Ye Qingqiu changed his mind.

Lin Xiao's attitude naturally changed.

He just pretended to be frivolous.

He just knew the weakness of the other party's Innate Yin and cold body.

So he took the opportunity to coerce.

Lin Xiao sneered, and his expression became cold again.

"The six sects of the Demon Sect frequently invaded my Joyous Union Sect, which was not good for my disciples. Don't you think you should give me an explanation?"

Ye Qingqiu's face was extremely ugly.

She looked at Lin Xiao's clothes of the Seven Star Sect.

She really couldn't connect the other party with the Joyous Union Sect.

So she subconsciously regarded him as a person of the righteous way.

She thought that what he asked.

It was not a big deal.

Unexpectedly, when he opened his mouth,

he asked the key point.

The six sects of Demon Dao had great plans for the Joyous Union Sect.

Even with her identity, she didn't dare to reveal a little.

Her virginity was taken away by the man in front of her.

It was just a loss of some power.

But if the conspiracy of the six sects was fully revealed.

That would most likely mean his life is in danger.

Moreover, Ye Qingqiu has a very high status in the Soul Devouring Hall.

He only knows a few things, which shows how ambitious the six sects of Demon Dao are this time.

Ye Qingqiu looked embarrassed and tried to struggle a few times.

"I can't tell you about this matter, please change the question!"

Lin Xiao sneered: "It seems that the senior would rather be my furnace than tell me?"

Ye Qingqiu faced such a threat again.

But he just bit his lip and turned his head to look aside.

It seems that he has made up his mind.


"Since this is the case, I don't want to work in vain."

After that.

Lin Xiao called Ningxiang.

With two disciples, he took Ye Qingqiu back to Joyous Union Sect.


When they returned to Joyous Union Sect together.

Ye Qingqiu, who was originally a little lucky.

When he saw that all the disciples of Joyous Union Sect respected Lin Xiao very much,

and called him the ancestor.

She could no longer hide her flustered thoughts.

"You...! Are you really from the Joyous Union Sect?"

Lin Xiao said coldly: "Senior Ye, I have no interest in lying to you."

Ye Qingqiu has been in the world for many years.

He is not a person with shallow knowledge.

But she could never have imagined that

she would see with her own eyes a disciple of the Seven Star Sect who became the ancestor of the evil sect of the Joyous Union Sect.

No one would believe it!

It was at this moment.

She realized how dangerous her situation was.

It seemed that this person was not lying when he said that he would use her as a furnace.

Compared to losing her virginity.

The fate of becoming a furnace is obviously more tragic.

This is not just a loss of some cultivation.

Perhaps her Yin Origin will be completely squeezed out by this person.

Become a person with no cultivation.

Until she becomes completely useless and finally loses her life!

"I believe it! I'll tell you whatever you ask!" Ye Qingqiu sighed.

Faced with such a person who goes back on his word.

Lin Xiao didn't have much patience: "It's too late."

"If you don't tell me, someone else will tell me."

"Besides, I'm too lazy to ask one by one. At most, I'll wipe out all six sects of your demon sect, right?"

"Senior, just be my furnace."

Ye Qingqiu was surprised: "What a big tone!"

Lin Xiao was too lazy to say more, and waved his hand.

Then two disciples of Hehuan came forward and sent Ye Qingqiu to the ancestor's room.

Since Lin Xiao brought everyone back to Joyous Union Sect,

Ningxiang and her two senior sisters learned from other senior sisters.

This ancestor not only broke through the Guixu realm a few days ago, but also killed the elders of the Joyous Sect.

Ningxiang, who wanted to ask but didn't dare to say anything along the way, was surprised.

No wonder her senior brother,

had already disdained to transform into a senior sister, and swaggered back to Joyous Union Sect.

She had been thinking about how to cover up for this senior brother.

Now it seems that her worries were in vain.

But compared to Ningxiang, the two senior sisters beside her were more surprised.

This time, they were saved because of the ancestor.

They were grateful.

On the way back, they also secretly looked at this extraordinary ancestor.

And from what the senior sisters in the sect said.

They had already been moved.

At this moment, seeing that Ningxiang and the ancestor had an extraordinary relationship,

and were very close.

They couldn't help but envy.

"Junior Sister Ningxiang, how come you have known this ancestor for a long time?"

"Yes! I think the ancestor seems to be particularly concerned about you, and this time he has come all the way to save you."

"This kind of favor is not even favored by the master of Wangchen Sect!"

Listening to the compliments from the senior sisters around her.

Ningxiang blushed.

She didn't know how to answer.

And Lin Xiao, who had already walked in front.

Seeing that she was slow to catch up, also waved:

"Ningxiang, come to my side quickly."

Ningxiang looked unusual.

She followed obediently.

The other fairies didn't dare to disturb her.

They just stood there envious.

"Alas, the ancestor is so partial to Ningxiang... I wish it was me who was next to him now."

"She and the ancestor have known each other for a long time, so it's not surprising that their relationship is different."

"It's a pity that it's not me who has this good fortune..."

"At least we have a good relationship with Junior Sister Ningxiang, maybe we can ask her to help and recommend one or two to the ancestor."


Ningxiang discovered.

Ever since she walked side by side with Senior Brother Lin.

This senior sister in the Joyous Union Sect.

Whenever she saw her, she would steal a few surprised glances.

Obviously, they had never thought that this once unknown little junior sister,

How could she be so close to the ancestor.

Fairy Ningxiang hid her hands behind her back, followed Lin Xiao awkwardly, and looked a little nervous.

It was the first time for Lin Xiao to see her like this.

"If you have something to say, just say it. There's no need to make things too awkward between you and me."

"Brother Lin...I should call you the ancestor now, right?" Ningxiang said softly,

"I didn't expect that in just a few days when I was away, Joyous Union Sect would have such a big change."

Lin Xiao stroked her face gently,

and said with a little pampering: "If Sister Ningxiang continues to be so awkward, this ancestor will have other plans for you."

This subconscious action of his was nothing.

It was just the other fairies that he met occasionally.

I almost fainted with excitement.

They were all curious about where Sister Ningxiang came from,

and how she was favored by an ancestor of the Guixu Realm.

"Ningxiang doesn't dare to do that! Can Ningxiang still call you Brother Lin in the future?"

She looked well-behaved.

People felt pity for her.

Lin Xiao smiled slightly: "I am not a pedantic person, and the title is not important."

"However, if I let Junior Sister Ningxiang be my concubine, will you feel wronged?"

Ningxiang opened her bright eyes in disbelief.

She shook her hands repeatedly: "No, no, of course not! I am afraid that Senior Brother Lin has so many concubines and will forget about me..."

With Lin Xiao's words.

It made her feel secretly happy.

She has already had a deep friendship with Senior Brother Lin.

Even if he does not give her an identity.

She will still miss that feeling in the future.

Being Senior Brother Lin's concubine,

wouldn't there be more opportunities for dual cultivation?

"You've been through a lot this time, take good care of yourself. I have other important things to do, so I can't accompany you for now."

Just as he was about to say goodbye, Ningxiang pulled him by the hand and said:

"When is senior brother free... to accompany junior sister to practice...?"

Lin Xiao pinched Ningxiang's soft face:

"Why? Are you trying to win my favor by relying on my love for you?"

Ningxiang said with tears in her eyes: "I don't dare! Junior sister doesn't dare! Senior brother... Xiang'er hurts..."

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