"Elder Wuyou wants to see you?"

Could it be that the old witch is really burning with lust.

Is she planning to kill the goose to get the eggs, regardless of whether my furnace can play its maximum role?

After Lin Xiao cursed the old witch inwardly.

On the surface, he was still calm and responded:

"This fairy, my old injury has not healed, and my blood and qi are deficient. I wonder what Elder Wuyou wants me to do?"

The purple-skirted fairy said slowly: "You have been injured for a long time and it is difficult to heal. The elder plans to treat your injury personally so that you can make some contributions to our sect as soon as possible."

"Don't say too much, please follow me."


Lin Xiao seemed to see a trace of panic on her face.

And at this moment, he also had a new plan in his mind.

'Maybe I can take this opportunity to go out and investigate. The strength of the outer disciples of the Joyous Union Sect should not exceed the Body Tempering Realm. If the time is right, just run away! '

Lin Xiao pretended to be restricted by the ban.

Cooperate and follow behind.

Wait until you get out of the dungeon.

Just then, I found that the environment of the Joyous Union Sect is elegant and quite artistic.

It is a place with a lot of history.

It is just that you can hear some debauched sounds occasionally, which makes people frown.

Along the way, Lin Xiao silently memorized the path.

But he was not sure which way to go to get out of the real life gate.

‘Don’t rush in the wrong direction when you really run, or you will end up on the bed of the old witch Wuyou.’

The two walked one after the other for a while.

But Lin Xiao noticed something strange.

He found that the fairy in purple skirt was clearly taking him outside the Joyous Union Sect!

‘Hmm? Could it be that one of the sisters disguised herself and sneaked into the Joyous Union Sect to rescue me?’

‘If that is the case, I owe her a huge favor.’

Lin Xiao remained silent, and he was a little more curious about this woman.

After leaving the Joyous Union Sect from the back door through a sparsely populated path.

The fairy leading the way suddenly stopped.

She said to Lin Xiao with her back to him, "You are really patient."

"Thank you, Senior Sister, for saving me. This kindness..."

"Save me?" The Purple Skirt Fairy sneered.

She suddenly turned around, and her fingertips condensed a purple enchanting magic light.

She quickly attacked Lin Xiao.

In a flash, the magic light attached to Lin Xiao's body like a ghost.

"Soul-catching technique?"

The Purple Skirt Fairy smiled and said, "You are quite knowledgeable. But you not only have the restrictions of my sect, but also the soul-catching technique. Don't make stupid and useless struggles."

"Just follow me honestly."

After the Purple Skirt Fairy said this, she grabbed Lin Xiao's right shoulder with her jade hand.

She used her body skills to take him away quickly.

They stopped only when it was close to midnight.

At this time, the two were dozens of miles away from the Joyous Union Sect.

The Purple Skirt Fairy Lin Xiao fell to the ground.

She looked down and said, "Lin Xiao, I had no choice but to do this."

"It's just your bad luck."

While speaking,

The purple-skirted fairy had begun to slowly take off her clothes.

I don’t know if it was because she ran too fast just now, or because she was a little shy.

A blush gradually faded on her beautiful face.

Seeing Lin Xiao staring at her, she bit her lip and said:

“You...you are not allowed to stare at me...”

Then she turned her back.

As if talking to herself, she said:

“I was adopted by the Joyous Union Sect when I was young, and I have no relatives or friends. Because of my humble status, I don’t have any training resources, and my strength cannot be improved.”

“If it weren’t for this, I would never dare to take such a risk!”

“Although it is helpless, since I have reached a dead end, today, no matter what, I must...I must take you...”

Her voice became smaller and smaller, so that it was inaudible.

Lin Xiao understood.

This is to use himself as training material.

In order to improve strength, he did not hesitate to betray the sect.

‘Whether it is practicing evil skills or betraying the sect, neither of them is a glorious thing. ’

Lin Xiao had made up his mind at this time.

It is better to kill this woman here and leave.

With the blessing of the real dragon body.

In addition, the opponent's original strength is not strong.

The soul-snatching technique just now has no effect at all.

Just now, I just pretended to be tricked, just to see what the opponent's purpose is.

In this case.

There is no need to delay.

It is not advisable to stay here for long!

Once the Joyous Union Sect finds out that he has escaped, they will most likely send people to track him down.

Just as he was about to take action.

The purple-skirted fairy suddenly sighed softly.

She slowly turned around and walked towards Lin Xiao.

Seeing this woman's skin as white as cream and her face as rosy as peach blossoms.

A pair of slender legs hidden in the skirt seemed to be exposed, which inevitably made people's heart beat.

The purple-skirted fairy's face flushed even more, and her chest rose and fell faster and faster.

"No... No..." She seemed to have changed her mind.

She quickly put on the clothes that she had just taken off half of.

Her expression was very much like a girl who was embarrassed by accidentally exposing herself.

"I thought I could do this by just gritting my teeth, but I didn't expect that at this point, I... I..."

"No wonder Senior Sister looked down on me, I'm really useless, really useless..."

"I'm so determined, I'm willing to be a traitor, but in the end..."

The purple-skirted fairy paused for a moment.

As if she had made up her mind, she removed the soul-snatching technique from Lin Xiao.

"You, you'd better leave, I can't do this. It's just that I can't remove the restriction on you."

"Go back to the Seven Stars Sect quickly, and ask the master to try to remove it."

Look at her blushing, heartbeating, and extremely shy look.

Lin Xiao made a few more judgments.

Although this girl is an outer disciple of the Joyous Union Sect, she may have practiced the Joyous Union technique.

But she is an inexperienced girl.

Although she wanted to use his Yang Origin to break through the realm of strength.

But she didn't expect that at this last minute, she would be ruined by this initial shame.

‘So, compared to other female demons in the Joyous Union Sect, this woman is not bad.’

How can I refuse this benefit that is delivered to my door?

Lin Xiao smiled slightly: “Fairy, you just made me a little interested, why is that?”

The purple-skirted fairy showed a hint of surprise on her face.

What she said just now.

It doesn’t seem like something that can be said by a decent person.

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