.

She has offended more Joyous Sect disciples as she has said too much.

Like the Joyous Sect disciples like Rule Fairy.

Due to the "friendship of fellow disciples", she cannot harm Ningxiang.

But she often sends her to do trivial things.

It is to warn her.

Now seeing Ningxiang actually ignore her instructions, and with the help of her two junior sisters, Rule Fairy is embarrassed.

"Ningxiang! As a disciple of the Qingxin Sect of the sect, you probably don't know how powerful our Huanxi Sect is!"

"You will probably only be able to stop at the Forging Pulse Realm in your life, right?"

"Today, I will let you secretly see how powerful my Huanxi Sect is!"

After saying that, he displayed the profound power of the Forging Pulse Great Completion.

He rushed towards Ningxiang with a strong pressure.

Lin Xiao did not comment on this.

The strength of the Forging Pulse Realm did not use any skills, but wanted to punish Aperture Opening Realm with just strength.

It was just as he expected.

Ningxiang stood there motionless.

Let Senior Sister Ru Le attack.

This senior sister thought that the junior sister did not dare to disobey her, so she did not dodge.

Obviously, she was willing to be punished in order to win her forgiveness.

He could not help but smile contemptuously.

Who knew that she had just touched the junior sister.

It was like kicking on an iron plate.

The other party was not hurt at all, but she herself was seriously injured.

The Rule Fairy screamed.

She fell backwards.

Her eyes were full of unwillingness and fear.

"Aperture Opening Realm!!"

"How is this possible?! You were only at the Fourth Layer of the Refining Meridians a few days ago!"

"How is it possible to break through the Aperture within half a month?!"

The two junior sisters behind the Rule Fairy looked at each other in bewilderment.

"Are you sure, Senior Sister? How could this girl make such rapid progress? She must have used some protective treasure!"

"Or maybe she secretly learned the methods of our Huanxi Sect and practiced hard day and night?"

Ningxiang couldn't stand such insulting words.

Her blood surged immediately.

The little girl didn't care whether she was a senior sister or not.

She said unhappily: "Don't think of me as mean as you!"

"Senior Sister just attacked Junior Sister, now it's Junior Sister's turn!"

After that.

This little girl displayed her skills.

She used a set of wind-chasing and cloud-exploring hands very skillfully.

In the blink of an eye.

Three crisp "pa, pa, pa" sounds were heard.

Looking again.

Including the Fairy of Milk Music, the three senior sisters.

There was a slap mark on their right cheeks, and their faces were swollen.

The original beauty was also hit by this slap. 60-70%.

Ningxiang's attack was not light.

This slap mark will probably remain on the faces of several people for some days.

Lin Xiao couldn't help laughing at her action.

He couldn't help laughing out loud.

"Junior sister Ningxiang, you've done this, and the senior sisters may not be able to see people for several days."

Ningxiang clapped her hands and walked back.

Her steps were very proud and proud: "Humph! It's what they deserve! Who let them start it first."

"I hate people who bully the weak the most!"

Lin Xiao nodded.

She was right.

If Ningxiang's strength had not broken through to the Aperture Opening Realm today, she would have been the one bullied.

Fairy Ru Le covered her burning cheeks.

She waited for Lin Xiao and the others with resentment in her eyes.

She wanted to vent her anger on Ningxiang, but she suffered such a big loss instead.

I was naturally upset.

I didn’t dare to fight back because of Ningxiang’s strength.

I just felt strange.

‘How could this bitch break through the Aperture Opening Realm in just half a month? Even I have been stuck at this point for almost two years! ’

‘Could it be that this bitch got some opportunity and got some guidance from a master? It’s really unfair! ’

After a while, he said angrily in a vague voice:

“Ningxiang, remember, I will report to Elder Wuyou at this time! You will suffer!”

“As for you——!”

After that, he focused his attention on Lin Xiao again.

She couldn’t afford to offend Ningxiang now.

This unfamiliar junior sister must have just entered the sect not long ago, and her strength is not good, so she is just a good punching bag.


it can’t be that all these junior sisters are Aperture Opening Realm, right?

"As for you, you dared to mock us just now. If I don't let you know the rules of Joyous Union Sect today, you will be disrespectful to your teachers in the future!" Ningxiang immediately stopped the three people: "What? Haven't you had enough fun, senior sisters?" As soon as the words fell. A charming figure suddenly fell in the middle of the few people. This woman had exquisite makeup and revealing clothes. She wanted to show all the seductive parts of her body. "No rules at all, no wonder my Joyous Union Sect has fallen to this point." "Even the junior sister dared to teach the senior sister a lesson. Will you teach me, the elder, a lesson in the future?" After seeing who came clearly. Ru Le and the other two bowed hurriedly: "Disciples greet Elder Wuyou!" When the three senior sisters saw Elder Wuyou, it was like seeing a backer. They cried like pear blossoms in the rain, exaggerated the experience just now, and talked nonsense. They belittled Ningxiang to nothing. They only hoped that the elder could vent their anger for them. In fact, they don't need to worry so much.

Since Elder Wuyou is worried about such a small matter, he is naturally willing to protect his disciples.

Even if they don't say a word, he will vent their anger.

Such crying at this time.

Instead, the elder feels very unhappy.

"Shameful thing! It's okay that you are not as strong as others, but why are you so weak?!"

She said nothing.

She slapped the left face of Fairy Ru Le again.

Now the other half of the face of the senior sister is also red and swollen.

Completely turned into a pig head.

After beating the apprentice, Elder Wuyou turned his head to look at Ningxiang and the others.

When her eyes swept over Lin Xiao.

She couldn't help but stay for a few more seconds.

Although Lin Xiao didn't say anything, his mind was moving.

He didn't worry about Ru Le and others before.

Because their cultivation was low, they definitely couldn't see through his illusion technique.

But Elder Wuyou has already perfected the Spirit Sea Realm.

His attainments in the Hehuan technique are not shallow.

There is a little more risk of being seen through.

Fortunately, Lin Xiao's strength broke through quickly enough, and now he is facing the masters of Spirit Sea Realm.

He is no longer afraid.

On the contrary.

At this moment, he would rather Wuyou Witch see through his disguise.

In this way.

It would be better to get rid of him soon!

Lin Xiao still remembers the battle many days ago.

This old witch slaughtered countless fellow disciples.

And countless righteous disciples were sucked out of Yang Origin and died on her bed.

If it weren't for Lin Xiao's chance.

I think even he couldn't escape the exploitation of this old witch!

Although Lin Xiao has changed his opinion of the Qingxin disciples of Joyous Union Sect.

But he still has no good feelings for this kind of Joyous disciples.

However, Elder Wuyou only glanced at him more, without any doubt.

I think after Lin Xiao's strength broke through the True Origin Realm.

Even the elders of the Spirit Sea Realm can no longer see through his illusion technique.

"Are you Ningxiang?" Elder Wuyou said in a gloomy tone.

It turned out that she not only knew this inner sect disciple.

She even paid some attention to him.

It was not accidental that she appeared here today.

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